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Courses in the area of Information Systems (Ba./Ma.)

Our course portfolio as a part of the Department of Information Systems for students at the School of Business and Economics includes Bachelor and Master level courses.

Course overview

We offer five Bachelor level courses and four Master level courses for students of Business Administration (Bachelor) and students in the Master programs "Information Systems" and "Management & Marketing". The recurrence of the individual courses during the academic year can be found in the timetable below.

Course plan

The blue table provides an overview of courses offered by our chair in the coming semesters, which can be enrolled in in the context of your Economics studies (Bachelor BA/Master Business Informatics or M&M).
Additionally, you can participate in the Profund courses.

Course offer Business Administration (Bachelor and Master levels)

WS 24/25

SS 25

Bachelor BA courses    
Information Management   X
Net Economy - Case Study in the International Learning Network  
BusinessplanLab@FUB (5 ECTS credits for GPP and 6 ECTS credits for BA)  
Funpreneur competition X  
Research Seminar   X
Master (Information Systems and M&M) courses    
Service Engineering   X
Economic theories and information systems
Colloquium for Bachelor & Master    
Thesis colloquium information management (AKIM) X X
 Research Seminar Information Management (4 CP)  X  
 Colloquium Information Management (2 CP)  X X

Feel free to contact us should you have any questions regarding the courses offered by our chair. Visit our chair office at Garystraße 21 (3rd floor, room 307/308), take a look at our FAQ section or send us an email at isabella.winter@fu-berlin.de.

Competence Center E-Commerce
Entrepreneurial Network University (ENU)
016 DynAge_BildWort_RGB_RZ_WEB
Department Information Systems