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Prof. Timo Schmid ins IASS Council gewählt

News vom 29.06.2015

The IASS members elected a new President-Elect, two new Vice-Presidents and a new Scientific Secretary for the years 2015-2017, and 6 new Council Members for the years 2015-2019. The new officers will start their term after the 2015 World Statistics Congress in Rio de Janeiro. See the President’s announcement.

The International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS – AISE) was founded in 1973 as a section of the International Statistical Institute. It aims to promote the study and development of the theory and practice of sample surveys and censuses. It also aims to increase the interest in surveys and censuses among statisticians, among governments and the public in the different countries of the world. The IASS carries out its aims by means of:

  • International meetings held every two years in conjunction with the International Statistical Institute. These meetings provide a forum for discussion of survey statistics. They include a number of sessions on recent advances in survey and census methodology, and their applications.
  • Regional meetings or seminars devoted to specific aspects of surveys.
  • Publications distributed to members on a regular basis or on request, and the opportunity for members to subscribe to certain journals at reduced rates.

The society is run by an Executive Committee (Secretariat), elected for a period of 2 years and a Council, elected for a four year period.

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Forschungsschwerpunkt Statistik und Ökonometrie