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ECTS Credits & Grading Scale


  • According to the study and examination regulations of the study programs of the
    School of Business & Economics, ECTS points are awarded for the completion
    of the course components that belong to a module plus a pass in the (written)
    exam or term paper.
  • No ECTS points are awarded for participation only.
  • Undergraduate and graduate modules in Business and Economics have 6 ECTS.
  • Several modules of the Master in Economics and Public Economics programs have 12 ECTS.
  • Modules in the category ABV (general professional preparation) have 5 ECTS.
  • Language courses have 5 or 10 ECTS.
  • Courses for exchange students (Berlin- und Deutschlandstudien) have 5 ECTS.
  • 1 LP/1 ECTS is equivalent to 30 working hours (including class contacts, home work,
    preparation, homework and exam)
  • The full semester workload are 30 ECTS.
  • Detailed information (in German) on ECTS / LP can be found in the study and
    examination regulations (SPO) of the respective programs.

Grading Scale 

1.0 bis / to 1.5

A Hervorragend / Excellent

über / more than 1.6 bis / to 2.0

B Sehr gut / Very good

über / more than 2.1 bis / to 3.0

C Gut / Good

über / more than 3.1 bis / to 3.5

D Befriedigend / Satisfactory

über / more than 3.6 bis / to 4.0

E Ausreichend / Sufficient

über / more than 4.1 bis / to 5.0

F Nicht bestanden / Fail

Strategie & Qualitätsmanagement in Studium & Lehre