PhD Fast Track
A quick start into your PhD
Thanks to a strong relationship with the Berlin School of Economics, our Master's in Public Economics offers courses from a renowned gradute school. The goal of the Fast Track is the promotion of motivated young scholars.
During your Master's in Public Economics, you can attend courses at the BSE. These courses can be acredited to your Master's as well as a future Doctorate at the BSE. You can attend courses from the first year of the BSE program, where you can network with doctoral students and get an early start on your Doctorate.
You can apply for a position for a spot in the Fast Track program at the BSE at the beginnning of your Master's. If you are accepted, you will benefit from the Workshops and Seminars offered by the BSE.
However, it is not necessary to apply for a spot at the BSE's Fast Track program, in order to take part in the Seminars. You have access to the Seminars offered in the Fast Track through your Master's in Public Economics. The courses you attend at the BSE can be credited to both your Master's and future PhD.
The webpages of the BSE and DIW GC provide a course program. If lecturers within our faculty are offering the courses, then there are no further steps other than registration over campus management. If you would like to attend courses not offered by our faculty members, then you should inform the Program Coordinator's Office. Links to the DIW and BSE websites are linked below.
General questions about the PhD Fast Track accrediting courses from the BSE can be answered by your Program Coordinator's Office. You can also contact the BSE directly.