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Entrepreneurship Education - Edition "WoMenventures"

All genders welcome!




Dr. Janina SundermeierMarie MatthesNatalie Nirenberg


Summer semester


4 semester periods per week; Workload: 180h / semester


5/6 (Depending on your subject area, please contact Janina Sundermeier for more informations)

Maximale Teilnehmerzahl





Kick-Off: 15.05.2019 (personal attendance required)

Online Class: 01.06.-27.07.19 (flexible)

Hello Diversity Conference: 27.06.19 (personal attendance required)

Summer School: 29.07.-02.08.19 (personal attendance required)

Examination: 05.08.-31.08.19 (flexible)


Please use this registration form for enrolling

Further Information

www.womenventures.digital and www.hellodiversity.digital 

Target Group

All students and scientists from FU and Charité who are interested in exploring entrepreneurship from a women’s perspective.


Women entrepreneurship is on the rise and considerably contributes to a wide diversity of (digital) products and services within start-up ecosystems worldwide.

The seminar WoMenventures” builds upon these potentials and highlights a women’s perspective on venture creation processes. The aim is to promote an entrepreneurial mindset among students (BA, MA) and scientists (PhD, Postdoc) who are interested in experiencing the contribution of women’s (digital) entrepreneurship within the Berlin start-up ecosystem.

To this end, all participants work in interdisciplinary teams on their own ideas in order to reflect on the opportunities and challenges of implementing innovative values in a practical way.

Experienced women entrepreneurs actively support the teams and provide input on various topics such as value creation, pitching, lean start-up, marketing and financing of own companies.

The seminar is designed as a flexible, inverted-classroom format and divided into four phases:

  1. Online Class (01.06.-27.07.19) (flexible)
  2. Hello Diversity Conference (27.06.19)
  3. Summer School (29.07.-02.08.19)
  4. Examination (05.08.-31.08.19) (flexible)

It is possible to obtain 5-6 ECTS credits for your participation, but the requirements vary depending on your subject area and degree program. For further information please contact Dr. Janina Sundermeier. 

Please visit www.womenventures.digital for further information.

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