The effects of short-time work: an international comparison
The macroeconomic effects of a universal basic income
Government debt and the liquidity trap in Japan
The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement: A forecast
The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
A supranational unemployment insurance for the European Economic and Monetary Union
The macroeconomic role of efficiency wages
The effects of temporary VAT reduction in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic
Macroeconomic crises and the real estate market
Macroeconomic effects of wage indexation
Inflation and the Taylor rule
Labor market and migration
Bitcoin and inflation
Macroeconomic effects of uncertainty
Macroeconomic effects of transitioning to sustainable individual motorized transport
Determinants of economic growth
Interest rates and the real estate market
Gross value added by tourism
The relationship between economic development and migration
The impact of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality
The development of education as a merit good and its impact on economic growth
The influence of technology and innovations on economic growth
Impact of the Basel II Accord on the global economic crisis of 2007-2008
Rethinking economic progress: analyzing the limitations of GDP as a measure of sustainable development
Inflation and monetary policy in sub-Saharan Africa
Best Friend of the Rich and Enemy of the Poor? Analyzing the Federal Reserve’s Impact on the Development of the Stock Market and Wealth Inequality during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Die Effekte des demographischen Wandels auf den Arbeitsmarkt
Dollarisierung als Weg aus der Währungskrise in Argentinien
Die Auswirkungen des Mindestlohns auf den Arbeitsmarkt
The Unforeseen Shock: Assessing the Economic Consequences of COVID-19 in Germany on Inequality
The Development of Income Inequality in Germany after the Increases of Minimum Wage and Tax-Free Amount on October 1st, 2022 – A Comparative Analysis
Ist die Migration ein treibender Faktor für Wirtschaftswachstum?
Transition to a green economy and economic growth
The Effects of the International Monetary Fund Stabilization Programs on Inequality in Argentina
Geschlechterspezifische Effekte der Coronapandemie auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt
Ökonomische Auswirkungen von Sportgroßveranstaltungen auf Gastgeberländer
Effects of the Western Sanctions Imposed on Russia on the German Economy
Basel III und Bankenstabilität am aktuellen Rand
Kurzarbeit und Arbeitsmarkteffekte während der Covid-19 Pandemie
Erneuerbare Energien und das Wachstum des Bruttoin-landsproduktes in Deutschland
Der Einfluss politischer Faktoren auf die Staatsverschuldung
The relationship between economic growth and income inequality