Course catalog
Summer- semester |
(WiSe 2003/04 - WiSe 2022/23) |
(SoSe 2002 - WiSe 2007/08) |
Winter- semester |
engl.: list of courses in English
Printed course catalogues prior to the Summer Semester 2002 are available in the library.
Class schedule:
Today: | all lectures | ||||
Garystr. 21 EG | HS101 | HS102 | HS103 | HS104 | HS104a |
Garystr. 21 EG | HS105 | HS106 | HS107 | HS108 | HS108a |
Garystr. 21 UG/2nd | PC-Pool 1 | PC-Pool 2 | K005 | 2nd floor 315 | |
Boltzmannstr. 20 Thielallee 67/73 |
room 202 B20 |
room 328 B20 |
room 010 Thielallee 73 |
room 013 Thielallee 73 |
lecture hall Thielallee 67 |
Henry-Ford-Building | HFB-A | HFB-B | HFB-C | HFB-D | HFB-Audimax |
Seminar-Center | L 113 | L 115 | L 116 | ||
Alte Mensa Van't-Hoff-Straße 6 | 102 | 102a | 209a | 211b |