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Alumni und Alumnae

  Dr. Arne Keller
Overcoming organizational inertia and building new capabilities: The adventurous transition of Leica Camera from analog to digital imaging, Berlin 2019


Dr. Erik Schäfer
Promotion zum Thema: Häufige Projektfehlschläge als emotionale Herausforderung, Berlin 2018

  Dr. Sarah Bruhs
Governance of Concurrent Sourcing: Theoretical Advancements and Empirical Evidence, Berlin 2017

 Dr. Ina Nordsiek
Promotion zum Thema: "Managing the knowledge leveraging paradox: Governance for the intended transfer of knowledge in the consultant industry", Berlin 2015

Dr. Martina Lütkewitte
Promotion zum Thema: "Managing Trust and Opportunism in Strategic Alliances: Theoretical and Methodological Advancements", Berlin 2014


Dr. Adeline Thomas
Promotion zum Thema: “The Strategic Choice of Alliances and Acquisitions: Theoretical and Empirical Advancements“, Berlin 2013

Prof. Dr. Carolin Decker

Abschluss der Habilitation, Berlin 2014

Dr. Matthias Meier

Abschluss der Promotion zum Thema: "Characteristics of Alliance Performance: Specific Investment, Trust and Knowledge Management", Berlin 2011

Dr. Alexander Hickel

Abschluss der Promotion (empirisch) zum Thema: "Opportunismus in Geschäftsbeziehungen - Eine empirische Analyse in der deutschen Automobilindustrie", Berlin 2010

Prof. Dr. Carolin Decker

Abschluss der Promotion (Dr. rer. pol.) mit einer Arbeit zum Thema "Legitimacy Needs as Drivers of Business Exit", Berlin 2007

Dr. Sven Kloninger

Thema der Dissertation:"Drivers of Strategy Implementation Success: The Effects of Middle Management Behavior, Administrative Mechanisms and Enviromental Uncertainty", Berlin 2010.

Dr. Jörg Hass

Thema der Dissertation: "Steuerung und Kontrolle in Franchisesystemen", Berlin 2010.

Prof. Dr. Ingo Weller

Kumulative Habilitation, Berlin 2009.

Dr. Björn Eckhard
Thema der Dissertation: "Lernen in Vertragsbeziehungen - Eine empirische Untersuchung in der Automobilindustrie.", Berlin 2008

Dr. Anna Krzeminska
Thema der Dissertation: "Determinants and Management of Make-and-Buy - An Extension to Transaction Cost Economics", Berlin 2008

Dr. Franziska König
Thema der Dissertation: "The Uncertainty-Governance Choice Puzzle Revisited - Predictions from Transaction Costs Economics, Resource-Based Theory, and Real Options Theory.", Berlin 2008

Dr. Katja Nothnagel
Thema der Dissertation: "Empirical Research within Resource-based Theory - a Meta-Analysis of the Central Propositions", Berlin 2007