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3rd Berlin | Oxford Summer School on Open Research

News from Jun 02, 2020

This year, the 3rd iteration of the Berlin | Oxford Summer School on Open Research takes place. It will be a five day course for early career researchers (PhD and early postdocs) from 28th of September to 2nd of October 2020 and is a joint endeavour of the BIH QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research, FU Berlin, and University of Oxford with funding from Berlin University Alliance. Topics from research ethics and open science to citizen science will be covered. The summer school will hopefully take place in Berlin. If there are any COVID-19 restrictions, it will take place online instead. The course itself is free but requires an application. 

For additional information: https://www.bihealth.org/en/notices/oxford-berlin-summer-school-on-open-research-2020/

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Dahlem Research School