Beispiele für Bachelorarbeitsthemen
M&As and Strategic Alliances
- Acquisition vs. alliance. Which is the optimal governance form? The case of Fiat Chrysler & PSA.
- Alliances with non-profit organizations. Do non-profit organizations benefit from working with private firms?
Buyer-Supplier Relationships
- Determinants of make and buy decisions. What do we know and what we need to know? A systematic literature review.
- The relationship between Volkswagen and Prevent. A case of buyer opportunism?
Corporate Misconduct
- Corporate misconduct at top management level: The use of deceptive language in annual reporting.
- Does gender diversity lead to more or less corporate misconduct? An empirical review of German public firms.
General Strategic Management
- The diversification performance relationship revisited.
- The downfall of Air Berlin. A stuck-in-the-middle problem?