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Organisationsforschung / Organizational Research

Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Kurs ausschließlich für Studierende des Nebenfachs Management / Betriebswirtschaftslehre (30 LP / 60 LP) angeboten wird.

(WiSe 24/25)

Dozent/inProf. Flickinger (V/S), Louisa La Porta (S), Ruben Anders (S)
SemesterWintersemester 2024/25
Veranstaltungsumfang3 SWS

Course Contents

This module provides an introduction to research in management and organizational behavior. Throughout the course, we will discuss fundamental questions and theories of this field of research. To understand how these theoretical questions can be explored based on empirical research, we will discuss different quantitative and qualitative research methods. Based on this, you will develop your own research project proposal, which you will present in class.


The seminar will be conducted through both online and in-person sessions. Online sessions will be facilitated through pre-recorded videos, which will introduce the research themes for this semester. Attendance in the in-person classes is mandatory.

Date Time Place Contents


HFB/K II Konferenzraum •    Course Introduction
•    Introduction to Management Research
Please complete the self-study between 29.10. and 26.11. Online, asynchronous •    Diversity
•    Stress and Resilience
•    Entrepreneurial Personality
•    Teamwork
•    Leadership
•    Qualitative Research
•    Quantitative Research
•    Scientific Literature
26.11. 14:00-16:00 HFB/K II Konferenzraum •    Group Formation
•    Research Proposal Selection
10.02. 08:00-18:00 HFB/K II Konferenzraum •    Group Presentations
11.02. 08:00-18:00 HFB/K II Konferenzraum •    Group Presentations
•    Q&A and Wrap Up

The class will be taught in English. The group presentations will be held in English; the seminar papers can be written in either English or German.


The module requires a prior application.

In order to apply for the module, please send a transcript of records (Leistungsübersicht) to Ruben Anders (ruben.anders@fu-berlin.de) by Friday, October 11th 2024. You will be notified about the success of your application no later than Monday, October 14th 2024.


Class participants will form teams of two and choose a topic for the presentation and seminar paper. The examination for this module will consist of a group presentation incl. discussion together with a written thesis of 20 pages (10 pages per person).