Quantitative Macroeconomics
(SoSe 2023)
Gali, Jordi (2008), “Monetary Policy, Inflation and the Business Cycle: An Introduction to the New Keynesian Framework”, Princeton University Pres.
Canova, Fabio (2007), “Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research”, Princeton University Pres.
Quantitative Macroeconomics
Summer 2023
This course aims to introduce students to state-of-the-art quantitative macroeconomics with a focus on monetary policy analysis and nominal rigidities. In particular, students learn to work with dynamic structural general equilibrium (DSGE) models and to confront these models with data using structural vector autoregressions (SVARs). Theory is accompanied by applications using the software Matlab.
Contents (preliminary):
1. Introduction
i. Overview
ii. Recap on RBC theory
iii. A classical monetary model
2. A basic New Keynesian macroeconomic model
i. Towards nominal rigidities
ii. Model overview
iii. Households
iv. Firms and production
v. Policy and shocks
3. Solving quantitative DSGE models
i. Background
ii. Log-linearizing the New Keynesian Model
iii. Solving and assessing stability of linearized models
iv. Dynamic programming and value function iteration
v. Solving a DSGE model with Dynare
4. Monetary policy in the New Keynesian model
i. Monetary policy transmission
ii. Towards inflation targeting
iii. Discretion vs commitment
iv. Monetary and fiscal interactions and the zero lower bound
v. Quantitative evaluation: Model vs data
vi. Model critique and potential solutions
5. Deriving stylized facts from time series data: SVARs for monetary policy analysis
i. Introduction
ii. General remarks on VAR processes
iii. Some issues in VAR implementation
iv. Structural identification of monetary policy VARs
Language: English
Gali, Jordi (2008), “Monetary Policy, Inflation and the Business Cycle: An Introduction to the New Keynesian Framework”, Princeton University Pres.
Canova, Fabio (2007), “Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research”, Princeton University Pres.
Examination: Term paper on project work (about 12 pages), presentation of project work in seminar (approx.. 30 minutes), additional assignments
Contact: Prof. Dr. Britta Gehrke, ls-makrooekonomik@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de