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Studie zur Wirkung von Hybris im Crowdfundingkontext erscheint in Electronic Markets

News vom 15.09.2022

Gemeinsam mit Prof. Tyge-F- Kummer (Queensland University of Technology) untersuchte Prof. Sundermeier, wie sich das Zurschaustellen hybristischer Persönlichkeitseigenschaften auf die Investmententscheidung von UnterstützerInnen in Crowdfundingkampagnen auswirkt. Zu diesem Zweck arbeiten die beiden WissenschaftlerInnen mit einem Schauspieler, der verschiedene Persönlichkeiszüge in einem Pitch darstellte.

Der vollständige Artikel findet sich hier.

"Reward-based crowdfunding broadens the scope of e-commerce transactions, as prototypical products are pre-sold under conditions of considerable uncertainty. To date, we know little about the mechanisms that underlie decisions to back reward-based crowdfunding campaigns. However, it is likely that startup founders’ possibility of showcasing their personalities in video pitches signals their trustworthiness, particularly, as other features, such as quality seals and customer testimonials, are often unavailable. We use signaling theory to reinforce the move from a feature-oriented perspective to a signaling perspective, as signals can transmit information about startup founders’ otherwise imperceptible qualities and abilities. Based on a survey (N = 108), we investigate how perceived hubris – proven to be particularly salient in startup contexts – influences the funding decision of potential backers. We find that abilities and legitimacy of a startup founder are rated positively when s/he is perceived as hubristic. These results have implications for crowdfunding campaigns and highlight the relevance of personality traits in electronic markets."

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