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EGOS 2022 - Call for (Short) Papers: “Orgachines?!” (Sub-theme 47)

News vom 05.10.2021

In this sub-theme, we explore how new digital technologies, computer algorithms or AI have started to increasingly impact problem solving and decision-making in organizations as key activities of organizations. While these technologies may accelerate and broaden the ability to make more accurate decisions, especially in predictable areas they also delimit the space for freedom, creativity, and flexibility in human decision-making and restrict tolerance, intuition and improvisation, which are necessary for organizational development. Only recently, scholars have begun to explore how organizations deal with AI, but have not explicitly delved into the complex interplays between AI, decision-makers, and organizations in the context of problem solving and decision-making. Thus, research on the interplay between new digital technologies and decision-making in organizations is still in its infancy. Because of the high relevance of the topic and urgent practical questions that emerge in various industries (e.g., questions surrounding autonomous vehicles or AI-based medicine), we call for research that investigates how algorithms such as AI, but also other digital technologies, influence organizational problem solving and decision making. It is the explicit aim of this subtheme to bridge research of strategic management, organization, as well as innovation management and information systems research.


EGOS 2022: July 7-9, 2022 Vienna (Austria) 

EGOS 2022 webpage: https://www.egos.org/2022_Vienna/General-Theme  

Call for (Short) Papers: https://www.wiwiss/fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/bwl/pwo/gersch/ressourcen/EGOS-2022---Orgachines_-CfP-Sub-Theme-Proposal.pdf

Short Paper (3.000 words)

Guideline: https://www.egos.org/jart/prj3/egos/releases/de/upload/Guidelines/EGOS-Colloquia_Guidelines_Submission_Short-Papers_2022.pdf

Deadline: The deadline for submission of short papers is Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 23:59:59 CET


·         Ann-Christine Schulz
FH Wien der WKW, Austria: ann.schulz@fh-wien.ac.at

·         Martin Gersch
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany: martin.gersch@fu-berlin.de

·         Wolfgang H. Güttel
TU Wien, Austria: wolfgang.guettel@tuwien.ac.at

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