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Joint semester kick-off event for the doctoral programs DPBR (FU Berlin) and BIEM (TU Berlin)

The program coordinators of the DPBR and BIEM

The program coordinators of the DPBR and BIEM

News from Oct 11, 2021

On October 7th, 2021 the first joint event of the doctoral programs “Doctoral Program in Business Research” (DPBR, FU Berlin) and “Berlin Industrial Engineering and Management” (BIEM, TU Berlin) took place at the Center for Entrepreneurship of the TU Berlin. To be able to offer doctoral candidates a larger range of courses and even more exchange with like-minded peers, the DPBR and BIEM are working towards a stronger exchange between the programs. The semester kick-off event last week was a great start for the cooperation and the discussions with the doctoral candidates gave the coordinators of the programs additional ideas for expanding the programs and supporting doctoral candidates. The DPBR team thanks the doctoral candidates for their lively participation and is looking forward to future joint events!

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Dahlem Research School