Dipl.-Kffr. Nora Lohmeyer

Freie Universität Berlin
School of Business and Economics
Path Dependency Research Center
14195 Berlin
since 04/2011 | Doctoral Candidate in the DFG program "Research on Organizational Paths" at Free University, Berlin
10/2004 - 09/2010 |
University of Hamburg: Studies of Business Administration (Human Resource Management, Marketing and Sociology)
Degree: Diplom-Kauffrau
09/2008 - 07/2009 |
University of Naples (Federico II), Italy: Studies of Business Administration (Human Resources, Sociology, Marketing and Finance)
Work Experience:
01/2011 – 03/2011 |
„.ausgestrahlt e.V.“, Hamburg, Germany: campaigning
2004 - 2010 |
Various internships in Germany and abroad
Research Interests:
- Human Resource Management and Contemporary Work Patterns
- Organizational Theory and Critical Management Studies
- Management of Nonprofit-Organizations and Social Movements
- Discourse Theorie and Analysis
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Publications and Conference Presentations:
Lohmeyer, Nora (2013): “The puzzling history of corporate social responsibility in Germany – Insights from a systematic historical discourse analysis”, 29. Konferenz der European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) in Montrèal, Sub-Theme: The Handling of History: Methods and Theories, 6.7.2013.
Lohmeyer, Nora (2013): “The crisis of corporate social responsibility – a discursive perspective”, 11. Konferenz der European Sociological Association (ESA) in Turin, Sub-Theme: Critical Political Economy, 31.8.2013.
Lohmeyer, Nora (2013): Kritische Thesen zu Stakeholder-Dialogen, In: Schreyögg, Georg (Hg.): Stakeholder-Dialoge. Zwischen fairem Interessenausgleich und Imagepflege, Lit-Verlag, S. 133-160.