Dipl.-Ing. Felix Obschonka

Freie Universität Berlin
School of Business and Economics
Path Dependency Research Center
Garystr. 21
14195 Berlin
14195 Berlin
+49 (0)30/838-57186
Since 2011: |
Phd-Program FU Berlin
2008: |
Studies abroad in MSc Finance at the CASS Business School London
2004-2010: |
Industrial Engineering with Majors in Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin
Topic of Diploma Thesis: "The relevance of the DESERTEC-concept for the renewable power supply of Germany and Europe“
Research and Work Experience:
2010-2011: |
IGP-Philips: Assistant to the General Manager OEM
2009-2011: |
CEO of sprachflut.de
Internships at Daimler AG, Inventux AG and Rocket Internet GmbH
Research at the Hemholtz Center Berlin in the area of photovoltaics (LPCVD Zn:O TCOs for a-Si-Modules) |
Research Interests:
- innovation management
- technology management
- entrepreneurhsip
- path dependency