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Economic and financial databases

Sustainability and environmental data of companies and communities

Dafne contains comprehensive information on listed and unlisted companies in Germany and Austria

Workspace for students* (formerly Eikon)
Workspace for students provides access to current and historical financial data on listed companies worldwide, as well as time-series and macroeconomic data

Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS)*
WRDS) is a web-based business data research service that functions as a platform for numerous economic and financial databases, which can be accessed through one interface. The Freie Universität Berlin (FU) has licensed the following databases:

  • BoardEx (WRDS)*
    maps current and historical human connections between companies and board members
  • Compustat (WRDS)*
    covers fundamental company and market data as well as information on executive compensation
  • Orbis Europe (WRDS)*
    provides financial data for both private and public companies in Europe

*FU members only

**Members of the School of Business & Economics of the Freie Universität Berlin only

You can find an overview of the most important free and licensed economic databases in the Datenbank-Infosystem DBIS (in German).