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Jour Fixe des Masterstudiengangs Statistik am 10.7.2023

News vom 28.06.2023

Dear students in the joint master's program in statistics,

for a long time, we had the tradition of “Jour Fixe” in the joint master’s program in statistics – a meeting with a presentation, with personal exchange and the opportunity to get to know each other. Due to the corona pandemic, this Jour Fixe has not been possible on site in recent years, but only online.

We are pleased to inform you that in summer semester 2023 there will be a Jour Fixe in person.

The meeting will take place on

Monday, July 10, 2023, 5:15 p.m. at Freie Universität Berlin, School of Business & Economics, Room 107
(Garystr. 21, 14195 Berlin, near subway station “Freie Universität – Thielplatz”).

Prof. Dr. Jan Marcus, newly appointed professor for applied statistics at FU Berlin, will briefly introduce fu:stat, the statistical consultancy of FU Berlin.

Dr. Claudia Baldermann, graduate of the Master's degree in statistics and currently working at Zalando SE, will give a presentation on “Statistics after the Master: Career paths and statistics at work”.

Following the talks, a reception with canapés and drinks will take place, providing a wonderful opportunity for personal interaction, engaging discussions, and valuable networking.

We look forward to meeting you at the Jour Fixe.

With kind regards

Prof. Dr. Jan Marcus
Felix Skarke
Angelika Wnuk

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Forschungsschwerpunkt Statistik und Ökonometrie