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Our Publications

Selected publications of network members and keynote speakers related to the contents of the network:

Bakker, R./DeFillippi, R.J./Schwab, A./Sydow, J. (Hrsg.) (2016): Temporary Organizing, in: Organization Studies 37(12), Special Issue.

Bakker, R./Cambré, B./Korlaar, L./Raab, J. (2011): Managing the project learning paradox: A set-theoretic approach toward project knowledge transfer, in: International Journal of Project Management, 29, S. 494-503.

Blagoev, B. (2016). Arbeitszeitregime im Lock-in? Eine pfadtheoretische Untersuchung der Persistenz überlanger Arbeitszeiten in einem Beratungsunternehmen. Diss. Freie Universität Berlin.

Braun, T./Müller-Seitz, G./Sydow, J. (2012): Project citizenship behavior? – An explorative analysis at the project-network-nexus, in: Scandinavian Journal of Management, 24(4), S. 271-284.

Danner-Schröder, A./Geiger, D. (2016): Unravelling the motor of patterning work: Toward an understanding of the microlevel-dynamics of standardization and flexibility, in: Organization Science 27(3), S. 633-658.

Ebers, M./Maurer, I. (2016): To continue or not to continue? Drivers of recurrent partnering in temporary organizations, in: Organization Studies 37(12), online veröffentlicht am 29. Juli 2016, doi: 10.1177/0170840616655490.

Koch, J./Krämer, H./Reckwitz, A./Wenzel, M. (2016): Zum Umgang mit Zukunft in Organisationen – Eine praxistheoretische Perspektive, in: Managementforschung, 27(6), online veröffentlicht am 22. September 2016, doi: 10.1365/s41113-016-0005-0.

Raab, J./Soeters, J./van Fennema P./van de Ward, E. (2009): Structure in temporary organizations, in: Kenis, P./Janowicz, M./Cambré, B. (Hrsg.): Temporary organizations, London: Edward Elgar, S. 171-200.

Schmidt, S./Brinks, V./Brinkhoff, S. (2014): Innovation and creativity labs in Berlin – Organizing temporary spatial configurations for innovations, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 58 (4), S. 232-247.

Strobel, M.,/Tumasjan, A./Spörrle, M./Welpe, I. (2013): The future starts today, not tomorrow: How future focus promotes organizational citizenship behaviors, in: Human Relations, 66(6), S. 829-856.

Tumasjan, A./Welpe, I./Spörrle, M. (2013): Easy now, desirable later: The moderating role of temporal distance in opportunity evaluation and exploitation, in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(4), S. 859-888.

Wilhelm, H./Schlömer, M./Maurer, I. (2015): How dynamic capabilities affect the effectiveness and efficiency of operating routines under high and low levels of environmental dynamism, in: British Journal of Management, 26(2), S. 327-345. 

Sydow, J./Braun, T. (2017): Projects as temporary organizations: An agenda for further theorizing the interorganizational dimension, in: International Journal of Project Management, in press.