30 Must-Reads
on Temporary Organizing
Bakker, R. M. (2010). Taking stock of temporary organizational forms: A systematic review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(4), 466-486.
Bakker, R. M., DeFillippi, R. J., Schwab, A., & Sydow, J. (2016). Temporary organizing: Promises, processes, problems. Organization Studies, 37(12), 1703-1719.
Bathelt, H., Malmberg, A., & Maskell P. (2004). Clusters and knowledge: Local buzz, global pipelines and the progress of knowledge creation. Progress in Human Geography 28: 31-56.
Bechky, B.A. (2006). Gaffers, gofers, and grips: role-based coordination in temporary organizations. Organization Science 17, 3-21.
Brady, T., & Davies, A. (2004). Building project capabilities: From exploratory to exploitative learning. Organization studies, 25(9), 1601-1621.
Burke, C.M., & Morley, M.J. (2016): On temporary organizations: A review, synthesis and research agenda. Human Relations, 69(6), 1235-1258.
Cattani, G., Ferriani. S., Frederiksen. L., & Täube, F. (2011). Project-based organizing and strategic management: A long-term research agenda on temporary organizational forms. Advances in Strategic Management 28, 15-39.
Cicmil, S., Williams, T., Thomas, J., & Hodgson, D. (2006). Rethinking project management: researching the actuality of projects. International Journal of Project Management, 24(8), 675-686.
Ebers, M., & Maurer, I. (2016): To continue or not to continue? Drivers of recurrent partnering in temporary organizations. Organization Studies, 37(12), 1861-1895.
Engwall, M. (2003): No project is an island: Linking projects to history and context. Research Policy, 32(5), S. 789-808.
Floricel, S., Bonneau, C., Aubry, M., & Sergi, V. (2014). Extending project management research: Insights from social theories. International Journal of Project Management, 32(7), 1091-1107.
Floricel, S., Michela, J. L., & Piperca, S. (2016). Complexity, uncertainty-reduction strategies, and project performance. International Journal of Project Management, 34(7), 1360-1383.
Grabher, G. (2004): Temporary architectures of learning: Knowledge governance in project ecologies. Organization Studies, 25(9), 1491-1514.
Grabher, G., & Ibert, O. (2011). Project Ecologies. A Contextual View on Temporary Organizations. In: Morris, P.W.G., Pinot, J.K. and Söderlund J. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Project Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 175-198.
Hobday, M. (2000): The project-based organisation: An ideal form for managing complex products and systems? Research Policy, 29 (7/8), 871-893.
Jones, C., & Lichtenstein, B. B. (2008): Temporary inter-organizational projects: How temporal and social embeddedness enhance coordination and manage uncertainty, in: Cropper, S., Ebers, M., Huxham, C. und Ring, P. S. (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Inter-organizational Relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 231-255.
Kenis, P., Janowicz, M., & Cambré, B. (Eds.). (2009). Temporary organizations: Prevalence, logic and effectiveness. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Levitt, R. E. (2012). Fundamentals of social and management science for engineering project organizations. Engineering Project Organization Journal, 2(1-2), 1-3.
Lundin, R. A., & Söderholm, A. (1995). A theory of the temporary organization. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 11(4), 437-455.
Lundin, R.A., Arvidsson, N., Brady, T., Ekstedt, E., Midler, C., & Sydow, J. (2015): Managing and working in project society. Institutional challenges of temporary organizations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maskell, P., Bathelt, H., & Malmberg, A. (2006). Building global knowledge pipelines: The role of temporary clusters. European Planning Studies 14: 997-1013.
Midler, C., 1995. ‘Projectification’ of the firm: the Renault case. Scandinavian Journal of Management 11, 363-375.
Pitsis, T. S., Clegg, S. R., Marosszeky, M., & Rura-Polley, T. (2003). Constructing the Olympic dream: A future perfect strategy of project management. Organization Science, 14(5), 574-590.
Rallet, A., & Torre, A. (2009). Temporary geographical proximity for business and work coordination: When, how and where? SPACES online 7.
Sahlin-Andersson, K., & Söderholm, A. (2002). Beyond project management: New perspectives on the temporary-permanent dilemma. Copenhagen: Liber.
Söderlund, J. (2004). Building theories of project management: past research, questions for the future. International Journal of Project Management, 22(3), 183-191.
Starkey, K., Barnatt, C., & Tempest, S. (2000): Beyond networks and hierarchies: Latent organizations in the U.K. television industry. Organization Science, 11(3), 299-305.
Sydow, J., Linkvist, L., & DeFillippi, R. (2004): Project-based organizations, embeddedness and repositories of knowledge. Organization Studies, 25(9), 1475-1489.
Sydow, J., & Staber, U. (2002): The institutional embeddedness of project networks: The case of content production in German television, Regional Studies, 36(3), 215-227.
Windeler, A., & Sydow, J. (2001): Project networks and changing industry practices – Collaborative content production in the German television industry. Organization Studies, 22(6), 1035-1061.