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Learning Agreement

Freie Universität Berlin uses the digital "Online Learning Agreement" (OLA).

To create your OLA go to www.learning-agreement.eu.

  • For the receiving institution, the Email of the responsible person at the School of Business & Economics (departmental coordinator) is:

  • A step-by-step guide for creating and filling out the Online Learning Agreement is available here.

Please note:

Signing the OLA does not guarantee a place in the respective courses. You must
register for the courses at the beginning of the semester in order to participate. 

Learning Agreements "Before the Mobility" will be accepted provisionally. All modules and ECTS-credits are still subject to change. Timetable collisions may be possible.
Students will be allowed to change their course choice after arrival.

If your home institutions does not yet use the OLA system, please send your learning agreement to international@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de for signature.

Certificate of Stay

Your Home University may require to fill in a document called

Certificate of Stay or Certificate of Arrival / Departure.

Please send the document via email to incoming@fu-berlin.de and state:

    • the first date of your lectures / orientation session

    • the last date of your exams or lectures

that you have participated in.

Transcript of Records

Please request your Transcript of Records! 

    • Download and fill in the transcript application form in the links below.
    • Email the completed application form to the Examination Office at the
      School of Business and Economics (pruefungsbuero@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de)
      after your last exam.

The transcript will be issued once all grades are available in our IT system.
This process may take approx. 6-8 weeks.

If you have taken less than 3 courses at the School of Business & Economics
or courses from other departments, please request your Transcript from
incoming@fu-berlin.de. Instructions will be made available upon request. 

Strategie & Qualitätsmanagement in Studium & Lehre