Fallstudien im internationalen Lernnetzwerk (ABV)
(WS 2016/2017)
Typ | Project seminar |
Semester | Wintersemester 2016/17 |
Veranstaltungsumfang | |
Raum | Boltzmannstr. 16-20 (Erster Termin: Garystr. 21) 202 Sitzungsraum / Kaminzimmer (Erster Termin: R315) |
Beginn | 19.10.2016 | 10:00 |
Ende | 15.02.2017 | 14:00 |
Additional Information
Description of the Project Seminar
This cross-location seminar focuses on entrepreneurship and business models in the “Net Economy”. Students from six international universities will work in virtual teams to learn about business model analysis, e-commerce characteristics, and virtual collaboration.
The central coordination platform for this class is a closed social network within which the participants create individual profiles to apply for a team. Every student therefore needs to familiarize himself with the platform, setup a profile and join a team within the first two weeks of the class, called Preparation Phase. In the following Knowledge Development Phase the students will be introduced to some major characteristics of e-commerce and the Web 2.0, to major types of business models on the web, and to the business model canvas as a means of analyzing and designing online businesses. On each of these topics introduced by the instructors via e-lecture, the teams have to complete and submit an assignment on the class platform. The Knowledge Development Phase ends with a multiple choice test on the topics covered. In the following Case Study Phase every team is then asked to apply the new knowledge and develop a business plan for an assigned business model type using the business model canvas. This Case Study Phase includes a peer review process in which each team receives video feedback from at least two other teams. The top rated teams will present their business plan during a final live online meeting, in which all participants will vote the top E-Venture of the class.
Due to the international participants the class is complete taught in English and work needs to be conducted online, with the help of various Web 2.0 applications such as Google Sites, blogs, and wikis.
The project will be conducted in English.
The seminar takes place between 19.10.2016 and 15.02.2017. During this time we'll meet three times, to have a live video conference meeting with the other locations.
Certificate Acquisition
After active and successful contribution to the seminar and after passing the mid-term-test participants will receive 5 credit points. The grades for both parts of the exam (group project and exam) contribute to half of the module grade. The module exam is passed when the module grade is at least at a standard of “sufficient” (4,0).
We are looking forward to your participation and an interesting and successful course of events during the project.
The first meeting takes place on Wednesday 19.10.2016 at 2 pm (until about 6 pm) at Garystrasse 21, R315