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Beiträge 2016

Sydow, J. (2016): Trust and Distrust Dynamics - Exploring the Role of Self-reinforcing Processes. EIASM 1st International Workhshop "Distrust and Conflict Escalation in Organizations and Societies", University of Groningen, 11-12. Januar 2016.

Sydow, J. (2016): Organisationen vertrauen - Systemisches und Selbstverstärkendes. Universität Tübingen, 22. Januar 2016.

Sydow, J. (2016): Relating knowledge integration and absorptive capacity: Knowledge boundaries and reflective agency in path-dependent processes. SOFI Göttingen, 25. Februar 2016.

Stache, F./Sydow, J. (2016):  Path-breaking Organizational Change: Effective Cancer Treatment through Multi-Center Cooperation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK., 23. März 2016.