Abstract Submission
Presentations at the conference will be organized in parallel sessions within thematic streams. A presentation requires the submission of an abstract (max. 1800 characters (incl. spaces), no formulas or mathematical notation, English is preferred but German is also possible). The first author of an abstract is supposed to give the speech. Each attendee is allowed to present one paper at the conference.
The abstract submission is possible until April 30, 2017- extended until May 9 - NOW CLOSED. As usual the actual submission is handled by the web-based EURO-online conference tool. If you do not already have a EURO-online account, for example from previous GOR or EURO conferences, you will need to create one.
Submitted abstracts are assessed and managed by the respective stream chairs. Acceptance notifications will be sent by e-mail.
For inclusion in the final program and in the conference materials, the first authors of accepted abstracts (notifications are due May 30, 2017) need to register until June 15, 2017.
There will be a printed post-conference proceedings volume (to be published by Springer next year). Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit a 6-page manuscript until July 15, 2017 (optional).
If you have any problems or questions concerning abstract submission, please contact us at or2017@fu-berlin.de.