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Admission Requirements

The following abstract is intended to provide potential applicants with the most important information regarding the application and admission process. Please note that applications are accepted within the official application period only.

Further information on the application deadlines can be found here.


1. Fill in the Online Form:

  • Students who have acquired their first academic degree in Germany apply to Freie Universität directly. The online form can be found at the bottom of the following website. Please pay attention to additional directions thereon. 
  • All other students do not apply to Freie Universität directly, but through uni-assist. Please find further information here.


2. Compile all documents required:

The following documents need to be attached to your application in any case. Please check individually whether further documents are required in your case. Incomplete applications will not be processed by the Admissions Office.

1) Certificate of your first academic degree,

2) Transcript of records to prove the required prerequisites (see below for information about required ECTS points),

3) The final thesis of your first academic degree in German or English,

4) Certificates of adequate language skills in English and/or German (only non-native speakers who did not graduate in the respective language, see below),

5) Photocopy of passport (only when applying through uni-assist).


3. Send in your documents

...to the Admissions Office of Freie Universität resp. to uni-assist.

Notice: Please check in advance whether you fulfill all admission requirements. A short overview will be given in the following but does not substitute for studying our articles of study place allocation (Vergabesatzung, abbr.: VergS) intensively.

 1) Admission requirements as per Sec. 3 par. 1 VergS:

 completed academic degree in Economics, Business or Legal Sciences (Bachelor or comparable) with

  • at least 180  ECTS in total (the Credit Points for each Moule have to be written on the Transcript of Records)

Until the end of the application deadline you need to have at least 2/3 of all expected ECTS of your Bachelor degree.

  • a minimum of 40 ECTS points in 
  • Business Taxation
  • Business Finance 
  • Public Finance
  • Financial/managerial Accounting
  • Related legal areas (e.g. Commercial Law, Corporate Law)
Until the end of the application peroid you need to show at least 30 ECTS in those areas.
  • a minimum of 18 ECTS points in Basics of: 
  • Mathematics (a minimum of 6 ECTS points)
  • Statistics/Econometrics (a minimum of 6 ECTS points)
  • Information Systems
In mathematics and statistics a minimum of 12 ECTS points has to be proven until the end of the application period.
  • a minimum of 5 ECTS points in microeconomics
  • the proof of your ability to use scholarly methods to deal with economic or legal subjects with professional guidance. Evidence must be provided by submitting the final thesis of your first academic degree or a comparable seminar paper (at least 15 pages).


2) Furthermore, all applicants have to prove adequate levels of both German and English language skills.

The obligation to prove adequate language skills applies to all students who are no German resp. English native speakers and who have not completed their first degree in English resp. German.


The required level of English language skills is B2 GER. This conforms to the state of knowledge that is usually acquired within six years of English studies at German schools. A German University Entrance Qualification can therefore be sufficient evidence.

All other students have to pass a TOEFL or comparable English language test. The Admissions Office has published an official list of tests (incl. required minimum results) that are considered equivalent:



All students have to prove adequate German language skills. 

The accepted language certificates are listed here.

For foreign students only:

In case your application is approved, here is a link providing some information on how to apply for visa: https://www.studying-in-germany.org/german-student-visa/.