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At the Crossroads - A Discussion between Early Career Scientists and Scholarly Publishers

News from Dec 01, 2022

This virtual brainstorming event will bring together early career researchers who are passionate about improving scholarly communication and scholarly publishers who understand the complexities of the current system. Participants will share experiences, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and collaboratively explore ideas and solutions for improving scholarly communication.   Early career researchers who are actively working on initiatives to improve publishing are especially encouraged to join. We welcome participants from around the world. 

More info in the attached pdf, and here https://bit.ly/virtualbrainstorm  

The virtual brain storm event will interface with the Symposium held in Berlin (in person) on 09.01.2023:At the Crossroads. A Discussion between Early Career Scientists (ECRs) and Scholarly Publishers.

The aim of this Symposium is to bring Early Career Researchers and Scholarly Publishers, Librarians and Facilitators (Author Services, Platforms) together. Publishers would like to learn more about the views and wishes of ECRs and ECRs have lots of questions understanding the complexities of scholarly communication.   Furthermore, publishers and ECRs will collaboratively explore ideas and solutions that ECRs are developing to improve scholarly communication.

More info in the attached pdf, and here: https://academicpublishingeurope.com/program/.

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Dahlem Research School