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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Fürstenau


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Fürstenau

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Univ.-Professor Dr. Daniel Fürstenau übernimmt zum 01.06.2024 die Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt IT-Management und Digitale Transformation.

Wissenschaftliche Laufbahn

ab 06/2024                        Universitätsprofessur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt IT-Management und Digitale Transformation, Dept. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
ab 11/2020 Forscher (in Teilzeit) & Leiter AG „Data Ecosystems & Care Analytics,Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Berlin, Deutschland
2022-2024 Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Business IT, 
Kopenhagen, DK
2020-2022   Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Dept. of Digitalization, Kopenhagen, DK
2017-2020 Juniorprofessor (W1), Freie Universität Berlin, School of Business & Economics,
Berlin, DE
2014-2017 Postdoc FU Berlin & Stipendiat (DFG, DAAD, FU Berlin Exzellenzinitiative II), Forschungsaufenthalte: UC San Diego, USA (2016), Copenhagen Business School, Dänemark (2015 & 2019), University of British Columbia (UBC), Kanada (2018), Âbo Akademi, Turku, Finnland (2014)

Dissertation (Dr.-rer. pol.) Freie Universität Berlin („summa cum laude“)

2011-2014 Doktorand im DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Pfade organisatorischer Prozesse", FU Berlin, Berlin, DE

Mitgliedschaften und Auszeichnungen

ab 06/2024 Professor und Vorstandsmitglied am Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin
ab 2020 Sprecher Fachgruppe Digital Health, Gesellschaft f. Informatik, ab 10/2024 Clustersprecher
2020 Best Paper Award Org. Comm. & Inf. Syst (OCIS), Academy of Management
2020 Best Associate Editor International Conf. Information Systems, IS in Healthcare
ab 2011          Mitglied der Association for Information Systems (AIS)


Kilgus, T., Kari, A., Gubser, R., Dewey, M., Gersch, M., & Fürstenau, D. (2024).
Bridging the Valley of Death: Balancing Value Creation and Capture in Health Data Sharing Platforms
Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Information Systems

Zuber, A., Rubarth, K., Förster, F., Balzer, F., Spies, C., Fürstenau, D., & Kumpf, O. (2024).
The impact of adhering to a quality indicator for sedation, analgesia, and delirium management on costs, revenues, and clinical outcomes in intensive care in Germany: A retrospective observational study
Plos One, 19(8), e0308948., doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0308948

Sunyaev, A., Fürstenau, D., & Davidson, E. (2024).
Reimagining Digital Health
Business & Information Systems Engineering, pp. 1–12. Springer, doi: 10.1007/s12599-024-00870-x

Wieland, A., Marton, A., Lehrer, C., Rønn, C., & Fürstenau, D. (2024).
Circular Hybrid Products: Pointing to Sustainability In the Digital Age
Digital Health in the Circular Economy, doi: 10398/d773bd5a-0613-45ea-9c6d-cb7d32b400e1

Akbari, K., Fürstenau, D., & Winkler, T. J. (2024).
Governance and Longevity of Architecturally Embedded Applications
Journal of Management Information Systems, 41(1), 266–296., doi: 10.1080/07421222.2023.2301169

Kilgus, T., Patecka, A., Schurig, T., Kari, A., Gubser, R., Gersch, M., Wessel, L., Fürstenau, D. (2024).
Creating Value from the Secondary Use of Health Data: International Examples, Best Practices, and Opportunities to Scale
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 55(1), 20., doi: 10.17705/1CAIS.05520

Kuss, P., Meske, C., Gersch, M., Balzer, F., Fürstenau, D., Thissen, A., Dewey, M., Füllhase, J. (2024).
Algorithms and agency in hospitals: Empirical insights on the impact of digital transformation on clinical work
Working Paper Forschungsförderung., doi: 10419/302189

Kilgus, T., Nowak, A., Gersch, M., & Fürstenau, D. (2024).
Sustainability in Secondary Use of Health Data--A Scoping Review
34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference, 398–402., doi: 10.3233/SHTI240431

Nowak, A., Gubser, R., Poncette, A.-S., & Fürstenau, D. (2024).
Evaluation of End-User Participation in Artificial Intelligence Nursing Projects
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, doi: 10.3233/SHTI240604 

Nowak, A., Hauss, A., Schulte-Althoff, M., Fürstenau, D. (2024)
Risk group assessment for falls of older adults - from treatment to prevention 
27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16640.85763

Binzer, B., Elshan, E., Fürstenau, D., & Winkler, T. J. (2024).
Establishing a low-code/no-code-enabled citizen development strategy
MIS Quarterly Executive.

Schurig, T., Kari, A., & Fürstenau, D. (2024).
The Symphony of Orchestrated Participatory Data Space Governance: A Systematic Review
ECIS 2024 Proceedings


Rønn, C., Wieland, A., Lehrer, C., Márton, A., LaRoche, J.K.L., Specker, A., Leroy, P., Fürstenau, D.
Circular Business Model for Digital Health Solutions: Protocol for a Scoping Review
JMIR Research Protocols. 12, e47874 doi: 10.2196/47874

Schlieter, H., Kählig, M., Hickmann, E., Fürstenau, D., Sunyaev, A., Richter, P., Breitschwerdt, R., Thielscher, C., Gersch, M., Maaß, W., Reuter-Oppermann, M., Wiese, L.
Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) im Spannungsfeld von Fortschritt und Kritik
Bundesgesundheitsblatt. doi: 10.1007/s00103-023-03804-2

Seibert, K., Domhof, D., Fürstenau, D., Biessmann, F., Schulte‑Althoff, M., Wolf‑Ostermann, K.
Exploring needs and challenges for AI in nursing care – results of an explorative sequential mixed methods study
BMC Digital Health. 1(13), 1-17. doi: 10.1186/s44247-023-00015-2

Kopka, M., Scatturin, L., Napierala, H., Fürstenau, D., Balzer, F., Schmieding, M.L.
Characteristics of Users and Non-Users of Symptom Checkers in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study
Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25, e46231. doi: 10.2196/46231

Doctor, E., Eymann, T., Fürstenau, D., Gersch, M., Hall, K., Kauffmann, A.L., Schulte-Althoff, M., Schlieter, H., Stark, J., Wyrtki, K.M.
A Maturity Model for Assessing the Digitalization of Public Health Agencies
Business & Information Systems Engineering. 65, 539–554. doi: 10.1007/s12599-023-00813-y

Fürstenau, D., Baiyere, A., Schewina, K., Schulte-Althoff, M., Rothe, H.
Extended Generativity Theory on Digital Platforms
Information Systems Research. doi: 10.1287/isre.2023.1209

Fürstenau, D., Gersch, M., Schreiter, S.
Digital Therapeutics (DTx)
Business & Information Systems Engineering. 65, 349–360. doi: 10.1007/s12599-023-00804-z

Marbin, D., Gutwinski, S., Lech, S., Fürstenau, D., Kokwara, L., Krüger, H., Schindel, D., Schreiter, S.
Use of digital technologies by users of psychiatric inpatient services in Berlin, Germany: a cross-sectional patient survey
BMJ Open. 13, e067311. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067311

Vogel, A., Guinemer, C., Fürstenau, D.
Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perceived facilitators and barriers for shared decision-making for frail and elderly patients in perioperative care: A scoping review

BMC Health Services Research. 23, 197. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09120-4

Eymann, T., Fürstenau, D., Gersch, M., Kauffmann, A.-L., Neubauer, M., Schick, D., Schlömer, N., Schulte-Althoff, M., Stark, J., von Welczeck, L.
Das Reifegradmodell für den Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst - Ein Instrument zur Erfassung und Verbesserung des digitalen Reifegrades von deutschen Gesundheitsämtern
Bundesgesundheitsblatt. doi: 10.1007/s00103-022-03643-7

Vorderwülbecke, G., Spies, C., von Heymann, C., Kruppa, J., Fürstenau, D., Kaufner, L., Werner, S., Höft, M., Balzer, F.
Die Kosten der präoperativen Anämie bei Hüftgelenksrevisionsoperationen
Die Anästhesiologie. 72(1), 13–20.doi: 10.1007/s00101-022-01211-x

Vogel, A., Borchers, F., Balzer, F., Spies, C., Gersch, M., Fürstenau, D.

Exploring the Role of Individual Beliefs and Social Factors in Adopting Social Innovations
Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, MA, USA.

Stegemann, L., Gubser, R., Gersch, M., Bartschke, A., Hoffmann, A., Wagner, M., Fürstenau, D.
Future-Oriented and Patient-Centric? A Qualitative Analysis of Digital Therapeutics and Their Interoperability

Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023).

Gubser, R., Heinemann, N., Pohle, J., Schulte-Althoff, M., Fürstenau, D.
Data Governance Strategies of Data Platforms: A Multiple Case Analysis in Nursing Care

Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023).

Fürstenau, D., Thiebes, S., Witte, A.-K., Sunyaev, A.
Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Platforms and Ecosystems in Healthcare
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. January 3-6, 2023


Mosch, L., Fürstenau, D., Brandt, J., Wagnitz, J., Klopfenstein, S., Poncette, A.-S., Balzer, F.
The Medical Profession Transformed by Artificial Intelligence: Qualitative Study
Sage Digital Health. doi: 10.1177/20552076221143903

Sunyaev, A., Fürstenau, D., Davidson, E.
Call for Papers – 03/2024 – Reimagining Digital Health: Advances in Patient-Centeredness, Artificial Intelligence, and Data-Driven Care Research
Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64, 543–545. doi: 10.1007/s12599-022-00763-x

Bingel, A., Weimar, A., Runte, K., Messroghli, D., Salcher-Konrad, M., Kelle, S., Goubergrits, L., Pieske, B., Berger, F., Kuehne, T., Fürstenau, D., Kelm, M.
Hemodynamic Changes During Physiological and Pharmacological Stress Testing in Patients with Heart Failure – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.718114 

Fürstenau, D., Haneke, H., Spies, C., Walz, T., Schewina, K., Höft, M., Mörgeli, R., Balzer, F.
Tackling the Frailty Burden with an Integravity Value-Based Approach: Results from a Mixed-Methods Study
Journal of Public Health, 30(1), 99-110, 2022

Baiyere, A., Fürstenau, D.
Digital Practices
Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Seattle, Washington, USA


Vogel, A., Balzer, F., & Fürstenau, D.
The Social Construction of the Patient-physician Relationship in the Clinical Encounter: Media Frames on Shared Decision Making in Germany
Social Science & Medicine, 289, 114420, 2021

von Briel, F., Recker, J., Selander, L., Jarvenpaa, S. L., Hukal, P., Yoo, Y., Alpar, P., Wurm, B.
Researching Digital Entrepreneurship: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Directions
Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), 48(4), 284-304, 2021

Seibert, K., Domhoff, D., Bruch, D., Schulte-Althoff, M., Fürstenau, D., Biessmann, F., Wolf-Ostermann, K.
Application Scenarios for Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Care: Rapid Review
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(11), e26522, 2021

Vogel, A., Fürstenau, D.
Towards Patient-Centeredness? Media Frames on Shared Decision-Making for Healthcare Treatment
81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2021

Seibert, K., Domhoff, D., Bruch, D., Schulte-Althoff, M., Fürstenau, D., Biessmann, F., Wolf-Ostermann, K.
A Rapid Review on Application Scenarios for Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Care
JMIR Preprints, 2021

Fürstenau, D., Rothe, H., Sandner, M.
Leaving the Shadow: A Configurational Approach to Explain Post-identification Outcomes of Shadow IT Systems
Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63, 97–111, 2021

Fürstenau, D., Klein, S., Vogel, A., Auschra, C.
Multi-Sided Platform and Data-Driven Care Research: A Longitudinal Case Study on Business Model Innovation for Improving Care in Complex Neurological Diseases (Publisher)
Electronic Markets, 2021

Fürstenau, D., Morelli, F., Meindl, K., Schulte-Althoff, M., Rabe, J.
A Social Citizen Dashboard for Participatory Urban Planning in Berlin: Prototype and Evaluation 
54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Virtual, 2021

Schulte-Althoff, M., Lee, G., Fürstenau D.
A Scaling Perspective on AI Startups  
54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Virtual, 2021


Guinemer, C., Boeker, M., Weiss, B., Fürstenau, D., Balzer, F., Poncette, A.
Telemedicine in Intensive Care Units: Protocol for a Scoping Review
JMIR Research Protocols, 9(12):e19695, 2020

Fürstenau, D.,  Klein, S., Auschra, C.
A Configuration Approach to Multi-Sided Platforms in Healthcare: An ALS Platform Case (Publisher)
41th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Virtual, 2020

Witte, A.-K., Fürstenau, D.,  Zarnekow, R..
Digital Health Ecosystems for Sensor Technology Integration - A Qualitative Study on the Paradox of Data Openness
41th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Virtual, 2020

Volpe, G., Schulte-Althoff, M., Dillmann, D., Maurer, E., Niedenzu, Y., Schließer, P., Fürstenau, D.
Humanoid Social Robots and the Reconfiguration of Customer Service    
IFIP Joint Working Conference, Hyderabad, India, 2020

Fürstenau, D., Seibert, K., Domhoff, D., Wolf-Ostermann, K., Schulte-Althoff, M., Bießmann, F.
#AI4Care - Accelerating Nursing Care with the Help of AI: Current Issues and Recommendations   
Abstract presented at Future Medicine Science Match, Berlin, Germany, 2020

Fürstenau, D., Cleophas, C., Kliewer, N.
How Do Market Standards Inhibit the Enactment of Digital Capabilities?    
Business & Information Systems Engineering, 62(4), 279-287, 2020

von Briel, F., Recker, J., Selander, L., Hukal, P., Jarvenpaa, S., Yoo, Y., Lehmann, J., Chan, Y., Rothe, H., Alpar, P., Fürstenau, D., Wurm, B.
Researching Digital Entrepreneurship: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Directions
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2020

Fürstenau, D., Walz, T., Genseler, G., Haneke, H., Mörgeli, R., Spies, C., Balzer, F.
Tackling the Frailty Burden in German Healthcare: Learnings from the Implementation of Digital Health Solutions in a University Hospital Setting
Presented at Workshop on Implementation of Digital Health Solutions 2020 (WImDiH), Dresden, Germany, 2020

Schulte-Althoff, M., Lee, G. M., Schewina, K., Fürstenau, D.
On the Heterogeneity of Digital Infrastructure in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
53th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, US, 2020


Fürstenau, D., Auschra, C., Klein, S., Gersch, M.
A Process Perspective on Platform Design and Management: Evidence From a Digital Platform in Health Care 
Electronic Markets, 29(4), 581-596, 2019 

Petermann, A., Schreyögg, G., Fürstenau, D.
Can hierarchy hold back the dynamics of self-reinforcing processes? A simulation study on path dependence in hierarchies
Business Research, 12(2), 637-669, 2019

Fürstenau, D., Rothe, H., Baiyere, A., Schulte-Althoff, M., Masak, D., Schewina, K., Anisimova, D.
Growth, Complexity, and Generativity of Digital Platforms: The Case of Otto.de
40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, 2019

Fürstenau, D., Woo, C.
Emergent Changes in Enterprise Architectures: Framework and Case Study
40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, 2019

Fürstenau, D., Baiyere, A., Kliewer, N.
A Dynamic Model of Embeddedness in Digital Infrastructures (Volltext)
Information Systems Research 30(4):1319-1342, 2019

Baiyere, A., Avital, M., Barrett, M., Berente, N., Constantiou, I., Fuerstenau, D., Garud, R., Henfridsson, O., Hinings, C.R.B., Jarvenpaa, S., Levina, N., Lyytinen, K., Tuertscher, P., Wessel, L.K., Yoo, Y.
Digital Practices: Unpacking the New Logics of Organizing in a Digital Age
PDW at 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, Massachusetts, US, 2019

Schulte-Althoff, M., Schewina, K., Fürstenau, D.
A Risk Perspective on the Relation between Investors and the Digital Infrastructure of Startups
79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, Massachusetts, US, 2019

Fürstenau, D., Anisimova, D., Masak, D., Rothe, H., Schulte-Althoff, M. (2019).
The Digital Platform Otto.de: A Case Study of Growth, Complexity, and Generativity.
14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Siegen, Germany, 2019                                                                                           

Fürstenau, D., Spies, C., Gersch, M., Vogel, A., Mörgeli, R., Poncette, A., Müller-Werdan, U., Balzer, F.
Sharing Frailty-Related Information in Perioperative Care: An Analysis From a Temporal Perspective
BMC Health Services Research 19(1): Article 105, 2019  



Fürstenau, D., Auschra, C., Gersch, M., Klein, S.
Digital Platforms in Health Care: Practices of Strategic Platform Leadership in a Regulated Environment
Academy of Management Global Proceedings, 2018

Fürstenau, D., Cleophas, C., Kliewer, N.
Trigger Strategies for Standard Diffusion in Interorganizational Networks: A Conceptual Model and Simulation
International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR), 16(2), 2018

Kopper, A., Fürstenau, D., Zimmermann, S., Rentrop, C., Rothe, H., Strahringer, S., Westner, M.
Shadow IT and Business-Managed IT: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Illustration 
International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG), 9(2), 53-71, 2018  

Thiede, M., Fürstenau, D., Bezerra Barquet, A.
How Is Process Mining Technology Used by Organizations? A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Studies 
Business Process Management Journal, 24(4), 900-922, 2018

Kopper, A., Fürstenau, D., Zimmermann, S., Rentrop, C., Rothe, H., Strahringer, S., Westner, M.
Business-Managed IT: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Illustration 
26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK, 2018

Conrad, N., Fürstenau, D., Grabundžija, A., Helfmann, L., Park, M., Schier, W., Schütt, B., Schütte, C., Weber, M., Wulkow, N., Zonker, J.
Mathematical Modeling of the Spreading of Innovations in the Ancient World
eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, 7(1), Article 1, 2018



Thiede, M., Stegemann, L., Fürstenau, D., Gersch, M., Rothe, H.
Simulation of a Service Station in a Public Transportation System 
International Conference on Operations Research (OR), Berlin, Germany, 2017

Fürstenau, D., Rothe, H., Sandner, M.
Shadow Systems, Risk, and Shifting Power Relations in Organizations 
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 41(1), 43-61, 2017

Fürstenau, D., Balzer, F., Gersch, M., Spies, C.
Toward an Agent-Based Simulation of Incentives and Disincentives for Sharing Frailty-Related Information in Perioperative Care 
International Conference on Operations Research 2017 (OR), Berlin, Germany, 2017



Fürstenau, D., Auschra, C.
Open Digital Platforms in Health Care: Implementation and Scaling Strategies 
36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, 2016

Schinzel, J., Fürstenau, D., Cleophas, C.
Introducing Resilient Dynamic Capabilities to Reduce the Negative Effects of Environmental Turbulence 
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016

Fürstenau, D., Wessel, L., Gersch, M.
How Organizational Path Constitution Prepares Digital Infrastructure Innovation: A Case Study of Integrated Care 
22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Diego, California, US, 2016

Fürstenau, D., Rothe, H., Sandner, M., Anapliotis, D.
Shadow IT, Risk, and Shifting Power Relations in Organizations 
22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Diego, California, US, 2016

Fürstenau, D., Sandner, M., Anapliotis, D.
Why Do Shadow Systems Fail? An Expert Study on Determinants of Discontinuation 
24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2016

Thiede, M., Fürstenau, D.
The Technological Maturity of Process Mining: An Exploration of the Status Quo in Top IS Journals 
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2016 (MKWI), Ilmenau, Germany, 2016

Gersch, M., Kops, C., Fürstenau, D., Wessel, L.
Barrieren intersektoraler, IT-gestützter Innovationen
Paper presented at workshop „Informationssystemgestaltung in integrierten Versorgungsszenarien“ at Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Ilmenau, Germany, 2016

Wenzel, M., Schmidt, T., Fürstenau, D.
Path Biography: Analyzing Self-Reinforcing Mechanisms In IS 
IFIP WG 8.2 Workshop, Dublin, Ireland, 2016

Fürstena, D., Cleophas, C., Kliewer, N.
The Complex Architecture of Digital Pricing Capabilities: Insights from Airline Pricing Lock-in 
78th VHB Jahrestagung, Munich, Germany, 2016



Wenzel, M., Schmidt, T., Fürstenau, D.
The Path Biography Methodology: Analyzing Self-Reinforcing Mechanisms on Technical and Organizational Levels 
36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, Texas, US, 2015

Fürstenau, D., Kliewer, N.
Exploring Enterprise Transformation From a Path Dependence Perspective: A Recycling Case and Conceptual Model 
12th International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Osnabrück, Germany, 2015

Fürstenau, D., Glaschke, C.
Weighting of Integration Qualities In IS Architectures: A Production Case 
23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany, 2015

Fürstenau, D., Wessel, L., Gersch, M.
Information Infrastructure Innovation As Path Creation: Two Cases of Integrated Care in Germany 
4th Innovation in Information Infrastructures Workshop, Warwick, UK, 2015



Fürstenau, D.
Standard Diffusion in Networks: A Set of Models to Analyze IT Infrastructure Path Dependence
Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, 2014

Fürstenau, D., Rothe, H.
Shadow IT Systems: Discerning the Good and the Evil 
22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2014

Fürstenau, D., Kliewer, N.
Standard Diffusion in Growing Networks: Modeling Interaction Patterns 
22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv, Israel, 2014 

Fürstenau, D., Schinzel, J., Cleophas, C.
Strategic Information Systems Planning as a Dynamic Capability: Insights From an Agent-Based Simulation Study 
28th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS), Brescia, Italy, 2014

Fürstenau, D.
System Embeddedness and Continuance Inertia: An Exploratory Network Analysis 
7th IADIS International Conference on Information Systems, Madrid, Spain, 2014

Fürstenau, D.
Agent-Based Simulation in Path Dependence Research: A Network-Theoretic Model 
3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany, 2014

Fürstenau, D., Kellermann, N.
Path Creation in the Passenger Transport Industry: What Can Air Learn From Rail 
3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, Berlin, Germany, 2014




Fürstenau, D.
Agent-Based Simulation Analysis Of Path Dependence in Corporate IS Networks for Strategic IT Management 
27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2013, At Âlesund, Norway, Volume: Proceedings 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ©ECMS Webjørn Rekdalsbakken, Robin T. Bye, Houxiang Zhang (Editors), ISBN: 978-0-9564944-6-7

Fürstenau, D.
Lost in IS Complexity: Agent-based Simulation of Organizational IS Networks 
Tagungsband zum Doctoral Consortium der WI 2013, Leipzig, ISSN 1864-9300


Fürstenau, D.
Reframing the Governance Debate: A Multilevel Performance Measurement Approach Based on Capabilities
20th European Conference on Information Systems, At Barcelona, 2012


Schmidt, T.,  Fürstenau, D.
Coping With Path Dependence: Integrating Not Yet Existing Knowledge in Higher Education ERP Systems 
Beitrag zu 3rd Advanced KITE Workshop, Linköping., 2012

Fürstenau, D.
Clustering von Anwendungslandschaften mit Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs)    

Fürstenau, D., Eckert, K., Kirchner, L.
SOA-Transformation von Anwendungslandschaften: Unterstützung durch Unternehmensarchitekturmanagement 

Moser, C., Fürstenau, D., Junginger, S.
A Method for Integrating EAM and BPM 
Software Engineering 2010 - Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 22.-26.02.2010, Paderborn



Fürstenau. D.
Process Performance Measurement 
Essay on Accouting. München: GRIN Verlag., 2008

Fröming, J., Fürstenau, D.
Eine semiformale Beschreibungssprache zur Modellierung von Wissenskonversionen 
Arbeitsbericht, 2007, Universität Potsdam

Fröming, J.,  Fürstenau, D.
Entwicklungsstufen der Knowledge Modeling and Description Language (KMDL)

Fröming, J., Fürstenau, D.
KMDL v2. 1: eine semiformale Modellierungssprache zur Modellierung von Wissenskonversionen 

Fürstenau, D.
Systemarchitektur von Microsoft Business Solutions Navision 

BoD–Books on Demand, 2007

Fröming, J.,  Fürstenau, D.
Arbeitsbericht WI-2007-01 

Fürstenau, D.
Wie ERP-Systeme zum Re-Engineering von Geschäftsprozessen beitragen. Systemarchitektur von Microsoft Business Solutions Navision/SAP Business One 
GRIN Verlag, 2006 

Fürstenau, D.
Bewertung des Einsatzes von ERP im Bereich der öffentlichen Verwaltung 
GRIN Verlag, 2006

Gronau, N., Bahrs, J., Fröming, J., Fürstenau, D., Korf, R., Müller, C., Puhlmann, M., Rüßbühlt, U., Schmid, S.
Technische Dokumentation K-Modeler 

M-WISE: Modellierung wissensintensiver Prozesse im Software Engineering. Gito, Berlin, 2006

Fröming, J., Korf, R., Fürstenau, D.
Arbeitsbericht KMDL® v2. 0 

Universität PotsdammArbeitsbericht WI 23, 2005

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