Beiträge in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften / Publications in Scientific Journals
- Haase, M. Prerequisites for the Positioning of Scientific Disciplines: An Analysis Considering Values, Norms, and Science-Related Issues. Perspectives on Science.
- Haase, Michaela, Susanne Hahn, Ludger Heidbrink, Matthias Kettner, Birger P. Priddat und Peter Seele. Erkundung, Positionierung und Konsolidierung einer philosophischen Disziplin. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu) 23 (2), 292-306.
- Haase, M. The Nexus of Knowledge, Action, and Values, and the Philosophical, Social, and Normative Foundations of Marketing. Journal of Macromarketing. Online first.
- Kleinaltenkamp, M., Kleinaltenkamp, M. J., Karpen, Ingo O. (2023). Resource Entanglement and Indeterminacy: Advancing the Service-Dominant Logic through the Philosophy of Karen Barad, Marketing Theory (
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2023). The Resources–Processes–Outcomes Approach: A Spark That Could Not Escape a Black Hole, SMR - Journal of Service Management Research, 7 (2), 68-81
- Becker, Larissa; Karpen, Ingo O.; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Jaakkola, Elina; Helkkula, Anu, Nuutinen, Maaria (2023). Actor experience: Bridging individual and collective-level theorizing, Journal of Business Research, 158,
- Raithel, Sascha, Mafael, Alexander, Hock, Stefan, J. (2023) Product Recall Effectiveness and consumers' participation in corrective actions, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-20
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael, Nenonen, Suvi, Raithel, Sascha, Storbacka, Kaj (2023) Solution business fitness: measuring and managing across business logics, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 36 (7), 1116-1129
- Raithel, Sascha, Hock, Stefan J., Mafael, Alexander (2023) Product recall effectiveness and consumers’ participation in corrective actions, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-20
- V Jarotschkin, J Habel, A Eggert, B Schmitz, O Plötner (2023) Bringing Industrial Software to Market: Managerial Challenges and an Agenda for Future Research, Serving the Customer: The Role of Selling and Sales, 175-211
- LK Harrmann, A Eggert, E Böhm (2023) Digital technology usage as a driver of servitization paths in manufacturing industries European Journal of Marketing 57 (3), 834-857
- I Danatzis, J Möller-Herm (2023) Stopping the Spread: How Blame Attributions Drive Customer-to-Customer Misbehavior Contagion and What Frontline Employees Can Do to Curb It, Journal of Service Research, 10946705221150441
- Mele, Cristina., Russo-Spena, Tiziana, Corsaro, Daniela, Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2022). Crisis Management in the COVID-19 Pandemic Waves, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 37 (10), 1949–1958
Kleinaltenkamp, Michael, Eggert, Andreas, Kashyap, Vishal, & Ulaga, Wolfgang (2022). Rethinking Customer-Perceived Value in Business Markets from an Organizational Perspective, Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships
Akalan, R.; Eggert, A.; Böhm, E. (2022). Strategic Emphasis on Service-Based Business Models During the Corona Crisis: Are Customer Solutions a Curse or Blessing for Manufacturing Firms? Journal of Service Management Research, 6 (1), 47-63.
- Danatzis, Ilias; Karpen, Ingo O.; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2022). Actor Ecosystem Readiness: Understanding the Nature and Role of Human Abilities and Motivation in a Service Ecosystem, Journal of Service Research, 25 (2), 281-300.
Elgeti, L., & Kleinaltenkamp, M. (2022). Unrealized solutions in business markets, Industrial Marketing Management, 106, 31–46.
- Haase, Michaela (2022): Replik auf die Beiträge dieser Ausgabe: Rückschau und Ausblick (gemeinsam mit Ingrid Becker). Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu) 23 (1), 118-126.
- Haase, Michaela (2022): Editorial (gemeinsam mit Ingrid Becker und Marc C. Hübscher). Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu) 23 (1), 3-5.
- Kleinaltenkamp, M., Prohl-Schwenke, K., & Keränen, J. (2022). What drives the implementation of customer success management? Antecedents of customer success management from suppliers' and customers' perspectives, Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 338–350.
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Karpen, Ingo O. & Kleinaltenkamp, Moritz J. (2022). A Sense-based Perspective on Market Shaping: Theorizing Strategies for the Origination and Propagation of New Resource Linkages, Industrial Marketing Management, 100, 145–156.
- Bigus, Jochen, Hua, KPM, Raithel, Sascha (2022) Definitions and measures of corporate reputation in accounting and management: commonalities, differences, and future research, Accounting and Business Research, 1-33
- E Böhm, A Eggert, I Garnefeld, HH Holzmüller, T Schaefers, L Steinhoff, Woisetschläger David M Woisetschläger (2022) Exploring the Customer Journey of Voice Commerce: A Research Agenda, SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 6 (4), 216-231
- R Akalan, E Böhm, A Eggert (2022) Servitization in the Manufacturing Industry: Where Do We Stand? Where Do We Come From? SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 6 (3), 204-213
- R Akalan, A Eggert, E Böhm (2022) Strategic Emphasis on Service-Based Business Models During the Corona Crisis: Are Customer Solutions a Curse or Blessing for Manufacturing Firms? SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 6 (1), 47-63
- S. Dreyer, A. Eggert, L. Püschel, M. Röglinger (2022) Prioritising smart factory investments–A project portfolio selection approach, International Journal of Production Research 60 (3), 999-1015
- M Kleinaltenkamp, A Eggert, V Kashyap, W Ulaga (2022) Rethinking customer-perceived value in business markets from an organizational perspective, Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships 28 (1-2), 1-18
- Ulaga, Wolfgang; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Kashyap, Vishal & Eggert, Andreas (2021). Advancing Marketing Theory and Practice – Guidelines for Crafting Research Propositions, AMS Review
- Haase, Michaela (2021): Wirtschaftsethik der ‘always embedded market economy‘: Überlegungen zu einer Idee von Karl Polanyi. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu), 22 (2), 231-265.
- Haase, Michaela (2021): Social Value Cocreation: A Mode of Value Cocreation. Social Enterprise Journal.
- Haase, Michaela (2021): How to Adress Culture in Marketing Studies. An Analysis Using the Example of the Marketing-systems Approach. In: Beschorner, Thomas/Sindermann, Dana (Hrsg.): Wirtschaft ist Kultur, Marburg: Metropolis, S. 289-319.
- Haase, Michaela (2021): Idee, Wert und Belief in der Verbindung der sozialen und der ideenbasierten Dimensionen von Ideologien. In: Matiaske, Wenzel/Nienhüser, Werner (Hrsg.): Ökonomie und Ideologie, Marburg: Metropolis, S. 21-71.
- Prohl-Schwenke, Katharina; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2021): How Business Customers Judge Customer Success Management, Industrial Marketing Management, 96, 197–212.
- Kleinaltenkamp, M., Karpen, I. O., Plewa, C., Jaakkola, E., & Conduit, J., (2021). Engagement-driven Institutionalization in Market Shaping: Synchronizing and Stabilizing Collective Engagement, Industrial Marketing Management, 99, 69–78
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Nenonen, Suvi; Raithel, Sascha; Storbacka, Kaj (2021): Solution Business Fitness: Measuring and Managing Across Business Logics, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 36 (7), 1116-1129.
- Minerbo, Claudio; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Brito, Luiz Artur Ledur (2021): Unpacking value creation and capture in B2B relationships, Industrial Marketing Management, 92 (2021), 163–177.
Tang, Qian, Raithel, Sascha, Mafael, Alexander, Galande, Ashish (2021) Disclosure of Brand-Related Information and Firm Value: An Abstract , Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference-World Marketing Congress, 189-190
- Tang, Qian, Raithel, Sascha, Galande Ashish(2021) Applying Phrase-Level Text Analysis to Measure Brand-Related Information Disclosure: An Abstract, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference-World Marketing Congress, 193-194
- A Eggert, AHM ter Hofstede, W Kratsch, SJJ Leemans, M Röglinger (2021) Bot log mining: using logs from robotic process automation for process mining, International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 51-61
- B Alberternst, L Harrmann, A Gehring, A Eggert (2021) Sanctioning Subscription Mooching: An Experimental Investigation Of Its Intended And Unintended Effects, AMA Winter Academic Conference, 663
- J Möller, S Herm (2021) Perceptions of Green User Entrepreneurs’ Performance—Is Sustainability an Asset or a Liability for Innovators? Sustainability 13 (6), 3580
- A Wustlich, J Möller, I Danatzis (2021) Toward a Better Understanding of C2C Misbehavior: Typology and Thresholds: An Abstract, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference-World Marketing Congress, 263-264
- I Danatzis, J Möller (2021) Stopping the Spread: The Role of Blame Attributions and Service Provider Measures in Curbing C2C Misbehavior Contagion: An Abstract, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference-World Marketing Congress, 355-356
- C Wache, J Möller, A Mafael, V Daumke, B Fetahi, N Melcher (2021) Do Not Buy our Product: Consumers’ Responses towards Green-Demarketing Ad Messages: An Abstract, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference-World Marketing Congress, 111-112
- Haase, Michaela; Becker, Ingrid (2020):Resource Making and Proto-Institutions in Context: The Example of the German Tafel System. Journal of Contextual Economics, 140 (1), 31-63.
- Haase, Michaela; Ehret, Michael (2020): Die wertebedingte Krise des Ökosystems: Eine Verbindung systemtheoretischer und wertphilosophischer Überlegungen. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu), Sonderband „Lehren aus Corona: Impulse aus der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik“, hrsg. von Alexander Brink, Bettina Hollstein, Christian Neuhäuser und Marc C. Hübscher, S. 45-54.
- Haase, Michaela (2020): Considering Value-related Concepts in Service-oriented Approaches to Marketing Studies in Light of Philosophical and Economic Value Theories. Journal of Service Management Research, Special Issue “Turning the Sounds of Service: Essays in Honour of Michael Kleinaltenkamp” 4 (2-3), S. 133-144.
- Haase, Michaela (2020): Legitimacy-related Research in Organization Studies, Stakeholder Theory, and Marketing Studies. In: Rendtorff, Jacob D. (Hrsg.): Handbook of Business Legitimacy: Responsibility, Ethics and Society (Vol. 1), Cham: Springer, S. 571-604.
- Haase, Michaela (2020): The Extension of Service Thought from the Social Realm to the Realm of Nature: An Investigation Giving Focus to Sustainability and Values. In: Stieler, Sebastian (Hrsg.): Marketing as a Social Science: Festschrift für Universitätsprofessor Dr. Dr. h.c. Helge Löbler. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, S. 97-119.
- Valenzuela Fernandez, Leslier Maureen; Merigó, José M.; Nicolas, Carolina; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael: (2020): Leaders in Industrial Marketing Research: 25 Years of Analysis, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35 (3), 586-601.
- Bond, E. U. III; de Jong, Ad; Eggert, A.; Houston, M. B.; Kleinaltenkamp, M.; Kohli, A. K.; Ritter, T.; Ulaga, W. (2020). The Future of B2B Customer Solutions in a Post-COVID-19 Economy: Managerial Issues and an Agenda for Academic Inquiry, Journal of Service Research, 23 (4), 401-408.
- Elgeti, Laura; Danatzis, Ilias; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2020): Customer Capabilities for Solution Offerings in Business Markets, Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 44-59.
- Huber, Maximilian; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2020): A Typology of Business Usage Center Members, Industrial Marketing Management (85), 21-31.
- Husmann, Ingo; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Hanmer-Lloyd, Stuart (2020): Aligning Resource Integration and Organizational Identities in Project Networks, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35 (10), 1581–1589.
- Mooi, Erik; Mani, Sudha; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Lilien, Gary; Wilkinson, Ian (2020): Connect, Engage, Transform: How B2B researchers can engage in impactful industry collaboration, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35 (8), 1305–1310.
- Prohl, Katharina; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2020): Managing Value in Use in Business Markets, Industrial Marketing Management, 91, 563-580.
- A Payne, P Frow, L Steinhoff, A Eggert (2020)Toward a comprehensive framework of value proposition development: From strategy to implementation, Industrial Marketing Management 87, 244-255
- J Habel, V Jarotschkin, B Schmitz, A Eggert, O Plötner (2020) Industrial buying during the coronavirus pandemic: A cross-cultural study, Industrial Marketing Management 88, 195-205
- A Egger, L Püschel, M Röglinger (2020) Ausgangslage von und ökonomische Erwartungen an das Internet of Things, Beck
- EU Bond III, A de Jong, A Eggert, MB Houston, M Kleinaltenkamp, (2020) The future of B2B customer solutions in a post-COVID-19 economy: Managerial issues and an agenda for academic inquiry, Journal of Service Research 23 (4), 401-408
- A Eggert, P Frow, A Payne, L Steinhoff (2020) Understanding and managing customer value propositions: Introduction to the special issue, Industrial Marketing Management 87, 242-243
- I Danatzis, J Möller, C Mathies (2020) We're So Bad It's Funny-Effects of Using Humour in the Marketing Communication of Low-Quality Service Providers, SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 4 (2-3), 84-99
J Möller, S Gottschalk, A Mafael (2020) Examining Online Review Posting Preferences, ACR North American Advances
- Haase, Michaela (2019): Möglichkeiten und Wirklichkeiten der Marketingwissenschaft. Eine Annäherung. In: Hochmann, Lars, Graupe, Silja, Korbun, Thomas, Panther, Stefan und Uwe Schnei-dewind (Hrsg.): Möglichkeitswissenschaften: Ökonomie mit Möglichkeitssinn. Marburg: Metropolis, S. 333-358.
- Blachetta, Marie; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2019): Dispersion of Marketing Activities in Business-to-Business Firms, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 34 (6), 1160-1170.
- Hock, Stefan H.; Raithel, Sascha (2019),Managing Negative Celebrity Endorser Publicity: How Announcements of Firm (Non)Responses Affect Stock Returns., Management Science (forthcoming).
- Chandler, J. D., Danatzis, I., Wernicke, C., Akaka M. A., & Reynolds D. (2019), How Does Innovation Emerge in a Service Ecosystem?, Journal of Service Research, 22 (1), 75-89.
- Conduit, Jodie; Karpen, Ingo O.; Plewa, Carolin; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2019): Business actor engagement: Foundations, developments and opportunities, Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 1-3.
Eggert, Andreas; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Kashyap, Vishal (2019), Mapping value in business markets: An integrative Framework., Industrial Marketing Management, 79, 13-20.
Fließ, Sabine; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael: Commentary Essay on “Blueprinting the Service Company – Managing Service Processes Efficiently”, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 29 (3), 281-292.
Fonferek, Katharina-Maria; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael, Möller, Jana (2019): Customer Engagement in the Process of Service Provision, SMR - Journal of Service Management Research, 3 (1), 12-23.
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael, Karpen, Ingo O., Plewa, Carolin; Jaakkola, Elina; Conduit, Jodie (2019): Collective Engagement in Organizational Settings, Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 11-23.
Mafael, A. (2019): How Regulatory Orientation and Feelings of Gratitude Shape Online Review Helpfulness. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29 (4), 601-622.
Taylor, C.R., Mafael, A., Raithel, S., Anthony, C., & Stewart, D.W. (2019): Portrayals of Minorities and Women in Super Bowl Advertising. Journal of Consumer Affairs, forthcoming.
- Haase, Michaela (2018): Kommentar zum Beitrag von Herrn Küpper „Unternehmensethik – ein umstrittener Gegenstand betriebswirtschaftlicher Forschung und Lehre“. In: Matiaske, Wenzel/Weber Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Ideengeschichte der BWL, Springer Gabler, S. 71-82.
- Geiger, Ingmar; Laubert, Christoph: Disentangling complexity: how negotiators identify and handle issue-based complexity in business-to-business negotiation, Journal of Business Economics (Online first:
- Haase, M., Becker, I. und Pick, D.. (2018): Alternative Economies as Marketing Systems? The Role of Value Creation and the Criticism of Economic Growth, Journal of Macromarketing 38 (1), 57-72.
- Huber, Maximilian; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2018): Changes of Organizational Usage Processes: Attitudes, Behaviours and Consequences, in: Marketing – ZFP Journal of Research and Management, 40 (3), 17-30
Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Corsaro, Daniela; Sebastiani, Roberta (2018): The Role of Proto-Institutions within the Change of Service Ecosystems, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 28 (5), 609-635 (
Kleinaltenkamp, Michael: Peter LaPlaca – The best marketer of industrial and B2B marketing research, Industrial Marketing Mangement, 68, 125-126,
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Storck, Franziska; Gumprecht, Patrick; Li, Jingshu: The Impact of Psychological Ownership on Value in Use and Relational Outcomes, SMR - Journal of Service Management Research, 2 (2), 50-66
- Sajtos, Laszlo; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Harrison, Julie (2018): Boundary Objects for Institutional Work across Service Ecosystems, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 29 (4), pp. 615-640
- Haase, Michaela (2017): Ökonomisch-kulturalistische Voraussetzungen der Unterscheidung zwischen kommerzieller und nicht-kommerzieller Sharing Economy (gemeinsam mit Doreén Pick). In: Forschungsgruppe Unternehmen und gesellschaftliche Organisation (FUGO) (Hrsg.): Unternehmen der Gesellschaft. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu einer kritischen Theorie des Unternehmens. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, S. 71-98.
- Geiger, Ingmar; Kluckert, Manuel; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael: Customer acceptance of tradable service contracts, in: Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 87 (2017), No. 2, pp. 155-183
- Gottschalk, S., & Mafael, A. (2017): Cutting Through the Online Review Jungle - Investigating Selective eWOM Processing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 89-104.
- Haase, M; Becker, Ingrid; Pick,Doreén: Alternative Economies as Marketing Systems? The Role of Value Creation and the Criticism of Economic Growth. Journal of Macromarketing, First Published Online:
- Haase, Michaela: Stream "Echoes of an Era - A Century of Organisational Studies": John Maurice Clark's Approach to Economic Responsibility - A Reconstruction Based on the Classical Model of Responsibility. management revue - Socio-Economic Studies 28 (4), S. 461-486.
- Haase, M.:Die Ordonomik in semantisch-pragmatischer Sicht. Kommentar zum Hauptbeitrag von Ingo Pies „Ordonomik als Methode zur Generierung von Überbietungsargumenten – Eine Illustration anhand der Flüchtlings(politik)debatte.“ Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (zfwu) 18 (2), S. 240-246.
- Haase, M.; Raufflet,Emmanuel: Ideologies in Markets, Organizations, and Business Ethics: Drafting a Map: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Business Ethics 142 (4), S. 629-639.
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael ; Minculescu, Ioana; Raithel, Sascha (2017): Customization of B2B Services: Measurement and Impact on Firm Performance, SMR - Journal of Service Management Research, 1(1), 39-56
- Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Plewa, Carolin, Gudergan, Siggi, Karpen, Ingo; Chen, Tom: Usage Center – Value cocreation in multi-actor usage processes, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 27 (2017), No. 4, 721-737,
- Haase, M., Becker, I., Nill, A., Shultz II, C., Gentry, J.W. (2016): Male Breadwinner Ideology and the Inclination to Establish Market Relationships: Model Development Using Data from Germany and a Mixed-Methods Research Strategy. Journal of Macromarketing, 36 (2), S. 149-167.
- Haase, M., Kleinaltenkamp, M. (2016): Introduction on the Commentaries on Roger A. Layton's ‘There could be more to marketing than you might have thought!’ (Layton, 2016). Australian Marketing Journal, 24 (3), 238-240.
- Haase, M., Pick, D. (2016): Teilen, Sharing 1 und Sharing 2: Die Sharing Economy im Licht theoretischer Zugänge. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), 85 (2), S. 13-33.
- Macdonald, Emma; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael; Hugh Wilson (2016): How business customers judge solutions: solution quality and value-in-use, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 80 (3), S. 96-120,.
- Mafael, A., Gottschalk, S., & Kreis, H. (2016): Examining Biased Assimilation of Brand-related Online Reviews. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 36, 91-106.
- Mathies, Christine; Chiew, Tung M.; Kleinaltenkamp, Michael (2016): The Antecedents and Consequences of Humour for Service: A Review and Directions for Research, in: Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 26, No. 2, S. 137-162.
- Raithel, Sascha; Taylor, Charles R., & Hock, Stefan (2016): Are Super Bowl ads a super waste of money? Examining the intermediary role of customer-based brand equity and customer equity effects, in: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69, No. 9, S. 3788-3794.
- Baxter, R./ Kleinaltenkamp, M., How Relationship Conditions Affect Suppliers’ Resource Inputs, in: Australasian Marketing Journal 23 (2015), S. 117–123.
- Geiger, I./ Dost, F./ Schönhoff, A./ Kleinaltenkamp, M., Which types of multi-stage marketing increase direct customers’ willingness-to-pay? Evidence from a scenario-based experiment in a B2B setting, in: Industrial Marketing Management 44 (2015), S. 175–189.
- Haase, M./ Becker, I./ Nill, A./ Shultz II, C. J./ Gentry, J. W. (2015), Male Breadwinner Ideology and the Inclination to Establish Market Relationships: Model Development Using Data from Germany and a Mixed-Methods Research Strategy, in: Journal of Macromarketing, published online before print March 23, 2015.
(Doi:10.1177/0276146715576202) - Haase, M. / Pick, D. (2015), Gründe der Mitwirkung in der kommerziellen Sharing Economy, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 4/2015, S. 8-14.
- Kreis, H. / Gottschalk, S. (2015), Relating eWOM motives to eWOM channel choice - Why do we post where we do?, in: Schmalenbach Business Review, October 2015, S. 406-429.
- Lügger, K./ Geiger, I./ Neun, H./ Backhaus, K. (2015), When East meets West at the bargaining table: Adaptation, behavior and outcomes in intra- and intercultural German-Chinese business negotiations, in: Journal of Business Economics 85 (1), S. 15-43.
(DOI:10.1007/s11573-013-0703-3) - Parlamis, J./ Geiger, I. (2015), Mind the Medium: A Qualitative Analysis of Email Negotiation, in: Group Decision & Negotiation 24 (2), S. 359-381.
(DOI: 10.1007/s10726-014-9393-7) - Pick, D./Thomas, J./ Tillmanns, S./Krafft, M. (forthcoming), Customer Win-Back: The Role of Attributions and Perceptions in Customer’s Willingness to Return, in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
- Pick, D./Zielke, S. (forthcoming), How electricity providers communicate price increases – A qualitative analysis of notification letters, in: Energy Policy.
- Schreck, P./ Raithel, S. (2015): Corporate Social Performance, Firm Size, and Organizational Visibility. Distinct and Joint Effects on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting, in: Business & Society, S. 1-37.
- Edvardsson, B./ Kleinaltenkamp, M./ Tronvoll, B./ McHugh, P./ Windahl, C. (2014), Institutional logics matter when coordinating resource integration, in: Marketing Theory 14 (3), S. 291-309.
- Geiger, I./ Parlamis, J. (2014), Is there more to email negatotiation than email? The role of email affinity, in: Computers in Human Behavior 32 (1), S. 67-78.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2013.11.016) - Geiger, I. (2014), Media Effects on the Formation of Negotiator Satisfaction: The Example of Face-to-Face and Text Based Electronically Mediated Negotiations, in: Group Decision & Negotiation 23 (4), S. 735-763.
(DOI: 10.1007/s10726-012-9317-3) - Haase, M. (2014), Book Review: What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, in: Journal of Macromarketing 34 (1), S. 97-102.
- Haase, M./ Fandel, G. (2014), Editorial, in: Journal of Business Economics 84 (9), S. 1143-1150.
- Herm, S./ Callsen-Bracker, H.-M./ Kreis, H. (2014), When the Crowd Evaluates Soccer Players' Market Values: Accuracy and Evaluation Attributes of an Online Community, in: Sport Management Review 17 (4), S. 484-492.
- Kreis, H./ Mafael, A. (2014): The influence of customer loyalty program design on the relationship between customer motives and value perception, in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21 (4), S. 590-600.
- Lee C. H./ Ko, E./ Tikkanen, H./ Phan, M. C. T./ Aiello, G./ Donvito, R./ Raithel, S. (2014), Marketing mix and customer equity of SPA brands: Cross-cultural perspectives, in: Journal of Business Research 67 (10), S. 2155-2163.
- Lügger, K./ Geiger, I./ Neun, H./ Backhaus, K. (2014), When East meets West at the bargaining table: Adaptation, behavior and outcomes in intra- and intercultural German-Chinese business negotiations, in: Journal of Business Economics 85 (1), S. 15-43.
- Luo, X./ Wang, H./ Raithel, S./ Zheng, Q. (2014), Corporate Social Responsibility, Analyst Stock Recommendations, and Firm Future Returns, in: Strategic Management Journal, 36 (1), S. 123-136.
- Panico, M./ Raithel, S./ Michel, E. (2014), The Effect of Communication on Employer Reputation, in: Journal of Media Economics, 27 (4)., S. 181-198.
- Parlamis, J./ Geiger, I. (2014), Mind the medium: A qualitative analysis of email negotiation, in: Group Decision & Negotiation 24 (2), S. 359-381.
- Pick, D. (2014), "Switching is easy" – Service firm communications to encourage customer switching, in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21 (4), S. 502-509.
- Pick, D./ Eisend, M. (2014), Buyers’ Perceived Switching Costs and Switching: A Meta-Analytic Assessment of Their Antecedents, in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42 (2), S. 186-204.
- Raithel, S./ Schwaiger, M. (2014), The Effects of Corporate Reputation Perceptions of the General Public on Shareholder Value, in: Strategic Management Journal 36 (6), S. 945-956.
- Sarstedt, M./ Gudergan, S./ Ringle, C./ Raithel, S. (2014), In Pursuit of Understanding What Drives Fan Satisfaction, in: Journal of Leisure Reserach 46 (4), S. 419-447.
- Schwaiger, M./ Raithel, S. (2014): Reputation und Unternehmenserfolg, in: Management Review Quarterly 64 (4), S. 225-259.
- Wernicke, C./ Saab, S./ Kleinaltenkamp, M. (2014), CASE: Managing key account disruption in the logistics industry, in: Journal of Business Market Management 7 (3), S. 406-413.