If you have any questions that are not listed below, please write an e-mail to masterwinfo@wiwiss.fu-berlin.de.
General information about admission requirements can be found here.
The deadline for fall admission is May 31st. General Information about the application process can be found here.
Students who have acquired their first academic degree in Germany apply to Freie Universität directly.
Students who have not acquired their first academic degree in Germany do not apply to Freie Universität directly, but through uni-assist.
General Information about the Application Process can be found here.
If the bachelor thesis has not been completed by the time of the application for the master’s program, a document is needed that certifies the application for the bachelor thesis and the expected submission date. Furthermore, the title of the bachelor thesis must indicate a topic related to information systems. If this is not the case, further documents like the abstract or the outline should be handed in.