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Competition Policy

Teaching information for summer term 2024

Module: Methods in Economic Theory
Course: Competition Policy
Credit points: 12 ECTS
Instructor: Andreas Asseyer

Content & learning objectives

Competition policy can be defined as “[t]he set of policies and laws which ensure that competition in the marketplace is not restricted in such a way as to reduce economic welfare” (Motta, 2004). It comprises the tools of economic policy that can be used to reign in the market power of big companies who use strategies that are to the detriment of consumers.

The course consists of two parts. The first part is a series of lectures which introduces students to the theory of competition policy. In particular, we are going to treat the following topics:

  1. Market power and efficiency
  2. Market definition and the assessment of market power
  3. Collusion and horizontal agreements
  4. Horizontal mergers
  5. Vertical restraints and vertical mergers
  6. Predation, monopolization and other abusive practices

The lectures are accompanied by tutorials. The first part of the course is going to provide students with a clear understanding of the central theoretical notions underlying competition policy.

The second part of the course is a seminar which serves to deepen and apply the knowledge that students have gained in the first part of the course. In particular, we are going to read research papers that further develop the concepts introduced in the lecture (e.g. on collusion between pricing algorithms) and policy papers that apply the theory treated in the lecture (e.g. policy briefs on merger cases).

Students gain credit by writing a term paper (to be handed in by September 30, 2024) and giving a presentation. The topic for the term paper can be chosen from those discussed during the seminar part of the course.


Motta, Massimo. Competition policy: theory and practice. Cambridge university press, 2004.

Belleflamme, Paul, and Martin Peitz. Industrial organization: markets and strategies. Cambridge University Press, 2015.


 Tuesday, 10:00 – 12:00 and 12:00 – 14:00, Room: TBA; Thursday, 10:00 – 12:00, Room: Thielallee 73, Seminar room 013 


Master Economics/Master Public Economics

 Entry requirements



 Enrollment by instructor after the first meeting.


 term paper (~15 pages) with presentation (~ 30 min)




 For any questions, please contact the instructor via E-Mail: andreas.asseyer@fu-berlin.de

(SoSe 2024)