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Participation at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

Academy of Management

Academy of Management
Bildquelle: AOM

News vom 28.03.2022

Three research projects by Professor Razinskas are accepted for presentation at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). The AOM is the preeminent professional association for management and organization scholars and its annual meeting is the leading conference in this field with more than 10,000 attendees usually gathering in North America to connect and explore ideas about management and organizational scholarship. This year’s annual meeting will be held from August 5th to August 9th, 2022, in Seattle (USA).

The first study titled “Too much (or not enough) for creative work? A review of curvilinear effects at multiple levels” investigates why the positive potential of some antecedents of creativity diminishes and even turns negative when taken too far. By offering an antecedent-benefit-cost framework for the creative work of individuals and teams, Stefan Razinskas will present this multilevel literature review within the scholarly program of AOM’s Organizational Behavior Division. The second study titled “Abusive supervision and work-home consequences: An experience sampling study” is joint work with Julia Backmann (University College Dublin), Julia Wimmer (LMU Munich), and Martin Hoegl (LMU Munich). This intensive longitudinal research, which has been accepted by AOM’s Human Resources Division, explores the degree to which abusive supervision taxes subordinates’ private lives dependent on the frequency of interactions they have with their supervisor and their personal preferences for keeping work and private life domains apart. The third study titled “Team members' resilience and the emergence of team resilience as drivers of innovation performance,” which is joint work with Daniela Datzer (LMU Munich), investigates the role that the collective exposure to setbacks plays in the ability of resilient individuals to build a more resilient and, eventually, a more innovative team. This multi-informant team study will be presented in the program of AOM’s Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division.

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