Prof. Dr. Barbara Sieben

Freie Universität Berlin
School of Business & Economics, Department of Management
Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management Focused on Diversity
New adress and affiliation since October 2013:
Professor of Human Resource Management
Helmut Schmidt University - University of the Armed Forces Hamburg
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Holstenhofweg 85
D 22043 Hamburg
Tel. 0049 40 6541 2866
Academic career
- Since October 2013 Professor of Human Resource Management at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Helmut Schmidt University - University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
- 2013 Guest Professor of Gender & Diversity at the School of Business and Economics of the University of Tübingen
- 2007–2013 Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management focused on Diversity, Department of Management, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2009–2011 Guest Lecturer, Department of Organization and Learning, University of Innsbruck
- 2006–2007 Guest Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2001–2006 Research Assistant and Lecturer, Department of Management – Human Resource Management, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin
- 1998–2001 Student Assistant, Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Management – Human Resource Management, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin
- 1998–2001 Student Tutor of Managerial Accounting, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin
Academic education
- 2006 PhD („Dr. rer. pol.“), degree summa cum laude, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin
Dissertation topic: Emotions as a management topic (publication: Sieben 2007)
Advisors: Prof. Dr. G. Krell, Prof. Dr. J. Sydow
Disputation topic: “Culture” in diversity research and practice
- 2001 First State Examination for the office of a Secondary Teacher for Business Administration and Economics [Erste Staatsprüfung für das Amt der Studienrätin mit beruflicher Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaft]
Undergraduate and graduate courses in Business Administration and Economics, esp. Human Resource Management, Spanish and Pedagogy, Freie Universität Berlin
Graduate courses in Human Resource Management, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Occupational history
- 1997–1998 Tutor in a training restaurant for socially disadvantaged adolescents, Berlin
- 1994–1997 Secretary in several professional education projects for immigrant women, Berlin
- 1987–1997 Hotel reception desk clerk in Munich, Münster, Luxemburg and Berlin
- 1992 State Certificate in Hospitality Management (Staatlich geprüfte Betriebswirtin für das Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe)
Advanced vocational studies, Hotelfachschule Berlin – Berlin Hotel Management School, 1990–1992
- 1987 Management Assistant in Hotel & Hospitality (Hotelfachfrau)
Dual apprenticeship in the hotel business, DOHM-Hotel, Herford & Kollegschule Minden, 1985–1987
- 1984 University-entrance diploma (Abitur)
Friedrichsgymnasium Herford
Main Research Interests
- HR strategies, esp. related to the
- employment of persons with a migration background
- retention of specialists and executives - Equal opportunities at work; gender and workplace diversity
- Emotions in organizations
- Management of service work
- Multiparadigmatic approaches, informed by critical management studies
- Ploetner, Olaf/Sieben, Barbara/Kummer, Tyge (2010): Kosten- und Erlösrechnung. Anschaulich, kompakt, praxisnah [Cost and performance accounting; textbook]. 2nd edition, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer (Link to Springer Verlag).
- Anders, Violetta/Ortlieb, Renate/Pantelmann, Heike/Reim, Daphne/Sieben, Barbara/Stein, Stephanie (2008): Diversity und Diversity Management in Berliner Unternehmen. Im Fokus: Personen mit Migrationshintergrund. Ergebnisse einer quantitativen und qualitativen empirischen Studie [Diversity and Diversity Management in Berlin companies - focused on persons with a migration background. Results of a quantitative and qualitative empirical study], München/Mering: Hampp.
- Sieben, Barbara (2007): Management und Emotionen. Analyse einer ambivalenten Verknüpfung [Management and emotions. Analysis of an ambivalent alliance; dissertation), Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus.
- Sieben, Barbara/Emmerich, Astrid/Huesmann, Monika/Krell, Gertraude/Ortlieb, Renate (2003): Leitfaden für das wissenschaftliche Bearbeiten personalpolitischer Fragestellungen [Guideline for the scientific analysis of human resources issues], München/Mering: Hampp.
Edited books
- Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (Eds.) (2012): Geschenkt wird einer nichts – oder doch? Festschrift für Gertraude Krell. Programmatisches – Personalpolitik – Gender – Diversity – Diskursive Anknüpfungen [Life doesn't give presents to her – or does it? Festschrift for Gertraude Krell. Programmatic issues – HRM – Gender – Diversity – Discursive ties], München/Mering: Hampp (
- Krell, Gertraude/Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (Eds.) (2011): Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik [Equal opportunities via human resource management], 6th edition, Wiesbaden: Gabler (Link to Gabler Verlag)
Sieben, B./Wettergren, Å. (Eds.) (2010): Emotionalizing organizations and organizing emotions, Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Krell, Gertraude/Riedmüller, Barbara/Sieben, Barbara/Vinz, Dagmar (Eds.) (2007): Diversity Studies, Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus.
Articles in refereed journals
Sieben, Barbara/Haunschild, Axel (2012): Paradoxes of luxury work, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 26 (2), 189-194 (download of the paper by courtesy of Rainer Hampp Verlag,
Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2012): How to safeguard critical resources of professional and managerial staff: Exploration of a taxonomy of resource retention strategies, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (8), 1688-1704.
- Grieger, Jürgen/Ortlieb, Renate/Pantelmann, Heike/Sieben, Barbara (2010): Strategies to retain resources of specialists and executives. Managerial assessments and implementation, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 24 (4): 338-362 (download of the paper by courtesy of Rainer Hampp Verlag,
- Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2010): Migrant employees in Germany: Personnel structures and practices, in: Equalitiy, Diversity & Inclusion (formerly Equal Opportunities International), 29 (4), 364-379.
- Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2008): Diversity strategies focused on employees with a migration background. An empirical investigation based on resource dependence theory, in: Management Revue, Volume 19, Issue 1+2, 70-93 (download of the paper by courtesy of Rainer Hampp Verlag,
- Sieben, Barbara (2007): Doing research on emotion and virtual work: A compass to assist orientation, in: Human Relations, 60 (4), 561-580.
- Sieben, Barbara (2003): Emotionale Intelligenz: Die Tücken eines Trends [Emotional intelligence - fatal attractions], in: Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie, 2 (1), 26-28.
- Sieben, Barbara (2001): Emotionale Intelligenz - Golemans Erfolgskonstrukt auf dem Prüfstand [Emotional Intelligence - Goleman's success construct under scrutiny], in: Schreyögg, Georg/Sydow, Jörg (Eds.): Emotionen und Management. Managementforschung 11, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 135-170.
Articles in journals and edited books
Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2012): Einleitung – oder: Nicht schon wieder dieses Theater! [Introduction, or: Not again such an act!], in Ortlieb/Sieben (Eds.): Geschenkt wird einer nichts – oder doch?, 1-4.
Krell, Gertraude/Sieben, Barbara (2011): Diversity Management. Chancengleichheit für alle und auch als Wettbewerbsvorteil [Diversity Management. Equal opportunities for everyone and also as a competitive advantage], in: Krell et al. (Eds.): Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik, 6th edition, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 155-174.
Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2011): Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund: Zwei soziale Kategorien im Fokus der Personalforschung und -praxis [Women with migration background: Two social categories focused by human resource management research and managerial practice], in: Krell et al. (Eds.): Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik, 6th edition, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 231-138.
Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2011): River Rafting, Polonaise oder Bowling: Betriebsfeiern und ähnliche Events als Medien organisationskultureller (Re-)Produktion von Geschlechterverhältnissen [Company parties and similar events as media of a organizational cultural (re)production of gender relations], in: Krell et al. (Eds.): Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik, 6th edition, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 445-454.
Sieben, Barbara/Schimmelpfeng, Oliver (2011): Forschungsskizze: Gleichstellungspolitik nach dem AGG. Eine Befragung der 100 wertschöpfungsstärksten deutschen Unternehmen [Research outline: Equal opportunities politics since the General Equal Treatment Act. A survey among the 100 biggest German companies], in: Krell et al. (Eds.): Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik, 6th edition, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 59-64.
Sieben, Barbara/Bornheim, Nicole (2011): Intersektionalität und Diversity – Achsen der Differenz in Managementkonzepten und Managementforschung [Intersectionality and diversity – axes of difference in management concepts and management research], in: Smykalla, Sandra/Vinz, Dagmar (Eds.): Intersektionalität zwischen Gender und Diversity – Theorien, Methoden und Politiken der Chancengleichheit. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, S. 93-11.
Krell, Gertraude/Sieben, Barbara (2010): (Management-)Diskurse über Emotionen und Geschlechter, in Soeffner, Hans-Georg. unter Mitarbeit von Kursawe, Kathy/Elsner, Margrit/Adlt, Manja (Ed.): Unsichere Zeiten. Herausforderungen gesellschaftlicher Transformationen. Verhandlungen des 34. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Jena 2008. Herausgegeben in deren Auftrag von Hans-Georg Soeffner (CD), Wiesbaden: VS.
Sieben, Barbara/Wettergren, Åsa (2010): Emotionalizing organizations and organizing emotions – our research agenda, in Sieben, Barbara/Wettergren, Åsa (Ed.): Emotionalizing organizations and organizing emotions, Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 1-20.
Bruchhagen, Verena/Grieger, Jürgen/Koall, Iris/Meuser, Michael/Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2010): Social inequality, diversity, and equal treatment at work: the German case, in: Klarsfeld, Alain (Eds.): International handbook on diversity management at work. Country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment, Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Elgar, 109-138.
Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2010): Beschäftigte mit Migrationshintergrund in der Berliner Wirtschaft: Empirische Befunde zu Personalstrukturen, -praktiken und -strategien [employees with a migration background in the economy of Berlin - Empirical reports of personnel structures, practices and strategies], in: Badura, Bernhard/Schröder, Helmut/Klose, Joachim/Macco, Katrin (Ed.): Fehlzeitenreport 2010. Vielfalt managen: Gesundheit fördern – Potenziale nutzen. Zahlen, Daten, Analysen aus allen Branchen der Wirtschaft, Berlin: Springer, 121-128.
- Anders, Violetta/Ortlieb, Renate/Pantelmann, Heike/Reim, Daphne/Sieben, Barbara/Stein, Stephanie (2010): Die betriebliche Integration von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund: Personalstrukturen und Personalpraktiken in Berliner Unternehmen [The organizational integration of migrants: Personnel structures and practices in Berlin companies]. In: Schmidt, Matthias/Schank, Christoph (Eds.): Die Metropolregion Berlin vor demografischen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen, München/Mering: Hampp, 51-80.
- Krell, Gertraude/Sieben, Barbara (2010): Diversity Management, in: Massing, Peter (Ed.): Gender und Diversity. Eine Einführung. Vielfalt verstehen und gestalten, Schwalbach im Taunus: Wochenschau Verlag, 45-61 (first published in: Politische Bildung, 42 (4), 33-45).
- Sieben, Barbara (2009): Der linguistic turn in der Managementforschung [The linguistic turn in management studies], in: Diaz-Bone, Rainer/Krell, Gertraude (Eds.): Diskurs und Ökonomie. Diskursanalytische Perspektiven auf Märkte und Organisationen, Wiesbaden: VS, 37-62.
- Ortlieb, Renate/Sieben, Barbara (2008): Exclusion, hazard, adding value, or learning? Diversity strategies focused on employees with a migration background, in: Solomon, George T. (Ed.): Best papers proceedings of the sixty-seventh annual meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643.
- Krell, Gertraude/Sieben, Barbara (2007): Diversity Management und Personalforschung [Diversity Management and Human Resources Research], in: Krell et al. (Eds.), 235-254.
- Krell, Gertraude/Riedmüller, Barbara/Sieben, Barbara/Vinz, Dagmar (2007): Einleitung: Diversity Studies als integrierende Forschungsrichtung [Introduction: Diversity Studies as an Integrative Field of Research], in: Krell et al. (Eds.), 7-16.
- Sieben, Barbara/Krell, Gertraude (2007): Emotionen und Geschlecht als Managementthema: Politikorientierte und andere Perspektiven [Emotions and Gender as Management Topics: Politically Oriented and other Perspectives], in: Neumayr, Agnes (Ed.): Kritik der Gefühle, Innsbruck: Milena.
- Arbeiter, Linda/Sieben, Barbara (2006): Funktionen und Wirkungen von Betriebsfeiern [Functions and effects of company parties]. Eine Analyse am Beispiel von "Die Firma" und "Die Blume der Hausfrau", Diskussionsbeiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin, Betriebswirtschaftliche Reihe, 2006/18, Berlin: o.V. (Download)
- Sieben, Barbara (2004): Der Kunde ist König; da muss man seins zurückstecken? Eine ethnomethodologische Konversationsanalyse (Vortrag und Diskussion) [The client is the king; there you have to back off? An ethnomethodological conversation analysis], in: Dunkel, Wolfgang/Rieder, Kerstin (Hg.): Interaktion im Salon. Analysen interaktiver Arbeit anhand eines Dokumentarfilms zum Friseurhandwerk (Buch mit CD), München: ISF München, 35-53.
- Sieben, Barbara (2003): Emotional Intelligence: Fatal Attractions, in: Strasser, Helmut/Kluth, Karsten/Rausch, Herbert/Bubb, Heiner (Eds.): Quality of Work and Products in Enterprises of the Future (Proceedings of the Annual Spring Conference of the GfA on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V. (GfA) and the XVII Annual Conference of the International Society for Occupational Ergonomics & Safety (ISOES), Munich, Germany, May 07th - 09th, 2003), Stuttgart: ergonomia, 505-508.
- Sieben, Barbara (2003): Emotionale Intelligenz und Personalentwicklung: Eine Produktwarnung [Emotional Intelligence and Human Resources Development: A product alert], in: Handbuch Personalentwicklung, hrsg. von Laske, Stephan/Orthey, Astrid/Geißler, Karlheinz, München: Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 86. Ergänzungslieferung, Oktober 2003, Beitrag 3.43, 1-26.
Presentations and Posters
August 2012: Assigning migrants to customer contact jobs: The business case of diversity and equality issues (with R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz and C. Sichtmann, Universität Wien), AOM Annual Meeting, Boston.
July 2012: Age images in UK and Germany: Rhetorical constructions in the (de-)institutionalization of inequalities (with I. Collien, Freie Universität Berlin, M. Müller-Camen, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, M. Fynn, Middlesex University Business School), 28. EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki.
September 2011: Assigning migrants to customer contact jobs: Organizational outcomes, rationales, and practices (with R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz, C. Sichtmann, Universität Wien), Workshop WK Human Resources, VHB, Gießen.
July 2011: Re-constructing age images in UK and Germany: Corporate and socio-political actors’ rhetoric on age (management) discourses (with H. Pantelmann, Freie Universität Berlin, M. Flynn, M. Müller-Camen, H. Schröder, all Middlesex University Business School), Critical Management Studies Conference 7, Naples.
April 2011: Paradoxes of luxury work: Precariousness, emotional labour, identity – and the customer (with A. Haunschild, Universität Trier), 29th International Labour Process Conference, Leeds.
February 2011: Christmas parties and other social events in organizations: A hotbed for the (re)production of gender regimes (with R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), Workshop WK Organisation, VHB, Freie Universität Berlin.
November 2010: Echoes of wartime forced labour and post-war guest worker discourses in today’s diversity hymns (with R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), Autumn Workshop WK Personal, VHB, Gießen.
August 2010: Migrant employees in German organizations. An inquiry into organizational rationales, structures, and practices (mit R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), Symposium “Reclaiming diversity for organization studies: Daring to care about equality at work”, Chairs: M. Janssens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), P. Zanoni (Hasselt University, Belgium), AOM Annual Meeting, August 2010, Montreal.
August 2010: The case of Germany (mit R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), Diskussionsbeitrag zum Professional Development Workshop „The regulation of diversity management: towards a typology”, Organizer: A. Klarsfeld (ESC Toulouse), AOM Annual Meeting, Montreal.
August 2010: Christmas parties and other social events in organizations: A hotbed for the (re)production of gender regimes (mit R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), CMS Research Workshop, Montreal.
Juli 2010: Re-constructing age images in UK and Germany: Corporate and socio-political actors’ rhetoric on age (management) discourses (mit H. Pantelmann, Freie Universität Berlin, Matt Flynn, Michael Müller-Camen and Heike Schröder, alle Middlesex University Business School), Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Wien.
Juli 2010: Diversity orders in organizations. A critical analysis based on structuration theory (mit R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Wien.
Juli 2010: Christmas parties and other social events in organizations: A hotbed for the (re)production of inequality regimes (mit R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Wien.
Juni 2010: Paradoxes of Luxury Work: Emotional and Aesthetic Labor in the Service Industries (mit A. Haunschild, Universität Trier), 26. EGOS Colloquium, Lissabon.
Juni 2010: Echoes of wartime forced labour and post-war guest worker discourses in today’s diversity hymns (mit R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), 26. EGOS Colloquium, Lissabon.
Juni 2010: Gender was caught in a trap by a company Christmas party. An analysis of the (re)production of gender relations by social events in organizations (mit R. Ortlieb, Universität Graz), 6th Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.
Februar 2010: Ko-Referat zu Katja Rost & Margit Osterloh, Opening the Black Box of Upper Echelons: Drivers of Poor Information Processing During the Financial Crisis, Workshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation, Technische Universität Berlin.
November 2009: Diversity-Ordnungen in Organisationen. Eine strukturationstheoretisch fundierte qualitative Analyse Diversity orders in organizations. A qualitative analysis based on structuration theory], paper presentation together with Renate Ortlieb (Universität Graz), 7th annual conference of AKempor, 2009 in Bochum.
- September 2009: Bindung von Fach- und Führungskräften in Unternehmen. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Analyse [Retention of specialists and executive staff. Theoretical reflections and empirical analysis], paper presentation together with Jürgen Grieger, Heike Pantelmann (both Freie Universität Berlin), Renate Ortlieb (Universität Graz), autumnal workshop of the Kommission Personalwesen des VHB, 2009 in Hamburg.
- August 2009: Migrant employees in German companies: Empirical insights into personnel structures and practices, poster presentation together with Renate Ortlieb (Universität Graz), AOM Annual Meeting, 2009 in Chicago.
- July 2009: Diversity Management and the subjectivation of labor: In search of connections and ambivalences, paper presentation together with Dagmar Vinz (Freie Universität Berlin), 2nd Equal Opportunities International Conference, 2009 in Istanbul.
- July 2009: The French at the top, the Turkish at the bottom. Structuration and migrant employees in organizations, paper presentation together with Renate Ortlieb (Universität Graz), 6th Critical Management Studies Conference, 2009 in Warwick.
- June 2009: Vielfalt von Personal und Kunden im Service Encounter [Diversity of employees and customers at a service encounter], paper presentation together with Renate Ortlieb (Universität Graz), Symposium „Service Encounter – Multidisziplinäre Analysen“, 71st annual meeting of the VHB, 2009 in Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- May 2009: Diversity Management und Subjektivierung von Arbeit: Verknüpfungen, Ambivalenzen und daraus resultierende Forschungsfragen [Diversity Management and the subjectivation of labor: In search of connections and ambivalences], paper presentation together with Dagmar Vinz (Freie Universität Berlin), 3rd symposium of the Gender and Diversity Management Studies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, „Managing Gender and Diversity – Engendering Reflexivity and Change?“, 2009 in St. Gallen.
- April 2009: Diversity orders in organizations. A critical analysis based on structuration theory, paper presentation together with Renate Ortlieb (Freie Universität Berlin), 27th International Labour Process Conference, 2009 in Edinburgh.
- October 2008: Management-Diskurse über Emotionen und Geschlechter [Management-related discourses on emotion and gender], presentation together with Gertraude Krell, Ad-hoc-Gruppe „Gefühle in Zeiten der verunsicherten Moderne“, at the 34th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Unsichere Zeiten , October 6th-10th, 2008 in Jena.
- August 2008: Exclusion, hazard, adding value, or learning? Diversity strategies focused on employees with a migration background, paperpresentation together with Renate Ortlieb at the Academy of Management Conference 2008 Annual Meeting , August 8th-13th, 2008 in Anaheim.
- August 2008: Social inequality, diversity, and equal treatment at work. The German case, paperpresentation together with Renate Ortlieb at the colloquium „Country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment at work“ at the Academy of Management Conference 2008 Annual Meeting , August 8th-13th, 2008 in Anaheim.
- July 2008: Diversity strategies. Practicing and reasoning the (non)employment of persons with a migration background, paperpresentation together with Renate Ortlieb at the 24th EGOS Colloquium, Upsetting Organizations , July 10th-12th, 2008 in VU University Amsterdam.
- July 2008: Diversity strategies focused on employees with a migration background. An Empirical Investigation Based on Resource Dependence Theory, paperpresentation together with Renate Ortlieb at the Equal Opportunities International Conference , July 1st - 3rd, 2008 in Norwich, University of East Anglia.
- May 2008: Ergebnispräsentation des Projektes „Diversity und Diversity Management in Berliner Unternehmen. Im Fokus: Personen mit Migrationshintergrund“ [Findings of the project Diversity and diversiy management in Berlin companies – focused on persons with a migration background], presentation together with Renate Ortlieb; Violetta Anders, Heike Pantelmann, Daphne Reim und Stephanie Stein (alle Freie Universität Berlin) at the Tagung Diversity und Diversity Management Schwerpunktthema: Nationalität, Ethnizität, Migrationshintergrund , May 30th-31st, 2008, Freie Universität Berlin.
- September 2007: Diversity und Diversity Management in Berliner Unternehmen. Im Fokus: Personen mit Migrationshintergrund , Projektpräsentation [Diversity and diversiy management in Berlin companies – focused on persons with a migration background], together with Renate Ortlieb at the des Herbstworkshops der Kommission Personalwesen des VHB, September 21st-22nd, 2007 in Mülheim/Ruhr.
- May 2007: Diversity und sein Management erforschen: Ein Kompass zur Orientierung [Doing Research on Diversity and its Management: A Compass for Orientation], paper presentation at the workshop wissenschaftliches Vernetzungstreffen Gender und Diversitätsmanagement, May 3rd - 4th, 2007, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Gender- und Diversitätsmanagement.
- March 2007: Emotionen und Geschlecht als Managementthema. Eine politikorientierte Betrachtung [Emotions and Gender as Management Topics: A Politically Oriented Analysis], paper presentation at the interdisciplinary conference "Kritik der Gefühle", March 22nd -24th, 2007, Leopold Franzens Universität (LFU) Innsbruck, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsschwerpunkt Geschlechterforschung: Diskurse - Transformationen - Identitäten.
- June 2005: Interplays of Emotion and (Virtual) Work: A Conceptualization, paper presentation in the track "Virtuality and Emotion" at the 21st EGOS Colloquium 2005 ‘Unlocking Organizations’, June 30th- July 2nd, 2005, Freie Universität Berlin.
- May 2005: Management Studies on Emotion: A Compass to Assist Orientation in a Diverse Field of Research, paper presentation in the track "Emotions: Perspectives and Practicalities" at the EURAM 2005 conference "Responsible Management in an Uncertain World", May 4th - 7th, 2005, Technische Universität München.
- June 2004: Ein Plädoyer für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung zu Geschlechterverhältnissen und programmatische Vorschläge [A plea for management research on gender relations and programmatic propositions], presentation together with Renate Ortlieb at the research colloquium "Ökonomie und Gender. Die Berliner Forschungslandschaft" (Economy and gender), summer semester 2004, Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin.
- May 2004: Emotionen als Modethema für das (Personal-)Management [Emotions as a fashion theme for (personnel) management], invited presentation at the "SFB 536 Reflexive Modernisierung", Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung e.V. - ISF München.
- November 2003: Emotions as a Management Fashion. A Critical Analysis of Daniel Goleman's Construction of Emotional Intelligence and Competence, poster presentation at the workshop "Emotional Intelligence: Knowns & Unknowns", November 13th - 15th, 2003, ETS-Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey.
- May 2003: Emotional Intelligence: Fatal Attractions, paper presentation at the Annual Spring Conference of the GfA and the XVII Annual Conference of the ISOES "Ergonomics - Quality of Work and Products in Enterprises in the Future", May 7th - 9th, 2003 in Munich.
- July 2002: Emotionale Intelligenz - Eine Transformation des Begehrens kritisch betrachtet [Emotional Intelligence - a transformation of desire critically examined], invited presentation at the seminar "Zum Begriff des Begehrens" (On the concept of desire), lecturer Dr. Birgit Althans, Dept. of Educational Science and Psychology, Anthropology and Education, summer semester 2002, FU Berlin.