Prof. Dr. Peter-Th. Wilrich

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Institut für Statistik und Ökonometrie
Professor Emeritus
Garystr. 21
14195 Berlin
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838-455791
nach Vereinbarung
The following Excel-programs are free software for the calculation of the MPN, the POD-LOD and the RLOD. They are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without warranty. If you are interested in receiving information on software updates, please subscribe to our newsletter. |
Download: PODLOD-interlab_ver2.xls |
EXCEL program for the estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method from an interlaboratory experiment according to Jarvis, B., Wilrich, C., and Wilrich, P.-Th.: Estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a binary microbiological measurement method from an interlaboratory experiment. Journal of AOAC International 102 (2019) 1617 – 1623. |
Download: PODLOD_ver12.xls |
EXCEL program for the estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a qualitative microbiological measurement method according to Wilrich, C., and P.-Th. Wilrich: Estimation of the POD function and the LOD of a qualitative microbiological measurement method. Journal of AOAC International 92 (2009) 1763 - 1772. |
Download: MPN_ver6.xls |
EXCEL program for the determination of the Most Probable Numbers (MPN), their standard deviations, confidence bounds and rarity values according to Jarvis, B., Wilrich, C., and P.-T. Wilrich: Reconsideration of the derivation of Most Probable Numbers, their standard deviations, confidence bounds and rarity values. Journal of Applied Microbiology 109 (2010), 1660 – 1667. |
Download: RLOD_ver4.xlsm |
EXCEL program for the estimation of the relative level of detection (RLOD) of two qualitative microbiological measurement methods according to Margaritescu, I., and Wilrich, P.-Th.: Determination of the relative level of detection of a qualitative microbiological measurement method with respect to a reference measurement method. Journal of AOAC International 96 (2013) 1086 – 1091. |