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Augsburg Science Prize for Intercultural Studies

News from Jul 27, 2023

The University of Augsburg, the Forum Interkulturelles Leben und Lernen (FiLL e.V.) and the city Augsburg jointly award the Augsburg Science Prize for Intercultural Studies.

The competition is open to all academic disciplines and aims to reward interdisciplinary and innovative qualification work in a special way. The awarding of the prize is intended to provide incentives for thematically relevant research work and to particularly promote intercultural issues. This is connected with the concern that science provides research results that contribute to a better understanding of a society characterized by diversity and the forms of organization that are becoming necessary here. By awarding excellent young scientists, the importance of intercultural studies for a peaceful coexistence in open societies is emphasized and the scientific development with regard to this is supported and advanced.

The award is open to academic theses submitted to a German university no more than two years before the current application deadline.

The main prize of 5,000 euros is awarded for dissertations or postdoctoral theses, while the promotional prize of 1,500 euros is awarded for master's, diploma, master's or state examination theses.

Further information can be found on the website

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Dahlem Research School