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Master Management & Marketing


Studying at an Outstanding University

The Free University of Berlin ranks high on the Times Higher Education Ranking:

#6 Best Universities in Germany in Business & Economics (2023)
#84 Best Universities Worldwide in Business & Economics (2023)

Furthermore, the Free University of Berlin succeeded several times in the Excellence Competition.

Key Facts about the Master in Management & Marketing


The Master of Science imparts a scientific perspective and approach in the fields of management and marketing. Our graduates acquire high conceptual competences in dealing with complex problems under a restricted amount of time. They train their social competences through teamwork, direct feedback from the lecturers as well as through the integrated semester abroad. Therefore, our graduates are excellently prepared for a career in science and business.


The Master's degree program M&M focuses strongly on scientific theories and methods. Our graduates have a deep understanding of management and marketing theories as well as excellent methodological knowledge in quantitative and qualitative research methods. The program is taught mainly in German.

Learning environment

The M&M lectures are held exclusively for the respective cohort. Around 45 students discuss interactively with the lecturers. Due to compulsory attendance at the lectures as well as regular group work and presentation, you get to know your fellow students and yourself intensively and train your soft skills.

Study abroad and study-accompanying activities

For all M&M students it is planned to study abroad at prestigious partner universities in the third semester. Through close contact with selected foreign universities, M&M students gain exciting insights into foreign languages and cultures.The Master M&M prepares students for careers in science and business. Practical lectures, excursions as well as the Circle of Excellence in Marketing ensure a constant exchange of students with the company's practice.

Who do we recommend to apply?

We advise you to submit your application if you are interested in intensive academic studies in management and marketing and you would like to discuss with professors. This means that you prefer to work interactively in groups rather than passively on slides and to study a semester at a foreign university in order to develop personally.

Who do we recommend not to apply?

However, the M&M study course is not suitable for applicants who are primarily interested in a very practice-oriented study program with a low workload, who do not want to gain experience abroad and do not want to read an English-language literature. Since this is a full-time study course with an obligation to attend and regular presentations and discussions, all applicants that are planning to work more than ten hours per week or are planning to study for more than 4 semesters should not apply.


This is a two-year Master’s program. In the first year, the curriculum provides the students with foundational management and marketing knowledge and skills. The second year offers the students the opportunity to gain deeper insights into individual areas of interest as well as the chance to gather intercultural experience.

If you would like to spend an exchange semester in Berlin at the Freie Universität please be aware that an exchange is exclusively possible for students from our partner universities! Courses of semester 1, 2 and 4 are taught in German and English, classes of semester 3 are taught in English.

For further information on the courses click here. For information on the language classes click here.

1. Semester

2. Semester

3. Semester (abroad / incoming students)

4. Semester

Buyer Behavior and Marketing Communication
(6 ECTS)

Business-to-Business Marketing
(6 ECTS)

Marketing Theory

(6 ECTS)

Master's Thesis
(24 ECTS)

Empirical Research Methods
(6 ECTS)

Managing Interorganizational Relations
(6 ECTS)

Management Theory

(6 ECTS)

Leadership and Organization
(6 ECTS)

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods I

(6 ECTS)

Management Case Study Seminar

(6 ECTS)

Strategic Management

(6 ECTS)

Marketing Research

(6 ECTS)

Marketing Case Study Seminar

(6 ECTS)

Human Resources Management

(6 ECTS)

Management Research

(6 ECTS)

Language Classes

(6 ECTS)

Quantitative Research Methods II or Qualitative Research Methods II

(6 ECTS)