Prof. Lawrence Christiano, Ph.D.

Northwestern University
Guest Professor during summer term 2016
Professor Christiano is Professor of Economics at the Northwestern University and currently serves as Alfred W. Chase Chair in Business Institutions. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Not only has he been Consultant and Visiting Scholar at several central banks including the European Central Bank, he also held various editorial positions and currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Prof. Christiano's research has been focused primarily on the problem of determining how the government's monetary and fiscal instruments ought to respond to shocks over the business cycle. This research has two parts: one involves formulating and estimating an empirically plausible model of the macroeconomy, and the second involves developing economic concepts and computational methods for determining optimal policy in an equilibrium model.
During the summer term 2016, Prof. Christiano will hold the masters-level course "Ausgewählte Themen der Markoökonomie - Advances in Macro-Finance since the Financial Crisis" at the FU Berlin.
As part of the course, there will be a public lecture on the 30th of May 2016 from 10:15-11:45 in the Henry Ford Bau Room A by Prof. Christiano called "The Great Recession: Earthquake for Macroeconomics".