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2nd International Conference On Path Dependence 2011

ausgewählte Beiträge erscheinen Ende 2012 in dem Sammelband Sydow, J. / Schreyögg, G. (Hrsg.) "Self-reinforcing Processes in and among Organizations" bei Palgrave-Macmillan, London.


Call for Papers



March 3-4, 2011

Freie Universität Berlin

School of Business & Economics


The theory of path dependence is attracting increasing attention. A considerable number of scholars have been using the theory for the study of historical imprints, escalating dynamics and organizational inertia in different fields and on different levels. The conference is organized by the Path Dependence Research Centre (Pfadkolleg) of the Freie Universität Berlin. It aims at providing a platform for the discussion of most recent path-related research. The discussions are expected to focus on issues of extending path theory as well as studies of path-dependent phenomena. Conceptual as well as empirical papers from different fields are welcome: organization theory, organizational behaviour, strategic management, human resource management, marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship. Apart from the field of business studies, the organizers encourage contributions from related disciplines, such as economics, geography, sociology or business history.


Format: This will be an intensive 2-day conference with concluding panels and key-note speakers. A maximum of 50 participants will be selected to guarantee a workshop atmosphere. The sessions combine paper presentations and discussions including interactive elements. The conference will take place on the campus of the Freie Universität Berlin. Accommodation at reasonable prices will be provided; we do not charge a conference fee. For the conference dinner we do charge an amount of 50 Euro.


The organizers invite you to submit a paper to the conference. Papers are due by November 15, 2010. Please email your submission to pfadkolleg @ wiwiss.fu-berlin.de. Proposals must be submitted in rich text (rtf) or portable document format (pdf) and should include:

  • a full paper of a maximum of 9000 words, including an abstract of 200 words
  • a separate sheet with contact information, including affiliation, e-mail, telephone, fax, and postal address of the author(s).


Key Note speakers:    

Joe Lampel, City University London

Giovanni Dosi, Sant' Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa

Evita Paraskevopoulou, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Conference Organizers

Georg Schreyögg, Freie Universität Berlin

Albrecht Söllner, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt /Oder

Jörg Sydow, Freie Universität Berlin


Conference Program

You can view the Program here (Download, .pdf)


Conference Papers/Pictures

You find the conference papers and pictures in the Download Center.

For all lecturers: Please  carry your presentation with you on a memory stick.



Please book your accommodation at the following hotels using the Keyword: "Path conference"

Harnackhaus: http://www.harnackhaus-berlin.mpg.de/eng-index.htm

Seminaris: http://www.seminaris.com/index.asp?tree_id=40&cid=&sprache_id=2




Directions for evening activities


Directions get together restaurant "Alter Krug"

Directions dinner restaurant "Neu"



For further practicalities and additional information send us an e-mail: pfadkolleg @ wiwiss.fu-berlin.de