Brief overview:
Eikon is a comprehensive source for company and market data, with information on e.g. commodities, equities, bonds and hedge funds, money and foreign exchange markets. Furthermore it provides access to important market data, charts, comprehensive financial time series, and trusted financial news, etc.
The database may only be used by the members of Freie Universität Berlin for scholarly purposes. Eikon offers access to the following data:
- Exclusive access to Reuters News
- Global pricing data
- Company fundamentals
- Real-time research
- I/B/E/S Estimates
- Deals and league tables
- Datastream
- Lipper funds data
- Commodities data and research
- Trade execution
Access information:
To access the database Eikon a valid Zedat account is necessary. Furthermore you have to agree to the ‘terms of use’ of Eikon.
Eikon can be accessed by all members of the Freien Universität Berlin via Eikon-Web (in a browser) or via Windows-download (see PC-Requirements).
Please note: only one user at a time can access the database. Therefore to reserve a time window is mandatory: https://raumbuchung.ub.fu-berlin.de/eikon.
Please write an e-mail to apply to access Eikon. If permitted (FU members only), you will receive an e-mail with the license agreement attached, that we ask you to sign and return via e-mail (as a picture or scan).
For the license agreement and further information on Eikon, please contact us:
e-mail: bibliothek@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de.
We offer workshops for Eikon and Datastream at the beginning of each semester. Please check here for specific workshops.
For individual support, please contact us via bibliothek@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de or use our online form to request a consultation hour (via Webex).
Data provider (Refinitiv) support:
Please note that students do not receive any support from the database provider Refinitiv for the Eikon database. Requests for data queries are only accepted by employees of the School of Business and Economics. Students should contact the supervising professor/ research assistant to contact the Refinitiv support.