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Two Days of Hard Workshop Work

News vom 02.03.2017

Two Days of Hard Workshop Work

Berlin, Feb 23-24, 2017

The DFG Research Unit “Organized Creativity” coordinated by Jörg Sydow, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, met for the third time in Berlin. Research teams with members from Duisburg, Hamburg, Innsbruck and Linz participated. The current status of the four research projects was presented and the “physical copresense” (the research topic of one of the projects) was used to calibrate the research designs, to coordinate field access, and, for the first time, to discuss the projects the six doctoral students have taken on for the PhDs. In addition to the earlier established “Readings Groups” (e.g. on the relationship between creativity and innovation or the role of networks in creative processes) two “Field Groups” were set up. They consist of three doctoral students each and, during the meeting, presented detailed analyses of the fields of music production and pharmaceutical research. Overall, Readings Groups and Field Groups turned out to be a helpful organizing device to coordinate research work across the four projects. At the end of the first day we enjoyed a nice dinner together at Litehouse near S-Bahnhof Lichterfelde West.

See also: Organized Creativity Blog

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