Publications in English
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A. Books and Special Issues
B. Journal Articles
C. Book Chapters
D. Working Papers
A. Books and Special Issues
- Sydow, J./Berends, H. (2020) (Hrsg.): Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations – Process Views. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 64. Emerald. Bingley, UK.
- Söderlund, J./Sydow, J. (2019): Projects and Institutions. Special Issue der Zeitschrift “International Journal of Project Management” 37, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- DeFillippi, R.J./Michelfelder, I./Pyke, J./Steen,J./Sydow, J. (Hrsg.)(2018): Projects and Networks. Special Issue der Zeitschrift “Project Management Journal” 49 (2). PMI. Newtown Square, PA
- Bakker, R./DeFillippi, R.J./Schwab, A./Sydow, J. (Hrsg.) (2016): Temporary Organizing. Special Issue der Zeitschrift “Organization Studies” 37 (12). Sage. London.
- Sydow, J./Schüßler, E./Müller-Seitz, G. (2016): Managing Interorganizational Relations – Debates and Cases. Palgrave-Macmillan. London.
- Lundin, R./Arvidsson, N./Brady, T./Eksted, E./Midler, C./Sydow, J. (2015): Managing and Working in Project Society – Institutional Challenges of Temporary Organizations. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
- Mangematin, V./Sapsed, J./Schüßler, E. (2014): Disassembly and reassembly: An introduction to the Special Issue on digital technology and creative industries. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 83, 1-9.
- Schüßler, E./Grabher, G./Müller-Seitz, G. (2015): Field-configuring events: Arenas for innovation and learning? In: Industry & Innovation 22(3), 165-172.
- Fichter, M./Sydow, J. (2013) (Eds.): Temporary Organization and Workers´ Representation. Special Issue of "Industrielle Beziehungen - The German Journal of Industrial Relations" 20 (2). Hampp. München und Mering.
- Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G. (Hrsg.)(2013): Self-reinforcing Processes in and among organizations. Palgrave Macmillan. London.
- Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J. (Eds.)(2010): The Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependence. Palgrave-Macmillan. London.
- Möllering, G. (2006): Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity. Elsevier. Oxford.
- Möllering, G./Bachmann, R./Lee, S.H. (Eds.)(2004): The Micro-foundations of Organizational Trust. In: Journal of Managerial Psychology 19 (6). Special Issue.
- Sydow, J./Lindkvist, L./DeFillippi, R. (Eds.)(2004): Project-based Organizations, Embeddedness and Repositories of Knowledge. In: Organization Studies 25 (9). Special Issue.
B. Journal Articles
- Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G./Endo, T. (2021): Industry dynamics and path dependence – Wind energy in Europe and Asia. In: Kipping, M./Kurusawa, T./Westney, E. (Hrsg.): Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics. Oxford University Press. Oxford (im Druck).
- Sydow, J./Schüßler, E./Helfen, M. (2021): Managing global production networks: Towards social responsibility via inter-organizational reliability? In: Biggiero, L./de Jongh, D./Fischer, D./Priddat, B.P./ Wieland, J./Zicari, A. (Hrsg.): Economics – The Relational View: Interdisciplinary Contributions to an Emerging Field of Research. Springer. Cham, CH (im Druck).
- Sydow, J. (2021): Path dependence and routine dynamics. In: D’Adderio, L./Dittrich, K./Feldman, M.S./ Pentland, B.T./Rerup, C./Seidl, D. (Hrsg.): Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, S. 501-512.
- Auschra, C./Sydow, J. (2021): Path dependence and integrated care. In: Amelung, V. et al. (Hrsg.): Handbook Integrated Care. Springer Nature. Berlin (im Druck).
- Berthod, O./Sydow, J. (2021): Collaborating for inter-organizational reliability. In: Meek, J.W. (Hrsg.): Handbook of Collaborative Public Management. Elgar. Cheltenham, S. 331-347.
- Sydow, J. (2021): Habitual path dependence of interorganizational relationships? – A commentary on Sedgwick & Jensen. In: Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 3 (3) (im Druck).
- Sydow, J./Helfen, M./Auschra, C. (2021): Re-thinking global production networks in the face of crises: A comment from Germany in light of Covid-19. In: Management and Organization Review 17 (2) (im Druck).
- Samimi, E./Sydow, J. (2021): Human resource management in project-based organizations: Revisiting the permanency assumptions. In: International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (1), S. 49-83.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Hagen, R./Sydow, J. (2021): Managing resource mutation in the face of extreme events: Fieldwork at two public networks in Germany and the U.S. In: Public Administration 99, S. 171-188.
- Berghöfer, A./ Göckler, D./Sydow, J./Auschra, C./Wessel, L./Gersch, M. (2020): The German Health Care Innovation Fund – An Incentive for Innovations to Promote the Integration of Health Care. In: Journal of Health Organization and Management 34 (8), S. 915-923.
- Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (2020): On the theory of organizational path dependence: Clarifications, replies to objections, and extensions. In: Academy of Management Review 45 (4), S. 717-734.
- Sydow, J./Helfen, M. (2020): Work and employment in fluid organizational forms. In: Hoffman, B.J./ Shoss, M./Wegman, L. (Hrsg.): The Cambridge Handbook of the Changing Nature of Work. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, S. 214-236.
- Sydow, J./Helfen, M./Wirth, C. (2020): Strategy emergence in service delivery networks: Network-oriented HRM practices at Geman airports. In: Human Resource Management Journal 30 (im Druck).
- Sydow, J./Windeler, A. (2020): Temporary organizing and permanent contextx. In: Current Sociology 68(4), S. 480-498.
- Samimi, E./Sydow, J. (2020): Human resource management inproject-based organizations: Revisiting the permanency assumptions. In: Internatinal Journal of Human Resource Management 31 (im Druck).
- Sydow, J./Müller-Seitz, G. (2020): Open innovation at the interorganizational network level – Stretching practices to face technological discontinuities in the semiconductor industry. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 155: 119398.
- Berends, H./Sydow J. (2020): Process views on inter-organizational collaborations. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations 64, S. 1-10.
- Braun, T./Sydow, J. (2019): Selecting organizational partners for inter-organizational projects: The dual, but limited role of digital capabilities in the construction industry. In: Project Management Journal 50 (4), S. 1-11.
- Söderlund, J./Sydow, J. (2020): Projects and institutions: Towards understanding their mutual constitution and dynamics. In: International Journal of Project Management 37, S. 259-268.
- Helfen, M./Sydow, J./Wirth, C. (2020): Service delivery networks and employment relations at German airports: Jeopardizing industrial peace on the ground? In: LSE Business Review
- Fortwengel, J./Sydow, J. (2020): When many Davids collaborate with one Goliath: How inter-organizational networks (fail to) manage size differences. In: British Journal of Management 30 (im Druck).
- Helfen, M./Sydow, J./Wirth, C. (2020): Service delivery networks and employment relations at German airports: Jeopardizing industrial peace on the ground? In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 58 (1), S. 168-198.
- Fortwengel, J./Sydpw. J. (2020): When many Davids collaborate with one Goliath: How inter-organizational networks (fail to) manage size differences. In: British Journal of Management 31 (2), S. 403-420.
- Yakimova, R./Owens, M./Sydow J. (2019): Formal control influence on franchisee trust and brand-supportive behavior within franchise networks. In: Industrial Marketing Management 76, S. 123-135.
- Schmidt, T./Braun, T./Sydow, J. (2019): Copying routines for new venture creation: How replication can support entrepreneurial innovation. In: Research in Sociology of Organizations 61, S. 55-79.
- Sydow, J. (2018): From dualisms to dualities: On researching creative processes in the arts and sciences. In: Environment and Planning: Economy and Space A 50 (8), S. 1795-1801.
- Steen, J./DeFillippi, R./Sydow, J./Pyke, J./Michelfelder, I. (2018): Projects and networks: Understanding resource flows and governance of temporary organizations with quantitative and qualitative research methods. In: Project Management Journal 49 (2), S. 3-17.
- Wilhelm, M./Sydow, J. (2018): Managing coopetition in supplier networks – A paradox perspective. In: Journal of Supply Chain Management 54 (3), S. 22-41.
- Helfen, M./Schüßler, E./Sydow, J. (2018): How can employment relations in global value networks be managed towards social responsibility? In: Human Relations 71 (12), S. 1640-1665.
- Auschra, C./Braun, T./Schmidt, T./Sydow, J. (2018): Patterns of project-based organizing in new venture creation: Projectification of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. In: International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 13 (4), S. 645-668.
- Grabher, G./Melchior, A./Schiemer, B./Schüßler, E./Sydow, J. (2018): From being there to being aware. Confronting geographical and sociological imaginations of copresence. In: Environment and Planning 50 (1), S. 245-255.
- Braun, T./ Ferreira, A./Schmidt, T./Sydow, J. (2018): Another Post-heroic View on Entrepreneurship: The Role of Employees in Networking the Start-up Process. In: British Journal of Management 29, (4), S652-669.
- Sydow, J./Braun, T. (2018): Projects as temporary organizations: An agenda for further theorizing the interorganizational dimension. In: International Journal of Project Management 36, S. 4-11.
- Ortmann, G./Sydow, J. (2018): Dancing in chains: Creative practices in/of organizations. In: Organization Studies 39 (7), S. 899-921.
- Fortwengel, J./Schüßler, E./Sydow, J. (2017): Studying organizational creativity as process: Fluidity or duality? In: Creativity and Innovation Management 26 (1), S. 5-16.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Müller-Seitz, G./Raab, J./Sydow, J. (2017): From HRO to HRN: The Dynamics of Network Governance in the Face of Emergency. In: Journal of Public Administration Theory and Practice 27 (2), S. 352-371.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Sydow, J. (2017): Network ethnography: A mixed- method approach for the study of practices in interorganizational settings. In: Organizational Research Methods 19 (2), S. 299-323.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Müller-Seitz, G./Raab, J./Sydow, J. (2017): From high-reliability organizations to high-reliability networks: The dynamics of network governance in the face of emergency. In: Journal of Public Administration Theory 27 (2), S. 352-371.
- Helfen, M./Nicklich, M./Sydow, J. (2016): Interorganisationale Netzwerke und tarifpolitische Fragmentierung: Hebt Mehr-Arbeitgeber-Beschäftigung die Tarifeinheit aus den Angeln? In: Industrielle Beziehungen 23 (3), S. 280-308.
- DeFillippi, R./ Sydow, J. (2016). Project Networks: Governance Choices and Paradoxical Tensions. In: Project Management Journal, 47 (5), S. 6-17.
- Bakker, R./DeFillippi, R.J./Schwab, A./Sydow, J. (2016): Temporary organizing: Promises, processes, problems. In: Organization Studies 37 (12), S. 1703-1719.
- Manning, S./Larsen, M.M./Bharati, P. (2015): Global Delivery Models: The Role of Talent, Speed and Time Zones in the Global Outsourcing Industry. In: Journal of International Business Studies (in print).
- Helfen, M./Schüßler, E./Stevis, D. (2016): Translating European labor relations to the US through Global Framework Agreements? A comparative analysis of German and Swedish MNEs. In: Industrial and Labor Relations Review (in print).
- Dobusch, L./Schoeneborn, D. (2015): Fluidity, Identity, and Organizationality: The Communicative Constitution of Anonymous. In: Journal of Management Studies 52(8), 1005–1035.
- Schmidt, T./Braun, T. (2015): When Cospecialization Leads to Rigidity: Path Dependence in Successful Strategic Networks. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 67 (4), 489-515.
- Helfen, M. (2015): Institutionalizing precariousness? The politics of boundary work in legalizing agency work in Germany, 1949–2004. In: Organization Studies 36 (10), 1387-1422.
- Schüßler, E./Grabher, G./Müller-Seitz, G. (2015): Field-configuring events: Arenas for innovation and learning? In: Industry & Innovation 22(3), 165-172.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Sydow, J. (2015): Some characteristics of high-reliability networks. In: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 23 (1): 24-28.
- Sydow, J./Schmidt, T./Braun, T. (2015): Business Model Change and Network Creation: Evidence from Berlin Start-ups. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Vancouver, Canada.
- Helfen, M./Schüßler, E./Botzem, S. (2015): Legitimation strategies of corporate elites in the field of labor regulation: Changing responses to Global Framework Agreements. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations 43, 243-268.
- Foster, P./Manning, S./Terkla, D. (2015): The Rise of Hollywood East: Regional Film Offices as Intermediaries in Film and Television Production Clusters. In: Regional Studies 49 (3), 433-450.
- Manning, S./Hutzschenreuter, T./Strathmann, A. (2015): Emerging Capability or Continuous Challenge? Relocating Knowledge Work and Managing Process Interfaces. In: Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (in print).
- Berthod, O./Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow, J. (2014): Out of nowhere? Interorganizational assemblage as the answer to a food-borne disease outbreak. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 66 (3): 385-414.
- Sydow, J./Fichter, M./ Helfen, M./Sayim, K.Z./Stevis, D. (2014): Implementation of Global Framework Agreements: Towards a Multi-organizational Practice Perspective. In: Transfer 20 (4): 489-503.
- Burger, M./Sydow, J. (2014): How inter-organizational networks can become path-dependent: Bargaining in the photonics industry. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 66 (1): 73-99.
- Schüßler, E./Rüling, C.-C./Wittneben, B. (2014): On melting summits: The limitations of field-configuring events as catalysts of change in transnational climate policy. In: Academy of Management Journal 57, 140-171.
- Schüßler. E./Dobusch, L./Wessel, L. (2014): Backstage: Organizing field-configuring events as proto-institutional work in a transforming creative industry. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 66, 415-437.
- Manning, S./Roessler, D. (2013): The Formation of Cross-Sector Development Partnerships: How Bridging Agents Shape Project Agendas and Longer-term Alliances. In: Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3), 527-547.
- Helfen, M./Sydow, J: (2013): Negotiating as institutional work: The case of labor standards and International Framework Agreements. In: Organization Studies 34 (8): 1073-1098.
- Manning, S. (2014): Mitigate, Tolerate or Relocate? Offshoring Challenges, Strategic Imperatives and Resource Constraints. In: Journal of World Business 49 (4) (forthcoming).
- Sydow, J./Frenkel, S. (2013): Labor, Risk and Uncertainty in Global Supply Networks – Exploratory Insights. In: Journal of Business Logistics 34 (3): 233-242.
- Dobusch, L./Schüßler, E. (2014): Copyright reform and business model innovation: Regulatory propaganda at German music industry conferences. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 83, 24-39.
- Braun, T./Ferreira, A./Sydow, J. (2013): Citizenship behavior and effectiveness in temporary organizations. In: International Journal of Project Management: 862-876.
- Schüßler, E./Decker, C./Lerch, F. (2013): Networks of clusters: A governance perspective. In: Industry & Innovation 20 (4), 357-374.
- Müller-Seitz, G./Schüßler, E. (2013): From event management to managing events: A process perspective on organized and unexpected field-level events. In: Managementforschung 23, 193-226.
- Larsen, M.M./Manning, S./Pedersen, T. (2013): Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Offshoring: The Interplay of Complexity, Organizational Design and Experience. In: Strategic Management Journal 34 (5), 533-552.
- Dobusch, L./Kapeller, J. (2013): Striking New Paths: Theory and Method in Path Dependence Research. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 65 (2): 288-311.
- Ferreira, A./Braun, T./Sydow, J. (2013): Citizenship behavior in project-based organizing: comparing German and Portuguese project managers. In: International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (20): 3772-3793.
- Dobusch, L./Schüßler, E. (2013): Theorizing Path Dependence: A Review of Postitive Feedback Mechanisms in Technology Markets, Regional Clusters and Organizations. In: Industrial and Corporate Change 22 (3), 617-648.
- Lange, K./Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow. J./Windeler, A. (2013): Financing innovations in uncertain networks – Filling in roadmap gaps in the semiconductor industry. In: Research Policy 42 (3): 647-661.
- Manning, S. (2013): New Silicon Valleys or a New Species? Commoditization of Knowledge Work and the Rise of Knowledge Services Clusters. In: Research Policy 42 (2): 379-390.
- Schubert, C./Sydow, J./Windeler, A. (2013): The Means of Managing Momentum. Bridging Technological Paths and Organisational Fields. In: Research Policy 42 (3): 1389-1405.
- Sydow, J./Müller-Seitz, G./Provan, K.G. (2013): Managing Uncertainty in Alliances and Networks – From Governance to Practice. In: Das, T.K. (Eds.): Managing Knowledge in Strategic Alliances. IAP. Greenwood, Conn.: 1-43.
- Sydow, J./Windeler, A./Schubert, C./Möllering, G. (2012): Organizing R&D Consortia for Path Creation and Extension: The Case of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technologies. In: Organization Studies 33 (7): 907-936.
- Sydow, J./Windeler, A./Müller-Seitz, G./Lange, K. (2012): Path Constitution Analysis – A Methdology for Understanding Path Dependence and Path Creation. In: Business Research 5: 155-176.
- Botzem, S./Dobusch, L. (2012): Standardization Cycles: A Process Perspective on the Formation and Diffusion of Transnational Standards. Accepted for publication in: Organization Studies.
- Braun, T./Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow, J. (2012): Project citizenship behavior? - An explorative analysis at the project-network-nexus. In: Scandinavian Journal of Management 28: 271-284.
- Sydow, J./Windeler, A./Schubert, C./Möllering, G. (2012): Organizing R&D Consortia for Path Creation and Extension: The Case of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technologies. In: Organization Studies 33: 907-936.
- Wilhelm, M./Sydow, J. (2012): Compete to Cooperate - Practicing the Paradox of Coopetition in Supplier Networks. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Boston, Mass.
- Schüßler, E./Wessel, L./Gersch, M. (2012): Taking Stock: Capability Development in Inter-organizational Projects. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 64 (3): 171-186.
- Müller-Seitz, G. (2012): Leadership in Interorganisational Networks – A Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research. In: International Journal of Management Reviews 14: 428-443.
- Dobusch, L/Müller-Seitz, G. (2012): Serial Singularities: Developing a Network Organization by Organizing Events. In: Schmalenbach Business Review 64 (3): 204-229.
- Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow, J. (2012): Maneuvering between Networks to Lead - A Longiditudinal Study in the Semiconductor Industry. In: Long Range Planning 45 (2-3): 105-135.
- Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow, J. (2011): Terminating institutionalized Termination: Why SEMATECH became more than a temporary System. In: Cattani, G./Ferriani, S./Frederikson, L./Taube, F. (Hrsg.): Advances in Strategic Management 28: Pro-ject-Based Organizing and Strategic Management. Emerald. Bingley, U.K.: 147-186.
- Wilhelm, M.M (2011): Managing coopetition through horizontal supply chain relations: linking dyadic and network levels of analysis. In: Journal of Operations Management 29 (7/8): 663-676.
- Sydow, J./Müller-Seitz, G. (2011): Practicing uncertainty in R&D networks - Explorative evidence from a semiconductor industry network. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. San Antonio, Texas.
- Larsen, M.M./Manning, S./Pedersen, T. (2011): The Hidden Costs of Offshoring: The Impact of Complexity, Design Orientation and Experience. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. San Antonio, Texas.
- Manning, S./Lewing, A. Y./Schuerch, M. (2011): The Stability of Offshore Outsourcing Relationships: The Role of Relation Specificity and Client Control. In: Management International Review 51 (3): 381-406.
- Manning, S./Sydow, J./Windeler, A. (2011): Securing Access to Lower-Cost Talent Globally: The Dynamics of Active Embedding and Field Structuration. In: Regional Studies 45: 1201-1218.
- Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J. (2011): Organizational Path Dependence: A Process View. In: Organization Studies 32 (3): 321-335.
- Fichter, M./Helfen, M./ Sydow, J. (2011): Employment Relations in Global Production Networks - Initiating Transfer of Practices via Union Involvement. In: Human Relations 63 (4): 599 - 624.
- Sydow, J./ Müller-Seitz, G. (2011): Practicing uncertainty in R&D networks - Explorative evidence from a semiconductor industry network. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. San Antonio, Texas.
- Larsen, M.M./Manning, S./Pedersen, T. (2011): The Hidden Costs of Offshoring: The Impact of Complexity, Design Orientation and Experience. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. San Antonio, Texas.
- Manning, S./Sydow, J. (2011): Projects, Paths, Practices: Sustaining and Leveraging Project-based Relationships. In: Industrial & Corporate Change 20 (5): 1369-1402.
- Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J./Holtmann, P. (2011): How History Matters in Organizations: The Case of Path Dependence. In: Management & Organizational History 6 (1): 1-19.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Huxham, C./Hibbert, P. (2011): A silent cry for leadership: Organizing for leading (in) clusters. In: Leadership Quarterly 22 (2): 328-334.
- Manning, S./ von Hagen, O (2010): Linking local experiments to global standards: How project networks promote global institution-building. In: Scandinavian Journal of Management 26 (4): 398-.416
- Kaiser, S., Kansy, S., Mueller-Seitz, G., & Ringlstetter, M. (2010): The motivation of bloggers for organisational knowledge sharing and creation: a comparative case study to identify contingency factors influencing motivation. In: International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 4 (1): 80-108.
- Mueller-Seitz, G., Reger, G. (2010): Networking beyond the software code? An explorative examination of the development of an open source car project. In: Technovation 30: 627-634.
- Mueller-Seitz, G., Reger, G. (2010): Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia as a Role Model? Lessons for Open Innovation from an Exploratory Examination of the Alleged Democratic-anarchic Nature of Wikipedia. In: International Journal of Technology Management 52 (3/4): 457-476.
- Sydow, J./Windeler, A./Wirth, C./Staber, U. (2010): Foreign Market Entry as Network Entry: A Relational-Structuration Perspective on Internationalization in Television Content Production. In: Scandinavian Journal of Management 26 (1): 13-24.
- Manning, S. (2010): The strategic formation of project networks: A relational practice perspective. In: Human Relations 63: 551-573.
- Hibbert, P./Huxham, C./Lerch, F./Sydow, J. (2010): Barriers to process learning: Authority and anomie in regional clusters. In: Management Learning 41: 453-471.
- Schreyögg, G./Sydow, J. (2010): Organizing for Fluidity? Dilemmas of New Organizational Forms. In: Organization Science 21: 1251-1262.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Staber, U. (2010): Planning for Path Dependence? The Case of a Network in the Berlin-Brandenburg Optics Cluster. In: Economic Geography 86 (2): 173-195.
- Mueller-Seitz, G., Dautzenberg, K., Creusen, U., Stromereder, C. (2009): Customer acceptance of RFID technology: Evidence from the German electronic retail sector, in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 16(1): 31-39.
- Kaiser, S., Kansy, S., Mueller-Seitz, G., Ringlstetter, M. (2009): Weblogs for Organizational Knowledge Sharing and Creation – A Comparative Case Study, in: Knowledge Management Research & Practice 7: 120-130.
- Sydow, J. (2009): Path dependencies in project-based organizing – Evidence from television production in Germany. In: Journal of Media Business Studies 6 (4): 123-139.
- Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (2009): Organizational path dependence: Opening the black box. In: Academy of Management Review 34 (4): 689-709.
- Müller-Seitz, G. (2009): The open source software phenomenon as a role model for networked innovations in biotechnology: an exploratory study. In: International Journal of Web Based Communities 5 (2): 212-237.
- Müller-Seitz, G./Reger, G. (2009): Any lessons to be learned? Insights for open innovation management from two open source software-inspired networks. In: R&D Management 39 (4): 372-381.
- Lange, K. (2009): Institutional embeddedness and the strategic leeway of actors: The case of the German therapeutic biotech industry. In: Socio-Economic Review 7: 1-27.
- Manning, S./Massini, S./Lewin, A. (2008): Dynamic perspective on next-generation offshoring: The global sourcing of science and engineering talent. In: Academy of Management Perspectives 22 (3): 35-54.
- Manning, S. (2008): Embedding projects in multiple contexts – a structuration perspective. In: International Journal of Project Management 26 (1): 30–37.
- Kaiser, S./Müller-Seitz, G. (2008): Leveraging lead user knowledge in software development — The case of weblog technology economics of open-source collaboration. In: Industry & Innovation 15 (2): 199-221.
- Kaiser, S., Mueller-Seitz, G., Lopes, M. P., Cunha, M. P. e. (2007): Weblog-Technology as a Trigger to Elicit Passion for Knowledge, in: Organization 14(3): 391-412.
- Provan, K.G./Fish, A./Sydow, J. (2007): Interorganizational networks at the network level: A review of the empirical literature on whole networks. In: Journal of Management 33 (3): 479-516.
- Manning, S./Sydow, J. (2007): Transforming creative potential in project networks: How TV movies are produced under network-based control. In: Critical Sociology 33: 19-42.
- Sydow, J. (2006): How can systems trust systems? A structuration perspective on trust building in interorganizational relations. In: Bachmann, R./Zaheer, A. (Hrsg.): Handbook of Trust Research. Elgar. Cheltenham: 377-392.
- Möllering, G. (2006): Trust, institutions; agency: Towards a neoinstitutional theory of trust. In: Bachmann, R./Zaheer, A. (Hrsg): Handbook of Trust Research. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar: 355-376.
- Manning, S. (2005): Managing project networks as dynamic organizational forms: learning from the TV movie industry. In: International Journal of Project Management 23: 410-414.
- Möllering, G. (2005): The trust/control duality. An integrative perspective on positive expectations of others. In: International Sociology 20 (3): 283-305.
- Sydow, J./Lindkvist, L./DeFillippi, R. (Eds.)(2004): Project-based organizations, embeddedness and repositories of knowledge: Editorial. In: Organization Studies 25 (8): 1475-1489.
- Duschek, S. (2004): Inter-firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. In: Management Review 15 (1): 53-73.
- Möllering, G./Bachmann, R./Lee, S.H. (2004): Understanding organizational trust: Foundations, constellations and issues of operationalisation. In: Journal of Managerial Psychology 19 (6): 556-570.
- Sydow, J. (2004): Network development by means of network evaluation? – Explorative insights from a case in the financial services industry. In: Human Relations 57 (2): 201-220.
C. Book Chapters
- Möllering, G./Sydow, J. (2019): Trust trap? Self-reinforcing processes in the constitution of inter-organizational trust. In: Sasaki, M. (Hrsg.): Trust in Contemporary Society. Brill. Leiden, S. 141-160.
- Ortmann, G./Sydow, J. (2018): Creativity in/of organizations for managing things to come – Lessons to be learnt from philosophy. In: Krämer, H./Wenzel, M. (Hrsg.): How Organizations Manage the Future: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Insights. Palgrave-Macmillan. London, S. 67-88
- Berthod, O./Helfen, M./Sydow, J. (2019): Institutional work for value cocreation: Navigating amid power and persistence. In: Lusch, R.F./Vargo, S.L. (Hrsg.): Sage Handbook of Service-Dominant Logic. Sage. Thousand Oaks, CA , S. 317-334.
- Sydow, J. (2019): The inter-firm network as partial organization? In: Ahrne, G./Brunsson, N. (Hrsg.): Organization Outside Organization: The Abundance of Partial Organizations in Social Life. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, S. 191-211.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Sydow, J. (2018): Inter-organizational ethnography: Promises and problems. In: Bryman, A./Buchanan, D.A. (Hrsg.): Unconventional Methodology in Organization and Management Research. Oxford. Oxford University Press, S. 211-229.
- Sydow, J. (2017): Temporary Organizing – The End of Organizations as We Know Them? In: Rutgers Business Review 2 (2), S. 199-204.
- Berggren, C./Sydow, J./Tell, F. (2017): Relating knowledge integration and absorptive capacity: Knowledge boundaries and reflective agency in path-dependent processes. In: Tell, F./Berggren, C./Brusoni, S./Van de Ven, A.H. (Hrsg.): Managing Knowledge Integration across Boundaries. Oxford University Press. Oxford, S. 57-71.
- Sydow, J./Koll, F. (2016): Platforming for Path-breaking? The Case of Regional Electromobility Initiatives. In: Glückler, J./Lazega E.,/Hammer, I. (Eds.): Knowledge and Networks. Knowledge and Space 11. Berlin. Springer (forthcoming).
- Findeisen, H./Sydow, J. (2016): Star Alliance: Adapting the management institutions of an interorganizational network. In: Sydow, J./Schüßler, E./Müller-Seitz, G.: Managing Interorganizational Relations – Debates and Cases. Palgrave-Macmillan. London, 67-74.
- Sydow, J. (2016): InBroNet: Selecting partners, evaluating practices. In: Sydow, J./Schüßler, E./Müller-Seitz, G.: Managing Interorganizational Relations – Debates and Cases. Palgrave-Macmillan. London, 124-130.
- Schüßler, E. (2016): E.J. SUITS: The Development of a Global Fashion Firm through the Management of an International Production and Sales Network. In: Sydow, J./Schüßler, E./Müller-Seitz, G.: Managing Interorganizational Relations – Debates and Cases. Palgrave-Macmillan. London, 185-191.
- Schüßler, E./Sydow, J. (2015): Organized Events at the Front- and Backstage of the Creative Industries. In: Jones, C./Lorenzen, M./Sapsed, J. (Eds.): Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. OUP. Oxford, 284-300.
- Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G. (2015): Organizational Path Dependence. In: Wright, J.D. (Eds.): International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. Elsevier. Amsterdam, 385-389.
- Sydow, J. (2015): Networks, Persistence and Change – A Path Dependence Perspective. In: Albach, H./Meffert, H./Pinkwart, A./Reichwald, R. (Eds.): Management of Permanent Change. Springer. Berlin: 89-101.
- Sydow, J./Koll, F. (2015): Platforming for Path-breaking? The Case of Regional Electromobility Initiatives. Glückler, J./Lazega E.,/Hammer, I. (Eds.): Knowledge and Networks. Knowledge and Space 11. Berlin. Springer (forthcoming).
- Berthod, O./Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow, J. (2014): Interorganizational Crisis Management. In: Thießen, A. (Eds.): Handbuch Krisenmanagement. 2nd ed. Springer VS. Wiesbaden: 141-154.
- Sydow, J./Müller-Seitz, G./Provan, K.G. (2013): Managing Uncertainty in Alliances and Networks – From Governance to Practice. In: Das, T.K: (Ed.): Managing Knowledge in Strategic Alliances. IAP. Greenwood, Conn., 1-43.
- Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G. (2013): Self-reinforcing processes in organizations, networks and fields - An ontroduction. In: Sydow, J./ Schreyögg, G. (Eds.): Self reinforcing Processes in and among Organizations. Palgrave-Macmillan. London: 3-13.
- Berthod, O./ Sydow, J. (2013): Locked in the Iron Cage? When institutionalization is (not) a path-dependent process. In: Sydow, J./ Schreyögg, G. (Eds.). Self reinforcing Processes in and among Organizations. Palgrave-Macmillan. London: 204-229.
- Fichter, M./Helfen, M./Sydow, J. (2011): Ensuring core labor standards through International Framework Agreements? In: Perspectives on Work 15 (1-2): 23-25.
- Fichter, M./Helfen, M./Sydow, J. (2011): Regulating Labor Relations in Global Production Networks: Insights on International Framework Agreements. In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (2): 69-86.
- Frenkel, S./ Sydow J. (2011): Institutional conditions for organizing decent work in global production networks: the Case of China. In: Sheldon P., Klim, S., Y. Li and Warner, M. (Eds.): China’s Changing Workplace. Routledge. London: 241-258.
- Lerch, F./Sydow, J./Duschek, S. (2011): Beyond the Organizational Focus: Network Consulting in Regional Clusters. In: Buono, A. F./Grossman, R./Lobnig, H./Mayer, K. (Eds.): The Changing Paradigm of Consulting. Greenwich, Conn.: 185-209.
- Möllering, G./Stache, F. (2010): Trust Development in German–Ukrainian Business Relationships: Dealing with Cultural Differences in an Uncertain Institutional Context. In: Saunders, M.N.K./Lewicki, R.J./Skinner, D./Gillespie, N./Dietz, G. (Eds.): Organizational Trust: A Cultural Perspective. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 205-226.
- Provan, K.G./Sydow, J. (2008): Evaluating Interorganizational Relations. In: Copper, S./Ebers, M./Huxham, C./ Ring, P.S. (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Interorganizational Relations. Oxford University Press. Oxford: 691-716.
- Rometsch, M./Sydow, J. (2006): On Identities of Networks and Organizations – The Case of Franchising. In: Kornberger, M./Gudergan, S. Eds.): Only Connect: Neat Words, Networks and Identities. Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press. Copenhagen: 19-47.
- Sydow, J. (2006): Managing projects in network contexts: A structuration perspective. In: Hodgson, D./Cicmil, S. (Eds.): Making projects critical. Palgrave. Basingstoke, Hampshire: 252-264.
- Sydow, J. (2006): Organizational Fields. In: Beckert, J./Zafirovskiand, M. (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Routledge, Oxford: 488-491.
- Sydow, J. (2006): Loose Coupling. In: Beckert, J./Zafirovskiand, M. (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Oxford: 406-407.
- Möllering, G. (2005): Rational, Institutional and Active Trust: Just Do It!? In: Bijls-ma-Frankema, K./Klein Woolthuis, R. (Eds.): Trust under Pressure: Empirical Investigations of Trust and Trust Building in Uncertain Circumstances. Cheltenham: 17-36.
- Sydow, J. (2005): Managing Interfirm Networks – Towards More Reflexive Network Development? In: Theurl, T. (Ed.): Economics of Interfirm Networks. Mohr Siebeck. Tübingen: 217-236.
D. Working Papers (Selection)
- Sydow, J./Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (2020): Current Interest in the Theory of Organizational Path Dependence. A Short Update on the Occasion of the 2019 AMR Decade Award. 2020/12 der Diskussionsbeiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Freie Universität Berlin
- Sydow, J. (2021): Habitual path dependence of interorganizational relationships? – A commentary on Sedgwick & Jensen. In: Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 3 (3) (im Druck)
- Fortwengel, J./Sydow, J. (2020): When many Davids collaborate with one Goliath: How inter-organizational networks (fail to) manage size differences. In: British Journal of Management 30 (im Druck).
- Fortwengel, J./Sydpw. J. (2020): When many Davids collaborate with one Goliath: How inter-organizational networks (fail to) manage size differences. In: British Journal of Management 31 (2), S. 403-420.
- Yakimova, R./Owens, M./Sydow J. (2019): Formal control influence on franchisee trust and brand-supportive behavior within franchise networks. In: Industrial Marketing Management 76, S. 123-135.
- Schmidt, T./Braun, T./Sydow, J. (2019): Copying routines for new venture creation: How replication can support entrepreneurial innovation. In: Research in Sociology of Organizations 61, S. 55-79.
- Sydow, J. (2018): From dualisms to dualities: On researching creative processes in the arts and sciences. In: Environment and Planning: Economy and Space A 50 (8), S. 1795-1801.
- Nicklich, M./Sydow, J. (2018): Organization of Value Creation and Work in the Japanese Wind Power Industry: Studying Organizational Diversity in Face of Institutional Change. INCAS DP Series 2018 #01. Paris:
- Steen, J./DeFillippi, R./Sydow, J./Pyke, J./Michelfelder, I. (2018): Projects and networks: Understanding resource flows and governance of temporary organizations with quantitative and qualitative research methods. In: Project Management Journal 49 (2), S. 3-17.
- Wilhelm, M./Sydow, J. (2018): Managing coopetition in supplier networks – A paradox perspective. In: Journal of Supply Chain Management 54 (3), S. 22-41.
- Helfen, M./Schüßler, E./Sydow, J. (2018): How can employment relations in global value networks be managed towards social responsibility? In: Human Relations 71 (12), S. 1640-1665.
- Auschra, C./Braun, T./Schmidt, T./Sydow, J. (2018): Patterns of project-based organizing in new venture creation: Projectification of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. In: International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 13 (4), S. 645-668.
- Grabher, G./Melchior, A./Schiemer, B./Schüßler, E./Sydow, J. (2018): From being there to being aware. Confronting geographical and sociological imaginations of copresence. In: Environment and Planning 50 (1), S. 245-255.
- Braun, T./ Ferreira, A./Schmidt, T./Sydow, J. (2018): Another Post-heroic View on Entrepreneurship: The Role of Employees in Networking the Start-up Process. In: British Journal of Management 29, (4), S652-669.
- Sydow, J./Braun, T. (2018): Projects as temporary organizations: An agenda for further theorizing the interorganizational dimension. In: International Journal of Project Management 36, S. 4-11.
- Ortmann, G./Sydow, J. (2018): Dancing in chains: Creative practices in/of organizations. In: Organization Studies 39 (7), S. 899-921.
- Sydow, J. (2017): The emergency of novelty in organizations. Review of a volume edited by R. Garud, B. Simpson, A. Langley and H. Touskas. In: Organization Studies 38(7), S. 1005-1008.
- Fortwengel, J./Schüßler, E./Sydow, J. (2017): Studying organizational creativity as process: Fluidity or duality? In: Creativity and Innovation Management 26 (1), S. 5-16.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Müller-Seitz, G./Raab, J./Sydow, J. (2017): From HRO to HRN: The Dynamics of Network Governance in the Face of Emergency. In: Journal of Public Administration Theory and Practice 27 (2), S. 352-371.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Sydow, J. (2017): Network ethnography: A mixed- method approach for the study of practices in interorganizational settings. In: Organizational Research Methods 19 (2), S. 299-323.
- Berthod, O./Grothe-Hammer, M./Müller-Seitz, G./Raab, J./Sydow, J. (2017): From high-reliability organizations to high-reliability networks: The dynamics of network governance in the face of emergency. In: Journal of Public Administration Theory 27 (2), S. 352-371.
- Helfen, M./Nicklich, M./Sydow, J. (2016): Interorganisationale Netzwerke und tarifpolitische Fragmentierung: Hebt Mehr-Arbeitgeber-Beschäftigung die Tarifeinheit aus den Angeln? In: Industrielle Beziehungen 23 (3), S. 280-308.
- Dobusch, L./Sydow, J. (2011): The Role of Platforms for Enterprise Ecosystems, Paper presented at the Workshop for the 41st annual GI conference Informatik 2011, October 04-07, 2011.
- Sydow, J./Lerch, F./Huxham, C./Hibbert, P. (2007): Developing Photonics Clusters Commonalities, Contrasts and Contradictions. In: AIM Research.
Berthod, O./Sydow, J. (2021): Collaborating for inter-organizational reliability. In: Meek, J.W. (Hrsg.): Handbook of Collaborative Public Management. Elgar. Cheltenham, S. 331-347.