Sundermeier, J. (2024). It just seems that they don’t act like men: The influence of gender role stereotypes on women’s entrepreneurial innovation activities, Journal of Business Research, forthcoming.
Wessel, L., Sundermeier, J., Rothe, H., Hanke, S., Baiyere, A., Rappert, F., Gersch, M. (2024). Designing as Trading-off: A Practice-based View on Smart Service Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, forthcoming.
Sundermeier, J., & Steenblock, C. (2023). Promoting a Contemporary Image of Entrepreneurial Careers: A Course Concept to Address Gender Role Stereotypes Through Entrepreneurship Education, Journal of Management Education, 48 (2), 302-339.
Schmitt, F., Sundermeier, J., Mikkelsen, K. (2023). Hello Diversity! Digital Ideation Hackathon: Fostering Gender Equality in Digital Innovation, Communications of the Association of Information Systems, 53 (36), 877-902.
Mattner, F., Sundermeier, J. (2023). Revision needed? A social constructionist perspective on measurement scales for assessing gender role stereotypes in entrepreneurship, International Small Business Journal, 41 (8), 825-842.
Sundermeier, J. (2022). Lessons from and for digital workplace transformation in times of crisis, MISQ Executive, 21 (4).
Sundermeier, J., Mahlert, N. (2022). Entrepreneurial team diversity - A systematic review and research agenda, European Management Journal, 41 (6), 972-984.
Sundermeier, J., Kummer, T. (2022). Does personality still matter in e-commerce? How perceived hubris influences the assessment of founders’ trustworthiness using the example of reward-based crowdfunding, Electronic Markets, 32, 1127-1144.
Sundermeier, J., Steenblock, C. (2022). Thomas befördert Thomas befördert Thomas – Geschlechterbezogene Stereotype und ihre Implikationen für die Besetzung von CTO-Positionen, HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 59 (1), 896–911.
Sundermeier, J. (2021). Toward a Comprehensive Perspective on Hubristic Leadership – An Aggregation of Cross-Disciplinary Evidence and Roadmap for Future Research, European Management Journal, 41 (1), 143-153.
Sundermeier, J., Birkner, S., Ettl, K., Kensbock, J., Tegtmeier, S. (2020). Hello Diversity! Opportunities and Challenges of Entrepreneurial Diversity in the Digital Age, Communications of the Association of Information Systems, 47 (1), 35-47.
Sundermeier, J., Gersch, J., Freiling, J. (2020). Hubristic Start‐up Founders – The Neglected Bright and Inevitable Dark Manifestations of Hubristic Leadership in New Venture Creation Processes, Journal of Management Studies, 57 (5), p. 1037-1067.
Gersch, M., & Sundermeier, J. (2019). Editorial: Understanding (Digital) Transformation. Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management, 10, 1–3.
Andersson, S., Sundermeier, J. (2019). Firms’ use of organizational, personal and intermediary networks to gain access to resources for internationalization, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 61 (4), p. 609-621.
Sundermeier, J. (2017). Start-up (s) with hubris - the effects of hubris on the performance of core entrepreneurial functions (Dissertation). Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Steenblock, C., & Sundermeier, J. (2024). Entrepreneurship education for everyone? Nudging entrepreneurial career aspirations among students of all genders. Australian Center for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference (ACERE), Sydney, Australia (Best Paper for Innovation in Addressing Social Challenges)
Jacob, E. & Sundermeier, J. (2023). Types of Hybridity - How Social Enterprises Differ in Their Value Creation, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2023, Boston, Massachusetts.
Steenblock, C. & Sundermeier, J. (2023): Exploring Gender Diversity in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Sub-Ecosystem Analysis. Diana International Research Conference, June 3-6 2023, Boston, MA, USA.
Zebhauser, J., Rothe, H. & Sundermeier, J. (2023). Scaling AI Ventures: How to Navigate Tensions between Automation and Augmentation. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6, Hawaii.
Steenblock, C., & Sundermeier, J. (2022). Gender Stereotypes in Digital Innovation: Chances and Challenges for Entrepreneurship Education. Diana International Research Conference, June 19-22 2022, Dublin, Ireland.
Schmitt, F., Sundermeier, J., Weritz, P. (2022). A feminist perspective on digital technologies as external enablers for venture creation processes. Diana International Research Conference, June 19-22 2022, Dublin, Ireland.
Steenblock, C., & Sundermeier, J. (2022). Useful or superfluous? Entrepreneurial leaders’ perspectives on gender bias interventions. Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT) Conference, November 16-18, Naples, Italy.
Mattner, F. & Sundermeier, J. (2021). It’s about time: An open approach to measuring gender stereotypes in entrepreneurship, Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT) Conference, Turku, Finnland (Nominee for Best Conference Paper).
Schmitt, F., Sundermeier, J., Bohn, N., Morassi-Sasso, A. (2020). Spotlight on women in tech: Fostering an inclusive workforce, International Conference ion Information Systems, India (Best Paper in Track 'Making Digital inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global')
Lopper, E., Gahrmann, C., Sundermeier, J. & Hoppe, A. (2020). Sozialer Zusammenhalt im Arbeitskontext: Mediiert sozialer Zusammenhalt den Effekt zwischen Relational Crafting und arbeitsbezogenem Wohlbefinden?, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
Sundermeier, J., Kummer, T. (2019). Startup founders personality attributes in crowdfunding camapigns: the relevance of hubris and charisma in raising seed funding online, Hawaii International Conference in System Sciences, Hawaii, USA.
Sundermeier, J., Kummer, T. (2018). Does Personality Still Matter in Our Digitalized World? The Relevance of Hubris and Charisma for Crowdfunding Success, International Conference on Information Systems, San Fransicso, USA.
Sundermeier, J., Wessel, L. Davidson, E. (2018). Can digital innovation alter the landscape of women's entrepreneurship? Towards a research agenda, International Conference on Information Systems, San Fransicso, USA.
Birkner, S., Sundermeier, J., Tegtmeier, S. (2018). E-Heath value proposition revisited - Towards a gender-aware classification of digital business models, Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Stuttgart, Germany.
Sundermeier, J., Kummer, T. (2018). How entrepreneurial hubris and charisma influence the sucess of crowdfunding campaigns - A multimodel research approach, EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estland.
Kormann, J., Sundermeier, J., Gersch, M. (2018). Mission drift in social business hybrids - The relevance of organizational culture, Conference on New Business Models, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Sundermeier, J., Kummer, T., Weckermann, N., Gersch, M. (2018). High Flying Visionaries or Reckless Rebels? The Perception of Hubristic Entrepreneurs by Non-Professional Investors. An Experimental Approach, Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, Lüneburg, Germany.
Sundermeier J., Gersch, M., Freiling, J. (2017). Leaving the dead end in research on entrepreneurial hubris: a research agenda, Rent conference – Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Lund, Sweden.
Sundermeier, J., Gersch, M., Freiling, J. (2017). Does hubris fuel entrepreneurial transformation? A novel perspective on the performance of core entrepreneurial functions, International Council for Small Business, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Sundermeier J., Gersch, M., Freiling, J. (2017). Towards a systematic approach to analyze the effects of entrepreneurial hubris, Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Wuppertal, Germany.
Sundermeier, J. (2017). Effects of hubris on core entrepreneurial functions performed by founders, 7th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, Lüneburg, Deutschland
Wessel, L.; Sundermeier, J.; Gersch, M.; Hanke, S. (2016). Putting business model innovation into context: towards an understanding of robust university spin-offs, 20. Forum Gründungsforschung - Interdisziplinäre Entrepreneurship Jahreskonferenz, Leipzig, Deutschland. Online abrufbar.
Sundermeier, J. (2016). How does hubris influence the innovation activities of company founders?, Babson Conference Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Bodø, Norwegen. Online abrufbar.
Sundermeier, J., Bier, S., Gersch, M. (2016): Beyond conventional thinking in highly and less digitalized industries: hubris as a driver for exceptional decision-making logics, Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2016), Ilmenau, Deutschland. Online abrufbar.
Sundermeier, J. (2015). Positive and negative effects of individual hubris on entrepreneurial functions in the IT-industry, Doctorial Consortium of the Information System School at the Queensland University of Technology, 14.11.2015, Brisbane, Australien. Online abrufbar.
Sundermeier. J. (2015): The effects of hubris on entrepreneurial decision-making processes, 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Kanada.
Sundermeier, J., Gersch, M. (2015): Organizational hubris in entrepreneurial ICT-settings, 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2015), Osnabrück, Deutschland.
Sundermeier, J., Gersch, M. (2015): Determining the role of (organizational) hubris as a driver of innovation in newly founded ventures – guidance and propositions for future research, 5th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship, Lüneburg, Deutschland. Online abrufbar.
Sundermeier, J., Gersch, M. (2014): Abnormal decision making logics in entrepreneurial settings - towards an additional symptom of organizational hubris in newly founded ventures, 18. Forum Gründungsforschung - Interdisziplinäre Entrepreneurship Jahreskonferenz, Oldenburg, Deutschland. Online abrufbar.
Rothe H, Sundermeier J, Gersch M (2014). Analyzing interactivity in asynchronous video discussions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel Learning Experiences. Springer International Publishing, Heraklion (Greece), pp 226–237. Online abrufbar.
Andersson, S., Sundermeier, J. (2013). Firms’ use of networks to get access to resources for internationalization. 16th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Kanada. [Abstract PDF]
Sundermeier, J. (2013). Der Zusammenhang zwischen einem erreichen bevorzugten Kundenstatus und Kundenloyalität – die Rolle des Geschlechts. 11. Tagung des Ökonominnen Netzwerks efas, HTW, Berlin. [Abstract PDF]
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Sundermeier, J. (2020): Diversität als Innovationstreiber!? Ein Plädoyer für eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung von unternehmerischer Diversität, in: Bender, Gunnar/Gerlieb, Anne (Hrsg.): Innovation durch Diversität. Über die Kunst, das Neue auszuhalten. Quadriga Berlin, S. 19-23
Gersch, M., Goeke, C., Sundermeier, J. (2015). Die Geschäftssystementwicklung in der Vormarktphase, in: Kollmann, T.; Freiling, J. (Hrsg.): Entrepreneurial Marketing, 2. Aufl. Wiesbaden 2015.