Prof. Dr. Ronnie Schöb
Chair of International Public Economics
Office hours
the office hours will be on Tuesdays (1 pm till 3 pm)
Pre-arranged appointments only, please call 030/838-51244 or send an e-mail to:
Personal Data. Born 3rd January 1962 in Oberstdorf, Germany, married, one child.
Academic qualifications. Diplom-Volkswirt (equiv. M.A. in Economics), University of Munich (1987). Dr. oec. publ., University of Munich (1994). Habilitation, University of Munich (2000).
Previous positions. Lecturer (A13), Department of Economics, University of Munich (1989-94). Visiting Lecturer, University of Essex, UK (1994-95). Senior Lecturer (C1), Department of Economics, University of Munich (1995-2001). Managing Director of Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economic Assosiation) (2000-01). Vissiting Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada (2000-01). Visiting Professor, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (2001-02). Full Professor for Public Economics (C4), Otto-von-Guericke University Magdebug (2002-2007).
Present position. Full Professor for International Public Economics (W3), Freie Universität Berlin (since April 2007). Research Professor, Ifo-Institute Dresden (since May 2008). Dean, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin (since July 2010).
- Happiness
- Labor Economics
- General Public Economics
- Reforming the Welfare State
- Optimal Taxation
- Environmental and Resource Economics
[5] Geld macht doch glücklich. Wo die ökonomische Glücksforschung irrt (together with Joachim Weimann and Andreas Knabe), Schäffer-Poeschel, 2012 (Money does make happy. Where economic happiness research is wrong).
[4] Alleviation Urban Congestion (together with Richard Arnott and Tilmann Rave), MIT Press, 2005.
[3] Arbeit ist machbar – Die Magdeburger Alternative. Eine sanfte Therapie für Deutschland (together with Joachim Weimann), Janos Stekovics Verlag: Dößel, 5th edition: June 2006 (The Magdeburg Alternative: a mild therapy for the German labor market).
[2] Steuerreform und Gewinnbeteiligung: Neue Wege aus der Beschäftigungskrise, Beiträge zur Finanzwissenschaft Bd. 9, Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, 2000 (Tax Reform and Profit Sharing: New Roads Back to Full Employment).
[1] Ökologische Steuerysteme. Umweltökonomie und optimale Besteuerung, Campus: Frankfurt, New York, 1995 (Ecological Tax Systems: Environmental Economics and Optimal Taxation).
Articles in refereed journals and books
[38] Changing Identity: Retiring from Unemployment (together with Clemens Hetschko and Andreas Knabe) to be published in Economic Journal.
[37] Unemployment and Identity to be published in CESifo Economic Studies 59.2013 (CESifo Discussion Paper No. 3991, November 2012)
[36] Subsidizing extra jobs: promoting employment by taming the unions (together with Andreas Knabe) to be published in Oxford Economic Papers 2012.
[35] Tax Progression under Collective Bargaining and Individual Effort Determination (together with Erkki Koskela), Industrial Relations 51(3), 2012, 749-771.
[34] Minimum wages and their alternatives: a critical assessment (together with Andreas Knabe), German Politics 20(4), 2011, 506-526.
[33] Welfare policy in the presence of unionised labour and internationally mobile firms (together with Silvia Rocha-Akis), Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113.2011, 93-119.
[32] Dissatisfied with Life, but Having a Good Day: Time-Use and Well-Being of the Unemployed(together with Andreas Knabe, Steffen Rätzel and Joachim Weimann), Economic Journal 120.2010, 867-889.
[31] Outsourcing of Unionized Firms and the Impact of Labor Market Policy Reforms (together with Erkki Koskela), Review of International Economics 18.2010, 682-695.
[30] Laying off or not? The influence of framing and economics education (together with Jeannette Brosig, Timo Heinrich, Thomas Riechmann and Joachim Weimann), International Review of Economics Education 9.2010, 44-54.
[29] Climate Policy: reaping an additional employment dividend, Public Finance and Management 9.2010, 251-283.
[28] Minimum wage incidence: the case for Germany (together with Andreas Knabe),FinanzArchiv 65.2009(4), 403-441.
[27] Is tax progression good for employment? Efficiency wages and the role of the pre-reform tax structure (together with Erkki Koskela), FinanzArchiv 65.2009, 51-72.
[26] Internal versus External Reference in Efficiency Wage Models Reconsidered(together with Erkki Koskela), Journal of Economics 96.2009, 79-96.
[25] Economic Integration and Labor Market Institutions. Worker Mobility, Earning Risks, and Contract Structure (together with David Wildasin), Regional Science and Urban Economics 37.2007, 141-164.
[24] Marginal Employment Subsidization: A New Concept and a Reappraisal, (together with Andreas Knabe and Joachim Weimann), Kyklos 59.2006, 557-577.
[23] Optimal Capital Taxation in Economies with Unionised and Competitive Labour Markets (together with Erkki Koskela), Oxford Economic Papers 57.2005, 717-731.
[22] The Double Dividend Hypothesis of Environmental Taxes: A Survey, in: Henk Folmer und Tom Tietenberg (eds.): The International Yearbook Of Environmental And Resource Economics 2005/2006, Edgar Elgar: Cheltenham, 223-279.
[21] Optimal Central Bank Conservatism and Monopoly Trade Unions (together with Helge Berger and Carsten Hefeker), IMF Staff Papers 51.2004, 585-605.
[20] Kombilohn: Die Magdeburger Alternative (together with Joachim Weimann), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 4.2003, 1-16 (The Magdeburg Alternative).
[19] Public Profit Sharing, Kyklos 55.2002, 523-542.
[18] Optimal Factor Income Taxation in the Presence of Unemployment (together with Erkki Koskela), Journal of Public Economic Theory 4.2002, 387-404.
[17] Why Governments Should Tax Mobile Capital in the Presence of Unemployment (together with Erkki Koskela), Contributions in Economic Policy & Analysis 1.2002, Article 1.
[16] Green Tax Reform and Competitiveness (together with Erkki Koskela and Hans-Werner Sinn), German Economic Review 2.2001, 19-30.
[15] Redistribution and Internalization: The Many-Person Ramsey Tax Rule Revisited (together with Jukka Pirttilä), Public Finance Review 27.1999, 541-560.
[14] Alleviating Unemployment: The Case for Green Tax Reforms (together with Erkki Koskela), European Economic Review 43.1999, 1723-1746 [Reprint in: Lawrence Goulder (ed.): Environmental Policy Making in Economies with Prior Tax Distortions, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2002, 355-378].
[13] Does the Composition of Wage And Payroll Taxes Matter under Nash Bargaining (together with Erkki Koskela), Economics Letters 64.1999, 343-349.
[12] Environmental Taxes on Exhaustible Resources (together with Eirik Amundsen), European Journal of Political Economy 15.1999, 311-329.
[11] Workfare in Germany and the Problem of Vertical Fiscal Externalities (together with Holger Feist), Finanzarchiv 55.1998, 461-480.
[10] Pollution, Factor Taxation and Unemployment (together with Erkki Koskela and Hans-Werner Sinn), International Tax and Public Finance 5.1998, 379-396.
[9] Ecological Tax Reforms and the Environment: A Note, Bulletin of Economic Research 50.1998, 83-89.
[8] Environmental Taxes and Pre-Existing Distortions: The Normalization Trap, International Tax and Public Finance 4.1997, 167-176 [Reprint in: Lawrence Goulder (ed.): Environmental Policy Making in Economies with Prior Tax Distortions, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2002, 184-199].
[7] Internalizing Externalities in Second-Best Tax Systems (together with Gerhard O. Orosel), Public Finance 51.1996. 242-257.
[6] Evaluating Tax Reforms in the Presence of Externalities, OxfordEconomic Papers 48.1996, 537-555.
[5] Choosing the Right Instrument: The Role of Public Revenues for Environmental Policy, Environmental and Resource Economics 8.1996, 399-416.
[4] Kreditrationierung und Treuhandpolitik, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 215.1996, 143-156 (Credit rationing and the Treuhand policy in east Germany).
[3] Zur Bedeutung des Ökosteueraufkommens: Die Double-Dividend Hypothese, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaften 115.1995, 93-117 (On the role of green tax revenues: the double-dividend hypothesis).
[2] On Marginal Cost and Marginal Benefit of Public Funds, Public Finance 49.1994, 87-106 [Reprint in: John Creedy (ed.):Economic Welfare: Concepts and Measurement Vol. II, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics 107, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 1999, 113-132].
[1] Resource Extraction and the Threat of Possible Expropriation: The Role of Swiss Bank Accounts (together with Kai A. Konrad and Trond E. Olsen), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 26.1994, 149-162.
Non-refereed articles
[14] Die Vermessung des Glücks (together with Joachim Weimann and Andreas Knabe) in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, December 2012, 76-80 (Measuring Happiness).
[13] Soziale Grundsicherung und Beschäftigung, in: Bengt-Arne Wickström, (eds.): Öffentliche Finanzen, Fiskalvettbewerb, Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Wohlfahrt, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2011, 65-205 (Social Security and Employment).
[12] Steuern oder Zertifikate: Wie wichtig ist die zweite Dividende für die Klimapolitik? in: Frank Beckenbach et. al. (Hrsg): Diskurs Klimapolitik, Jahrbuch Ökologische Ökonomie 2009, Metropolis, Marburg,169-188 (Taxes or licences: How important is the double dividend for climate policy?).
[11] Was macht Ökonomen „anders“? Wirkungen der Ökonomieausbildung in Magdeburg und Köln (together with Jeannette Brosig, Timo Heinrich, Thomas Riechmann, and Joachim Weimann) in: Horst Gischer, Peter Reichling, Thomas Spengler and Alois Wenig (eds.): Transformation in der Ökonomie – Festschrift für Gerhard Schwödiauer zum 65. Geburtstag, Gabler Edition Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden, 2008, 201-217 (What makes economists „different“?).
[10] Ökologische Steuerreform und doppelte Dividende, in: Wolfgang Franz, Hans Jürgen Ramser and Manfred Stadler, (eds.): Umwelt und Energie. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren, Band 35, Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, 2006. 41-70 (Green tax reform and the double-dividend hypothesis).
[9] Beschäftigung und Lohnnebenkosten (together with Joachim Weimann) in: Thea Dückert, Peter Siller and Arne Baumann (eds.): Arbeit der Zukunft. Neue Wege einer gerechten und emanzipativen Arbeitspolitik, Nomos: Baden-Baden 2006, 113-126 (Employment and non-wage labor cost).
[8] Maut und Roadpricing, in: Gerhard Wäscher et al. (eds.): Intelligente Logistikkonzepte: Konzepte, Lösungen, Erfahrungen, Begleitband zur 11. Magdeburger Logistiktagung „Logistik aus technischer und ökonomischer Sicht“ Logisch: Magdeburg, 2005, 12-23 (Tolls and road pricing).
[7] The multi-mode ticket: Reducing urban traffic congestion in medium-sized towns, CESifo DICE Report 3/2005, 28-33.
[6] Comment on: “A Conceptual Framework for the Evaluation of Comprehensive Labor Market Policy Reforms in Germany” by Michael Fertig and Jochen Kluve, Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement 55.2004, 113-116. [5] Comment on: The Kyoto Protocol: “Domestic Policy Impacts and International Spill-Overs by Christoph Böhringer and Thomas F. Rutherford”, in: Paul J. J. Welfens (ed.): Internationalization of the Economy: Environmental Problems and New Policy Options“ Springer: New York et al., 2001, 181-189.[4] Green Tax Reform, Structural Unemployment, and Welfare (together with Erkki Koskela and Hans-Werner Sinn), in Howard Chernick (ed.): Proceedings of the 91st Annual Conference on Taxation, Washington D.C. 1999, 52-56.
[3] On the Efficiency of Green Tax Reforms to Reduce CO2 Emissions, in: Ekko van Ierland and Kazimierz Gorka (eds.): The Economics of Atmospheric Pollution: Theories, Models and Applications to Central and Eastern Europe, Springer: New York et al. 1996, 99-112.
[2] Effizienzaspekte der Aufkommensverwendung bei Ökosteuern (together with Stephan Panther), in: Jürgen Wahl (eds.): Steuerpolitik vor neuen Aufgaben, transfer: Regensburg 1991, 165-183 (Efficiency aspects of revenues from green taxes).
[1] Sozialpakt für den Aufschwung. Ein Modell für Ostdeutschland (together with Marcel Thum and Alfons Weichenrieder), WIST 21.1992, 191-196 (Social compact for employment: a model for east Germany).
Policy contributions
[35] Wider die Privatisierung der Sozialpolitik – Anmerkungen zum Mindestlohn, May11, 2012, (Against privatizing social policy – comments on the minimum wage).
[34] Mindestlohn: Keine Privatisierung der Sozialpolitik, Wirtschaftsdienst No. 92.5, 2012, 290 (Minimum wage: against privatizing social policy).
[33] Identity and wellbeing: how retiring makes the unemployed happier (together with Clemens Hetschko and Andreas Knabe), May 4, 2012,
[32] Ausweg Ruhestand? Wie der Renteneintritt das Unglück der Arbeitslosen behebt (together with Clemens Hetschko and Andreas Knabe), November 21, 2011, (Retiring from unemployment: How retiring relieves the unhappiness of the unemployed).
[31] Neue Erkenntnisse zum (Un-)Glück der Arbeitslosen (together with Andreas Knabe and Joachim Weimann), November 17, 2010, (New findings on the (un)happiness of the unemployed).
[30] Unemployment and Happiness: A New Take on an Old Problem (together with Andreas Knabe and Joachim Weimann), November 17, 2010,
[29] Economics of Happiness – ein neues Paradigma für die Finanzpolitik? (together with Andreas Knabe, Steffen Rätzel and Joachim Weimann), Monatsbericht des BMF, April 2010, 38-53 (Economics of Happiness – a new paradigm for fiscal policy?).
[28] Hartz IV und der Mindestlohn,, March 22, 2010 (The Hartz IV reforms and the minimum wage).
[27] Höhere Löhne = weniger Armut? Zum Zusammenspiel von Grundsicherung und Mindestlöhnen (together with Andreas Knabe), Wirtschaftsdienst Nr. 88.7, 2008, 7-11 (Higher wages = less poverty? On how basic welfare provision and minimum wages interact).
[26] Mogelpackung Mindestlohn, Financial Times Deutschland 123/26, June 26, 2008, 26 (minimum wage: a deceptive package).
[25] Bürgerarbeit – die neue Wunderwaffe (together with Marcel Thum) Ifo Dresden berichtet 2/2007, 37-38 (Bürgerarbeit – a new miraculous policy instrument?).
[24] Die Magdeburger Alternative: Lohnende Arbeit bezahlbar machen, (together with Joachim Weimann) Ifo-Schnelldienst 60.4, 2007, 42-45 (The Magdeburg Alternative: make work affordable).
[23] Arbeit fördern, nicht Nichstun. „Magdeburger Alternative“: Wie ein Kombilohn funktionieren kann, WZB Mitteilungen 114 Dezember 2006, 8-10. (Workfare instead of welfare. The Magdeburg Alternative: how a wage subsidy scheme can work).
[22] Wie Kombilöhne wirken können (together with Joachim Weimann), neue caritas 18/2006, 14-18 (How wage subsidies can work).
[21] Reform der Reform: Ist Hartz IV ein Kombilohnmodell? (together with Andreas Knabe and Joachim Weimann), Wirtschaftsdienst 86.7, 2006, 438-440 (Reforming the reform: is Hartz IV a wage subsidy scheme?).
[20] Kombilohn und Mindestlohn: Das kleine Steuerüberwälzungseinmaleins (together with Joachim Weimann), Wirtschaftsdienst 86.2, 2006, 102-104 (Wage subsidies and minimum wage: basic tax incidence insights).
[19] Wirkungsvoll und kostenlos (together with Joachim Weimann), die tageszeitung, January 24, 2006, 12 (efficient and costless).
[18] So kann der Kombilohn klappen (together with Joachim Weimann), Financial Times Deutschland Nr. 63, 16. January 16, 2006, 26 (How wage subsidies can work).
[17] Über Hartz IV hinaus (together with Joachim Weimann) Wirtschaftsdienst 85.7, 2005, 418-422 (Beyond Hartz IV).
[16] Eine sanfte Therapie für Deutschland: Die Magdeburger Alternative (together with Joachim Weimann), Magdeburger Wissenschaftsjournal Nr. 1-2 2005, 31-38 (A soft therapy für Germany: the Magdeburg Alternative).
[15] Das Sozialstaatsdilemma (together with Joachim Weimann), Financial Times Deutschland Nr. 63, April 1-3, 2005, 34 (The welfare state dilemma).
[14] Was bringt die Flexibilisierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt? (together with Joachim Weimann) Wirtschaftsdienst 84.9, 2004, 565-567 (What are the consequences of a more flexible labor market).
[13] Es gibt eine Alternative zu Hartz IV (together with Joachim Weimann), Handelsblatt Nr. 173/37,. September 7, 2004, 9 (There is an alternative to Hartz IV).
[12] Aufbauspritze statt Beruhigungsmittel für den Osten (together with Joachim Weimann), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 182, August 7, 2004, 12 (Fortifiers rather than sedatives for east Germany).
[11] Magdeburger Alternative (together with Joachim Weimann), Financial Times Deutschland Nr. Nr. 73/13, April 15, 2004, 30 (Magdeburg Alternative).
[10] Minijobs als Jobkiller (together with Joachim Weimann), Financial Times Deutschland Nr. 109/2410, June 6, 2003, 34 (Mini jobs are job killers).
[9] Mehr Arbeit durch Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe? (together with Joachim Weimann), Wirtschaftsdienst 83.5, 2003, 303-306 (More employment through pooling unemployment assistence and welfare?).
[8] Neue Arbeitslose durch Mini-Jobs (together with Joachim Weimann), Financial Times Deutschland No. 25/06, February 5, 2003, 30 (Mini jobs create more unemployment).
[7] Wie in Ostdeutschland neue Jobs entstehen können (together with Joachim Weimann), Financial Times Deutschland No. 132/28, July 11, 2002, 26 (How new jobs can be created in east Germany).
[6] Die Magdeburger Alternative (together with Joachim Weimann), Financial Times Deutschland No. 88/19, May 8/9, 2002, 34 (The Magdeburg Alternative).
[5] Kommunale Beschäftigungsgesellschaften: Nur noch eine Nachbetrachtung? ifo Schnelldienst 4/2002, 19-25 (Municipal job-creation companies: an obituary only?).
[4] Durch staatliche Gewinnbeteiligung zu mehr Beschäftigung, ifo-Schnelldienst 21/2001, 11-17 (More employment with public profit sharing).
[3] Hilfe zur Arbeit – Lehren aus dem Leipziger Modell (together with Holger Feist), Wirtschaftsdienst 80.3, 2000, 159-166 (Workfare – lessons from the Leipzig model).
[2] Wie der Staat die Arbeitskosten senken kann, Handelsblatt No. 17, January 25, 2000, 53 (How the government could reduce labour cost).
[1] Einheitliche Ökosteuer: Anmerkungen zum Gesetz zum Einstieg in die ökologische Steuerreform, (together with Jakob von Weizsäcker) Kommune 17.1999, September, 15-18 (Uniform eco-taxes: some comments on the German green tax reform).
Book reviews
[3] Horst Siebert: The German Economy. Beyond the Social Market, Journal of Economics 88.2006, 203 - 205 (in English).
[2] Stefan Bach u.a.: „Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen einer ökologischen Steuerreform“, Finanzarchiv 53.1996/97, 130-133.
[1] J. Backhaus (ed.): „Systemwandel und Reformen in östlichen Wirtschaften“, Journal of Economics 56.1992, 238-241 (in English).
Completed manuscripts (submitted)
[4] Partnership, Gender Roles and the Well-Being Cost of Unemployment (together with Andreas Knabe and Joachim Weimann) CESifo Working Paper No. 3932, September 2012.
[3] Adaptation, Anticipation-Bias and Optimal Income Taxation (together with Thomas Aronsson) CESifo Working Paper No. 3840, June 2012.
[2] Job Protection Renders Minimum Wages Less Harmful (together with Marcel Thum) Diskussionsbeiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin, Volkswirtschaftliche Reihe, No. 2011/14, August 2011.
[1] Distortionary Domestic Taxation and Pareto-Efficient International Taxation, (together with Jeremy Edwards), CESifo Working Paper No. 635, January 2002.