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Python basics for statistics

News from Nov 30, 2022

This course provides the basics of the scientific programming environment in Python. It introduces programming concepts, before explaining how to do work with scientific packages like numpy, scipy and pandas. We learn the basic procedures of an empirical analysis like descriptive statistics, statistical tests, linear regression, and data visualization. After the course, participants should be able to use the Python documentation independently and apply the tools to answer research questions.


  • Using Python with Conda and Jupyter
  • Python programming basics (data structures, functions, importing libraries)
  • Numerical computing with numpy, scipy
  • Data editing with pandas
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Data visualization in Python
  • Statistical tests
  • Linear regression

When: December 06-07, 2022

Further Information and registration: https://www.stat.fu-berlin.de/en/schulungen/Python-basics.html 

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Dahlem Research School