Dr. Hans-Georg Zimmermann (SIEMENS), TC-23, HFB|B
Thursday, 13.30 - 14.15, HFB|B
Data Analytics, Machine Intelligence and Digitalization at Siemens
Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization are general megatrends in research and industry. The big data trend was initiated by the increasing computer power and the internet. But data alone are only information about the past, we have to find structures and causalities between the variables. Based on such models we can compute information about possible futures and go on to decision support or control. The view of artificial intelligence is to solve the above problems with human analog methods. Especially neural networks and deep learning play an important role in such an effort. Siemens has a focus on technical and not internet applications, so we call our development machine intelligence instead artificial intelligence. Finally, digitalization describes the way from physical processes (and production lines) to virtualization, using the digital copy of the processes for optimization and online control.
In a final part of the talk I will show in form of examples, that in an industrial research center research plays an important role: First, we have to confront problems which were unsolved otherwise. Second, the knowledge accumulation in lasting teams opens unique selling points for the company.
Dr. Hans Georg Zimmermann, Study of Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics at University of Bonn (PhD in game theory). Since 1987 at Siemens, Corporate Research in Munich. Founding member of the neural network research at Siemens (starting 1987). Since 2000 Senior Principal Research Scientist, scientific head of the neural network research with applications in forecasting, diagnosis and control. Member of GOR, DMV, DPG, advisor of the National Science Foundation in US, lectures and talks at universities on all continents.