Elective Courses (42 LP)
Our elective courses present different structures, which allow you to develop deeper methodological knowledge in your interested area of study. This is without restricting you to a specific area.
Our course program is orientated on 3 principal concepts:
Economic Theory
Empirical Economics
Economic Policy Analysis
In each area of study, you can visit courses, which focus on the conveyance of methods to analyze concrete economic problems and to present possible solutions.
For Example:
Methods in Empirical Economics
Applied Empirical Economics
Economic Experts of Particular Regions (Area Studies)
A possibility within our program is the work with Regional Institutes. The courses in Area Studies focus on the study of specific economic problems of particular regions. You can visit a course at on of the following institutes during the course of your studies:
You can also receive Certificate of International Economics, Area Studies and Comparative Development to help your later career.
Courses for your Individual Study-Profil
Our program distinguishes between 6 and 12 LP courses.
The 12 LP courses go towards your individual specialization and are completed within 1 semester. Through a combination of lectures and seminars in a particular area of study, you will get a deeper knowledge of your selected theme.
To complete the Master’s, you must complete 2 12 LP courses.
You can deepen your knowledge in a particular area or visit a certain theme with the 6 LP courses.
Usually, you will take 2 12 LP courses and 3 6 LP courses. However, you could also take 3 12 LP courses and one 6 LP courses. You are free to decide so long as
Advancing your knowledge
In our advanced courses, you can participate in a structured doctoral program in Berlin. These courses are a challenge, but they can be counted towards a Fast Tack PhD. You can learn more about the the Fast Track PhD by following the link under the home button.
Characteristics of Master’s in Public Economics
Our Master’s prepares you with special courses for life outside of the university. These practice focused courses allow you the apply the knowledge you have acquired:
Knowledge Transfer
Practical Methods for Public Economists
Law for Public Economists
The courses offered per semester vary. The courses are based on current themes and research of our guest professors.
Here is the link to planned courses
The Theory courses provide the methods and practices used in theoretical economics.
- Methods in Economic Theory
- Applied Economic Theory
- Area Studies in Economic Theory
Modul: Methods in Economic Theory
Goal of the Course
Students will learn modern methods of economic theory. Through contemporary works, you learn current models and use these models to answer your own questions. Additionally, you will refelect upon the limitations and criticisms of these models. And you will be able to present your opinions and reseach in both written and orally.
Theoretical Microeconomics: Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Contract and Information Theory, Game Theory, Industrial Organization Economics, Behavioral Economics, Labor Market Economics.
Theoretical Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy, Recession Theory, Growth Theory, Money Theory and Public Finance (Tax Theory and Allocation Theory).
Modul: Applied Economic Theory
Goal of this Course
Students will learn how economic theory is applied in research. You will identify economic problems and with the help of theoretical models analyse them empiracly individually or in groups. You will have the oppurtunity on hand theoretical models to look at and evaluate institutional, legal, and social areas of interest, like gender and diversity topics, or concrete political policies. The results of your work will be presented in the written and oral form.
Applied theoretical Microeconomics, Macroeconomincs, and Public Finance: Enviromental Economics, Health Economics, Mechanism Design, Competative Econimcis, Industrial Organization Economics, Behavioral Economics, Fiscal Policy, Recession Policies, Growth Policies, Monetary Policies.
Modul: Area Studies in Economic Theory
Goal of the course
Students will learn to examine certain regions with theoretical methods and models of economics. You will use context specific models and methods to examine contemporary research in the particular region. In paticular, you will become more familiar with the institutional, historical, and social aspects of the particular regions.
Normative and positive models and methods of contempary economics: Economic History, Developmental Economics, and comparative econoimcs with a focus on Latin America, Eastern Europe, and North America.
The courses in Empirical Economics help students understand the methods and application of empirical methods used in economic research.
- Methods in Empirical Economics
- Applied Empirical Economics
- Area Studies in Empirical Economics
Modul: Methods in Empirical Economics
Goal of the Course
Students will learn contemporary methods used in economic research. With the help of models and methods presented in the literature, you can set up your own study of a particular question of interest. You will also learn to think critically abouth the criticism and the limits of these models. Written and oral communcation of your own results will be required.
Methods of modern econometric Analysis: Microeconometrics, Time Series Econometrics, Panel Data Analysis, Ex-Post Policy Analysis.
Modul: Applied Empirical Economics
Goal of the Course
Students will learn to apply Econometrics to economic research. You will be able to find relevant economic research questions and use econometric and statistical methods to analysis these questions alone or in groups. You will present your work in both a written and oral fashion. Additionally, you will be able to conceptualize institutional, legal, and social conditions in your work and be able to make concrete policy suggestions based on empirical evidence. Particularly, you will learn about the role of gender and diversity.
Applied modern econometric analysis: Labor Market Policies, Taxation Policies, Disparity Research, Education and Family Policies, Demographic and Migration Research, Gender Economics, Economic Development Research, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Social Policies, Fiscal Policis, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Economic Growth Policies
Modul: Area Studies in Empirical Economics
Goal of the Course
Students will learn to apply econometeric methods in their study of a particular regions. You will learn the institutional, historical, and social elements of these regions, while finding, researching, and discussing particular economic issues of these regions.
Quantitative and qualitative methods of applied empirical research: Economic History, Economic Development in relation to particular Regions of Latin America, Eastern Europe, and North America.
This course's aim is to present international research in thefield of economic policy analysis.
- Methods in Economic Policy-Analysis
- Applied Economic Policy Analysis
- Area Studies in Economic Policy Analysis
Modul: Methods in Economic Policy Analysis
Goal of the Course
Students will become familar with contemporary international research in the field of economic policy analysis. You will be asked to find methods in order to analyze certain policies with economic and political relevanz alone or in groups. You will be able to reflect on the limits and ciriticisms of the methods used. Lastly, you will be able to present your results both in written and oral form.
Modern theoretical and emprical Methods (difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, randomized control trials) in economic policy analysis: Finance and Economic Policies, Family Policies, Education Policies, Competative Economics, Developmental Economics, Innovation Economics, Labor Market Economics, Social Polices, Taxation Policies, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Policies
Modul: Applied Economic Policy Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students will learn the applied methods used in economic policy analysis. You will be asked to analyze particular policies of your own choice or assigned in a sceintific and evidence based manner. You will need to consider institutional and legal components -like gender and diversity- in your analysis in order to evaluate policy suggestions and their alternatives critically. Lastly, you will be able to present your results both in written and oral form.
Applied economic policy analysis: Finance and Economic Policies, Family Policies, Education Policies, Competative Economics, Developmental Economics, Innovation Economics, Labor Market Economics, Social Polices, Taxation Policies, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Policies, European Integration Policies.
Modul: Area Studies in Economic Policy Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students will learn research fields of economic political analysis in relation to a particular region. You will be asked to find methods in order to analyze certain policies with economic and political relevanz alone or in groups. You will learn interdisciplinary approaches to policy analysis, which you will apply to your own research. In particular, you will learn the regional historical, social, and institutional dynamics as well as gender and diversity aspects.
Methods and applied economic policy analysis: Trade and Finance Policies, Migration and Health Economics, Disparity and wealth distribution with gender and diversity perspective, all in a particular region (Latin America, Eastern Europe, and North America
Courses in Area Studies are interdisciplinary in nature and discuss regional specific history, sociology, and politics.
- Economic Area Studies
Modul: Economic Area Studies
Goal of the Course
Students will learn chosen methods of and applied economic research within a particular region. You will be asked to use modern emerical and theoretical methods of economic analysis in a regional context. Regional specific historical, institutional, and social problem will be identified and used in your analysis. You will be able to apply the lessons from a particular region to another.
Methods and application of economic regional studies with a focus on Latin America, Eastern Europe, or North America.
In these course, contemporary discourse will be presented by lecturers, which are within their own research focus.
Depending on the lecturer, different methods and skills will be presented within the 12-LP courses, which will be explicit in the course title.
- Topics in Economic Theory,
- Topics in Applied Economic Theory;
- Topics in Empirical Economics,
- Topics in Applied Empirical Economics;
Policy Analysis:
- Topics in Economic Policy Analysis,
- Topics in Applied Economic Policy Analysis;
- Topics in Statistical Methods
Modul: Topics in Economic Theory
Goal of this Course
Students have previous knowledge of certain themes in the field of theoretica economics. You can work on certain research questions with different approaches yourself. You understand models and are able to judge them critically.
Themes of theoretical Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Finance: Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Design of Economic Systems, public Companies and Regulations, Theory of Government Debt, National Accounting
Modul: Topics in Applied Economic Theory
Goal of this Course
Students know applications in the field of theoretical economics. You understand relevant models and modeling applications of contemporary internation research. You can work on particual research questions with different approaches and applications of these models. You can reflect on the limits of these models. Additionally, you can add the institutional, legal, and social conditions -like gender and diversity issues- to your analysis.
Application of theoretical Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Finance: Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Mechanism Design, Competative Economics, Industrial Economics, Behavioral Economics, Fiscal Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Polices, Monetary Policies
Modul: Topics in Empirical Economics
Goal of this Course
The students have previous knowledge of particular econometric and statistical methods. You can analyze economic research questions or policies with different empirical methods. You can then make suggestions on particular policies. Additionally, you can reflect on the limits of this type of research and their applications.
Methods of modern econometric analysis: Microeconometrics, Time Series Econometrics, Panel Data Analysis, EX-Post Policy Evaluation.
Modul: Topics in Applied Empirical Economics
Goal of this Course
Students have previous knowledge of emprical economic research. You understand relevant methods, models, and identification strategies in contemporary internation research. You can work on particular research questions with these methods alone. Additionally, you can add the institutional, legal, and social conditions -like gender and diversity issues- to your analysis.
Application of modern econometric analysis: Labor Market Polices, Taxation Polices, Disparity Research, Education and Family Policies, Demographic and Migration Research, Gender Economics, Developmental Economics, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Social Policies, Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Policies
Modul: Topics in Economic Policy Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students have previous knowledge of particular themes in economic policy analysis. You can analyze particular research questions via different approaches. You understand economic developments and policy suggestions and you are able to analyze and evualte them critically.
Modern theoritical and empricial methods (difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, randomized controlled trials) in economic policy analysis: Finance and Economic Policies, Family Economics, Educational Economics, Competitive Economics, Developmental Economics, Innovations Economics, Labor Market Economics, Social Policies, Taxation Policies, Environmental Econoimcs, Health Economics, Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Policies
Modul: Topics in Applied Economic Policy Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students have previous knowledge of applied economic policy analysis. You understand the process of choosing emprical and theoretical methods in relation to concrete policy analysis. You will be asked to evaluate and reflect critically on these processes. You will need to consider the legal, social, and institutional conditions in your analysis. Additionally, you are able to evaluate policies and provide alternatives.
Applications and particular questions in economic policy analysis: Finance and Economics Policies, Family Policies, Education Policies, Competitive Polices, Developmental Policies, Innovation Policies, Labor Market Policies, Social Policies, Taxation Policies, Environmental Policies, Health Policies, Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Recession Policies, Growth Policies, Policies of European Integration
Modul: Topics in Statistical Methods
Goal of this Course
Students have previous knowledge of themes in statistical research. You can analyze particular research questions via different approaches. You understand the necessary statistical models. Additionally, you can mathematically capture these models and use them to analysze economic research questions.
Modern Method of Statistics: Survey Statistics, statistical Inference, Machine Learning, Multivariate Statistics, Non- and Semiparametric Modelling, Bayesian Statistics
In these courses, you can get a better understanding of theoretical models.
- Microeconomic Analysis
- Econometric Analysis
Modul: Microeconomic Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students have previous knowledge of the methods and content of microeconomics. You know complex and new applications in the field and are able to use them. You have an intuitive understanding for microeconomic relationships and know the limitations and expansion of their application.
Complex applications of Microeconomics: Decsion Theory of Household and Business, Genreal Equalibrium Analysis, Main Axiomes of Welfare Economics, Partial Equalibrium Analysis, Incomplete Competition, Game Theory
Modul: Econometric Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students have previous and comfortable knowledge of basic econometric methods, which are necessary for the analysis of economic data. You are able to reflect on these processes criticially and apply them correctly. You can evaluatethe results of emprical research in econometrics and apply the methods yourself.
Modern econometric Methods: simple and multiple Regression, non-linear Methods, diagnostic Tests, dynamic Models
With interdisciplinary qualification course, you can improve your professional profile.
- Law for Public Economists
- Practical Methods for Public Economists
- Knowledge Transfer
Modul: Law for Public Economists
Goal of this Course
Students have previous knowledge of legal questions in relation to Public Finance. You will be asked to consider the legal aspects of economic analysis. You can recognize legal issues and include the legal aspect in your analysis.
Legal standards in Economics: Income Tax Policy, Social Insurance Laws, Collective Bargaining Rights
Modul: Practical Methods for Public Economists
Goals of the Course
Students have previous knowledge of methods and instruments of analysis used in economics. You can apply these methods to a particual problem alone or in a group. You understand the axiomes and limits of these methods and instruments in different applications. You can also fit these methods to a particular question.
Modern methods in the practice of economics: Cost-Benefit-Analysis, Input-Output-Tables, Model Simulation.
Modul: Knowledge Transfer
Goals of the Course
Students are asked to communicate and explain complex economic and finacial issues to the general public. You are able to describe and communicate theoretical and empirical economic research in practical situations (Policy Consultation or in the Media). Students can present and summarize such a theme in a technical paper and present it using modern digital techniques.
Education in nicht formal but more genrally of complex financial and economic relationships, communicate this to the general public clearly, to write and present in a non-technical general fashion current economic themes, use of modern digital communication tools (blogs, podcasts), guide or instruct groups in the context of tutorials.
You can attend course at the Berlin School of Economics (BSE) during your Master's. These courses can be accredited to your Master's as well as a future Doctorate.
All the courses from the first year of study at the BSE are open to you and are listed below.
- Advanced Economic Theory
- Advanced Empirical Economics
- Advanced Economic Policy Analysis
- Advanced Quantitative Economics
- Advanced Statistical Methods
Modul: Advanced Economic Theory
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge of complex theoretical models and their applications in current economic research. You will be asked identify scenarios where these models can be applied and to analyze them theoretically. You are able to judge the axioms of a model and reflect about context specific applications of the model. You can apply the model to an indivdually developed research question and present the results both orally and in written form.
Current areas of research in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Finance.
Modul: Advanced Empirical Economics
Goal of the Course
Students have advanced knowledge of econometric methods and models. You will be asked to use this knowledge to answer certain economic questions. You understand complex identification stratigies of emprical research and can explain this to other specialists in the field in both the written and oral form. You will be asked to think critically on the assumptions of certain empirical methods and to judge the merit of such methods used in research.
Advanced methods, models, and research question in modern econometric analysis and their applications: Emprical Microeconomics, empirical Macroeconomics, and emprical Finance
Modul: Advanced Economic Policy Analysis
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge of methods and application in modern economic political analysis. You will be asked to apply important and advanced empirical and theoretical knowledge in the policy analysis of a particular policy alone or in groups. You can present the results of your research to specialists in the field and the general public. You are also able to reflect on the limits and assumptions of your own analysis. Students can evaluate particular policies and develop alternatives.
Advanced research question in economic policy analysis: Applied Macroeconomics, Applied Microeconomics, and Applied Public Finance
Modul: Advanced Quantitative Economics
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge in statistical methods and models. You will be asked to capture these models and methods with mathematical exactness and to analyze them. You thus understand the underlying assumptions and can reflect upon them critically. You can apply these methods and models to complex data structures.
Advanced methods und research questions in statistics and econometrics: advanced survey statistics, high-dimensional statistical methods, structural microeconometrics, stochastic optimization, Monte Carlo based methods, Big Data
Modul: Advanced Statistical Methods
Goal of this Course
Students have advanced knowledge of statistical methods and data analysis. You will be asked to deduce new statistical process and apply them to data analysis. You can thus think critically about the assumptions and limits of statistical processes in research you develop individually.
Advanced Methods of Statistics: Baysian estimation, Variance estimation process, multiple Imputation, small area estimation