International Meeting/ Conference of the Center for Cluster Development - Planning Research for the Future?
International Meeting/ Conference of the Center for Cluster Development - Planning Research for the Future?
- Project description:
The conference from October 13-15, 2011 was hosted by Freie Universität Berlin, Center for Cluster Development in cooperation with the Association for the German Science (Stiftung für die deutsche Wissenschaft).
Research and science are keys to our future. But how do institutions and societies organize “their” research? How do they decide about research questions that are considered to be important? By chance or planning? And to what extent are issues and social challenges transferable to issues in science and research? What basic conditions are needed for the determination of issues and research questions – and what consequences do these conditions have for the research? Do conscious preparation and planning/ appropriation of funds enhance the chances for the success of science and thereby the likelihood for a solution to social problems – or does planning prevent creativity and the “lucky incident” so often required? How far can the promoters exercise influence – where does the “freedom of research” begin and where does it end? Where is the boundary between consensus and individuality, between the “without purpose” and “without sense” promotion of science?
These questions are answered differently by various actors in the science system. During the conference the different perspectives of international actors were brought together. The main issues discussed referred to the areas of conflict between chance and planning, the mutual impact of actors and social needs and the opportunities, boundaries and consequences of the research agendas in science.
- Scientific Coordination: Prof. Dr. Carsten Dreher (FU Berlin)
- Project Partners: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft