Dr. Johann Fortwengel: 2014. Practice Transfer across Institutional Distance:Deal with Path Dependence During the Transfer of Apprenticeship Training from Germany to the U.S.
Dr. Dennis Klink. 2015. The Effectiveness of CSR Standards in Global Supply Chains: Institutional Limits to Business Self-Regulation in the Banana Industry.
Dr. Tim Müllenborn. 2015. Der Einfluss von Arbeitnehmern im Aufsichtsrat auf die Vorstandsvergütung: Eine institutionelle Perspektive.
Dr. Nikolas Rathert. 2015.Why and How Firms Address Stakeholder Issues: Institutional and Organizational Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Adoption.
Dr. Nora Lohmeyer. 2016. Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion des ‚Business Case for CSR‘. Zur Entwicklung und Stabilisierung instrumenteller Motive im deutschen Diskurs unternehmerischer Verantwortung.
Dr. Julia Bartosch. 2018. Essays on the Governance of Corporate Responsibility and Irresponsibility.
Dr. Angela Leggett. 2019. Corporate Monitoring by Chinese environmental NGOs and Firm Responses: Exploring Convergent and Divergent Behaviors in Emerging Institutional Terrain – A Comparative Case Study of Three Industry Fields.
Dr. Giulia Zennaro. 2019. Change in the Institutional Field: Private Art Museums in China, 2005-2014.
Dr. Henni Appell. 2020. Persistence or Change? Tracing the Path of Trade Union Europeanization.
Dr. Tobias Theel. 2020. Organizing Creative Collaborations in the Popular Music Industry.
Dr. Lukas Vogelgsang. 2020. Organizing Emergence: Essays on the Governance of Collaborative Creative Processes in Pharmaceutical Development.
Dr. Ran Cheng: 2021. Bringing the Firm Back to the Minimum Wage Study: Wage Effect of Minimum Wage in China from an Institutional and Organisational Perspective
Dr. Kyong Yong Francis Yoon: 2021. Are High-Skilled Workers Core Human Resources? Korean Firms' Skill-Employment Strategies since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis