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Consent under General Data Protection Regulation

I agree, that the Freie Universität Berlin is allowed to collect, store and process the following personal data:

  • Name 
  • E-Mail

Purpose: Subscribe to our mailing list. You will receive regular emails regarding the seminar program (Research Seminar in Economics).

Personal data will be deleted when the purpose of data processing is achieved and there is no further legal retention period.

Please find attached the Data Protection Policy. Please read it carefully.

I hereby declare that I have been informed about the controller’s obligations to inform (right to information/adjustment/erasure etc.) in accordance with Art. 12–21 GDPR and that I have taken notice of them.

I understand that my consent to the collection, processing and usage of my personal data is freely given. I can withdraw my consent to the future usage of my data informally at any time without any adverse effects.
I can address my notice of withdrawal to:

Freie Universität Berlin

School of Business & Economics, Chair of International Public Economics
LS Schöb
Boltzmannstraße 20

D-14195 Berlin (Germany)


In case of withdrawal, Freie Universität Berlin will delete my personal data upon receipt of the withdrawal notice.