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Course Information & Registration

Courses in English

  • Courses in English are offered every semester but are limited and vary.

  • List of courses in English at the School of Business & Economics during the spring term 2025.

  • Courses for Exchange Students with a focus on Berlin, its culture, history, economy...
    Details are available on this page.
    For an overview please check the course catalog for the spring term 2025.

  • Please use our Reference/Archive to find courses in English that were offered in previous semesters.

  • New course catalogs are available approx. 8 weeks prior to the semester start.

German Language Courses

Exchange students have two options to learn German during their stay at
Freie Universität Berlin:

The Pre-Semester intensive German language course
It takes place in the six weeks preceeding the start of each semester.
It  offers classes at four different levels and combines intensive
language training, designed to enhance students’ study ability at the
University, with a well-rounded cultural programme.

Participants with prior knowledge of German will be allocated to the
different courses (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1) using the online onSET-Deutsch
placement test before the start of the programme and further tests on
he first day of the course.

> The Pre-Semester intensive German course

The Semester-long German language course

The courses on offer during the semester cover Levels A1 to C1 of the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

How to register for a semester-long German language course:

1. Register
You can register your interest in taking a German course at the Language Center by using Form I. The form is available online for about two weeks each semester (for summer semester 2025: between March 17 and March 31, 2025, 9:00 a.m.).
Form I

2. Take the placement test
You will receive an invitation to the placement test. You must then book a date to take your test (exemption: beginners and students that took the DSH exam at Freie Universität Berlin). The placement tests will be held during the two weeks before the German courses start (in summer semester 2025 between April 3 and April 9, 2025). You will be given three dates to choose from.

3. Enroll in a course
You will receive a link to enroll in a course that best matches your language level.
Course times for all levels in the course catalog

> The Semester-long German course

Course Descriptions & Syllabi

  • Course descriptions are available in the comments section of each course in the course catalog.
  • Syllabi of individual courses may be available in links from the comments section of the course catalog. If not, syllabi may be made available by the lecturers at the beginning of the semester.
  • If a Syllabus is needed to coordinate your Learning Agreement with your home university coordinator, please approach the lecturer via email.
  • English versions of the course descriptions for the Bachelor programs in Business and in Economics and the Master programs in Business are available in the links below. 

Reference / Archive for Courses in English

Course Registration

  • You can register for modules via Campus Management, FUB's administration portal for your study matters.

  • Register completely for your module within the regular registration period at the beginning of each semester:

Registration period

  • Course registration in Campus Management ensures your participation in the exams.

> This manual explains course registration in Campus Management

  • If you want to register for courses that you don't see in your Campus Management account:  

Email to: international@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de
State your Student ID number (Matrikelnummer),
as well as the respective course titles and course numbers.

  • Courses with limited capacity (as stated in the course catalog or course list): 

Pre-register in Campus Management (you will see the bell sign for this course)
Please note the shorter registration period for these courses.

Results of the distribution process are visible in CM a couple of days after the deadline.
If admitted to the course, in Campus Management the bell sign is replaced by the sign for complete registration.


  • Registration for Seminars / Project Groups

Please follow the instructions in the course catalog (comment section) or check the lecturer's website.


  • Exams take place during the last lecture or the 2-3 weeks after the end of the teaching period.

Fall/winter term: approx. middle to the end of February.
Spring/summer term: approx. middle to the end of July.

  • Precise examination dates will be announced during the semester.
    Please check the exam plan.

  • Shorter lecture periods apply to the English taught courses of the graduate programs in Business (FACTS and M&M). Exams take place before Christmas or latest by mid-January. 

  • When registered for courses in Campus Management, you are automatically registered for the exam.

Course Structure

  • A course is called module.
  • It usually consists of two elements; two forms of teaching 
  • The typical forms of teaching are:
    V (Vorlesung): Lectures
    Ü (Übung): Tutorials
    S (Seminar): Seminar 
    PG (Projektgruppe): Project Group 
  • A typical combination is V plus Ü.
  • Seminars consists of one form of teaching.
    Besides regular attendance, a typical seminar requires the student
    to write a paper and present it in the classroom.Seminars typically
    require individual registration and some preparation during the semester break.
  • Project Groups are formed within a course and consist of a small number
    of students, jointly working on a project defined in the course.

ECTS Credits & Grading Scale


  • According to the study and examination regulations of the study programs of the
    School of Business & Economics, ECTS points are awarded for the completion
    of the course components that belong to a module plus a pass in the (written)
    exam or term paper.
  • No ECTS points are awarded for participation only.
  • Undergraduate and graduate modules in Business and Economics have 6 ECTS.
  • Several modules of the Master in Economics and Public Economics programs have 12 ECTS.
  • Modules in the category ABV (general professional preparation) have 5 ECTS.
  • Language courses have 5 or 10 ECTS.
  • Courses for exchange students (Berlin- und Deutschlandstudien) have 5 ECTS.
  • 1 LP/1 ECTS is equivalent to 30 working hours (including class contacts, home work,
    preparation, homework and exam)
  • The full semester workload are 30 ECTS.
  • Detailed information (in German) on ECTS / LP can be found in the study and
    examination regulations (SPO) of the respective programs.

Grading Scale 

1.0 bis / to 1.5

A Hervorragend / Excellent

über / more than 1.6 bis / to 2.0

B Sehr gut / Very good

über / more than 2.1 bis / to 3.0

C Gut / Good

über / more than 3.1 bis / to 3.5

D Befriedigend / Satisfactory

über / more than 3.6 bis / to 4.0

E Ausreichend / Sufficient

über / more than 4.1 bis / to 5.0

F Nicht bestanden / Fail

Strategie & Qualitätsmanagement in Studium & Lehre